1500字范文 > 马克思科学技术哲学 Marxism philosophy of Science and Technology英语短句 例句大全

马克思科学技术哲学 Marxism philosophy of Science and Technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-18 21:50:44


马克思科学技术哲学 Marxism philosophy of Science and Technology英语短句 例句大全

马克思科学技术哲学,Marxism philosophy of Science and Technology

1)Marxism philosophy of Science and Technology马克思科学技术哲学

2)Marxs philosophy of technology马克思技术哲学

1.This is a basic proposition inMarxs philosophy of technology.使用技术的活动与技术本身之间的区分是马克思技术哲学的基本前提。


1.Marxist Modernity and Marxist Philosophy of Technology;马克思主义当代性问题与马克思技术哲学

2.Marx s Thought on Philosophy of Technology within the PerspectivesofOversea Scholars;国外学者视野中的马克思技术哲学思想

3.Technology and Economic Category--The Analysis of Instrumental Factor in Marxs Philosophy of Technology;技术与经济范畴——对马克思技术哲学中工具主义因素的分析

4.Marxist Philosophy and Technological Turn in Philosophy;马克思主义哲学与哲学中的“技术转向”

5.Production and Technology: the Evolution of Marx’s Philosophy of Practice;生产与技术:马克思实践哲学的嬗变

6.Desk Study of Main Thought of Marxist Philosophy of Technology--Concurrently Discussing the Marxist Philosophy of Technology Treated As Techno - Determinism马克思之技术哲学基本思想初探——兼谈作为技术决定论的马克思之技术哲学

7.A Preliminary Study of the Fundamental Ideology of Marxist Philosophy of Technology;马克思主义技术哲学基本思想初探——兼谈作为技术决定论的马克思主义技术哲学

8.Impact of Marxist Philosophy on Science and Technology in the 20th Century;马克思主义哲学对20世纪科学技术的影响

9.Marx"s View on Technology in "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts(1844)":Interpretation Based on Cultural Philosophical Perspective马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的技术观——基于文化哲学视角的阐释

10.“Bridge_building technique" in teaching Marxist philosophy;马克思主义哲学教学中的“搭桥术”

11.On the contemporary Scientific and Technological Revolution Confirming and Developing Marxist philosophy;当代科学技术革命对马克思主义哲学的证实和发展

12.Discussion on value critique function of Marxism philosophy under modern scientific and technological condition;论当代科学技术条件下马克思主义哲学的价值批判功能

13.Karl Marx"s View on Technological Essence in His Cultural/Philosophical Perspective--Transcending the View on Technological Essence in Western Philosophy马克思技术本质观的文化哲学视阈——兼论对西方哲学技术本质观的超越

14.philosophical thoughts of K. Marx and F. Engels马克思恩格斯哲学思想

15.Return to Marx--Pondering over the teaching reform of the course principles of marxism;读懂马克思——“马克思哲学原理”课教学的哲学思考

16.Principles of Marxist Philosophy马克思主义哲学原理

17.Introduction to Marxist Philosophy马克思主义哲学导论

18.Marxist Philosophical Epistemology马克思主义哲学认识论


Marxs philosophy of technology马克思技术哲学

1.This is a basic proposition inMarxs philosophy of technology.使用技术的活动与技术本身之间的区分是马克思技术哲学的基本前提。

3)marxism studies of science and technology马克思主义科学技术论

4)Marxist philosophy马克思哲学

1.Man’s Perceptible Activities and Perceptible World——The True Revolution in Marxist Philosophy;人的感性活动和感性世界——马克思哲学所实现的哲学革命

2.A Review of the Study of Contemporariness of Marxist Philosophy;马克思哲学当代性研究述评

5)marxism philosophy马克思哲学

1.Reflection on contemporary Marxism philosophy;马克思哲学的当代性反思

2.The more in-depth we study the Marxist philosophy,the more we feel it is need to explore the impact of Feuerbach philosophy on Marxism philosophy in its developing process.随着对马克思哲学研究的深入,我们感觉到有必要对其发展过程中产生过重要影响的费尔巴哈哲学进行深入探讨。

3.The change of Marxism philosophy total essence,in the development process,it has realized the change from abstract human to reality human;in the explain principle,it has realized the change from the hu- manity dimension to the unity of humanity dimension and history dimension;in the total property,it has real- ized the change from material ontology to history materialism.马克思哲学总体性质的转变,从发展历程看,马克思哲学实现了由“抽象的人”的学说到“现实的 人”的学说的转变;从解释原则看,马克思哲学实现了从“单一的人道尺度”到“人道尺度和历史尺度统一”的转 变;从总体性质看,马克思哲学实现了由物质本体论的唯物主义到历史唯物主义的转变。

6)Marx"s philosophy马克思哲学

1.Just in this meaning, to explainMarx"s philosophy is a ceaseless topic in the research.在近些年“回到马克思”或“发现马克思”研究和讨论中,涌现出对马克思哲学的多种解读,其中,社会关系理论研究以其独特的观察视角和明确的立意指向值得关注,成为一种新兴而重要的研究方向。


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