1500字范文 > 苔类植物 Hepaticae英语短句 例句大全

苔类植物 Hepaticae英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-02 00:41:51


苔类植物 Hepaticae英语短句 例句大全



1.Preliminary Studies on Flora ofHepaticae of Qinling Mountain;秦岭地区苔类植物区系的初步研究

2.Primary Study onHepaticae from Mt.Qilian;祁连山地区苔类植物的初步研究

3.An Investigation onHepaticae from Foping National Reserve;佛坪国家级自然保护区苔类植物的调查研究


1.Prelmnary Studies on Flora of Hepaticae of Qinling Mountain;秦岭地区苔类植物区系及拟大萼苔属植物研究

2.Species Diversity and Distribution of Liverworts and Hornworts in Hainan Island, China;海南苔类和角苔类植物的物种多样性和分布

3.Species Diversity and Distribution of Liverworts and Hornworts in Guangdong, China广东省苔类和角苔类植物的物种多样性和分布

4.The Preliminary Study on the Liverworts of Sichuan Province I-The Study on the Liverworts of Mt.Jinfo;四川苔类植物的初步研究I-金佛山苔类植物研究

5.Study of Species Biodiversity of Hepaticae in Hebei Province, China with the Antibacterial Test on Bryophythes;河北省苔类植物物种多样性及苔藓植物抗菌性试验研究

6.Chemical Constituents of Four Liverworts and Their Biological Activities;四种苔类植物的化学成分及其生物活性

7.Liverwort Flora of Bawangling Nature Reserve and the Correlations between the Liverwort Flora of Hainan Island and Adjacent Islands;海南霸王岭自然保护区苔类植物区系以及海南苔类植物区系与临近岛屿的关系

8.Study on the Liverwort Flora and Ecological Distribution of Bryophytes in Evergreen Broadleaved Forests of Daweishan Nature Reserve;云南大围山苔类植物区系及其常绿阔叶内苔藓植物生态分布的研究

9.Cytological Study of Some Important Liverworts and Index to Bryophyte Chromosome Counts Update一些重要苔类植物的染色体研究和世界苔藓植物染色体数目索引更新

10.Chemical Constituents of Three Liverworts, Bibenzyl Derivatives Preparation and Their Biological Activities三种苔类植物化学成分分离、联苄衍生物制备及生物活性

11.Hepatic Flora of Maoershan Nature Reserve, Guangxi and Synopsis of the Hepatic Flora of Guangxi;广西猫儿山自然保护区苔类和角苔植物区系以及广西苔类和角苔植物区系概况

12.The reddish dyestuff obtained from any of these organisms.苔色素由此类植物提出的红色染料

13.(botany) of or relating to the apothecium of some lichens and fungi.(植物学)苔藓和菌类的子囊盘。

14.Study on Taxonomy and Flora of Hypnaceae in Guizhou;贵州灰藓科苔藓植物分类及区系研究

15.Any of several similar plants, such as the African violet.堇菜属植物几种类似植物之一,如非洲紫苣苔

16.Advances on Ecological Studies of Algae and Mosses in Biological Soil Crust荒漠生物结皮中藻类和苔藓植物研究进展

17.The study of bryophytes.苔藓(植物)学对苔藓植物的研究

18.The spore-bearing part of a moss capsule.盖果基,蒴壶苔藓类植物的孢蒴里长孢子的部分



1.Studies on Morphology and Structure of the Spores of ChineseLiverworts and Their Significance in Systematics and Evolution;中国苔类植物孢子的形态结构及其系统演化意义研究

2.Chemical Constituents of ThreeLiverworts, Bibenzyl Derivatives Preparation and Their Biological Activities三种苔类植物化学成分分离、联苄衍生物制备及生物活性

3.There are 165 liverworts belonging to 51 genera in 23 families reported in Bawangling Nature Reserve,which located in the southwest of Hainan Island.霸王岭自然保护区位于海南岛的西南部,共有苔类植物23科51属165种。


1.Chromosome Observation on Six Chinese Species of liverwort;六种中国苔类植物的染色体观察

2.The Preliminary Study on theLiverworts of Sichuan Province I-The Study on theLiverworts of Mt.Jinfo;四川苔类植物的初步研究I-金佛山苔类植物研究

3.Collectively,they represent several quite separate evolutionary lines and are classified into three coordinate phyla: mosses,liverworts,and hornworts.苔纲植物在全球约有6000余种,许多苔类植物既不被动物取食又不会遭受害虫的袭击,甚至至今还没有发现在苔类植物中存在病毒。




1.There has been some achievement in the study of liverworts andhornworts in Guangdong,however,there is still much insufficiency:field collections are not enough,many specimens collected before are not indentified and published,bryoflora of Guangdong has not been published yet,species diversity and distribution of liverworts andhornworts in Guangdong has been poorly known.优越的自然环境和气候条件使这里孕育了丰富多样的苔藓植物,目前广东省苔类和角苔类植物的研究已取得一定成果,但仍存在许多不足:采集不够深入与全面,仍有大量采集的标本未经鉴定与发表,广东尚未有苔藓植物志的出版,广东省苔类和角苔类植物的物种多样性及分布尚不清楚。


苔类浮苔(Ricciocarpus natans)

苔类浮苔(Ricciocarpus natans) 高信曾提供[图]
