1500字范文 > 集聚 Agglomeration英语短句 例句大全

集聚 Agglomeration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-02 05:49:24


集聚 Agglomeration英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis for development trend of Financial industry agglomeration in China;我国金融业集聚的发展态势分析

2.Geographical view of creative industry agglomeration:as a case in Shanghai;地理学视野中的上海创意产业空间集聚

3.A study of the function of government to improve the development a nd agglomeration of Beijing s hi-tech industries;推进北京高新技术产业集聚与发展中的政府作用研究


1.To bring or come together in a group, crowd, or assembly.聚集聚集成一组、一群或集会

2.Analysis of Condensing Principle of Fiber Bundle in Compact Spinning with Perforated Drum网眼罗拉型集聚纺集聚区须条集聚机理分析

3.Condensing Process and Mechanism Analysis of Compact Spinning System with Inspiratory Groove气流槽聚型集聚纺纱系统集聚过程及机理分析

4.The action of one that gathers.聚集,集合收集人的行动

5.accumulating condenser聚积冷凝器;聚积冷凝器;聚集冷凝器;聚集冷凝器

6.To come together for a common purpose.聚集为了一个共同的目的聚集到一起

7.Single-species Aggregation --Migration Model;单组元聚集体的聚集——迁移的模型

8.To gather into a mass, sum, or whole.使聚集,使积聚使聚集成团块、总体或整体

9.process of becoming,or state of being,a conglomerate聚集过程;组建成企业集团的过程;聚集状态.

10.The ornithologists gathered.鸟类学家们又聚集一起。

11.The children clustered round their mother.孩子们聚集在母亲身边。

12.They whipped up an audience.他们使听众聚集起来。

13.a crowd gathered about the entrance一群人聚集在入口处。

14.Clouds are building up over the sea.云正在海面上聚集。

15.To gather, press, or move in a throng.大群地聚集、挤压或移动

16.natural consumer catchment area消费者自然聚集的地区

17.pleat or gather into a ruffle.使打褶或聚集成皱折。

18.To tie or group together.绑扎捆扎或聚集在一起



1.Spatial Concentration and De-concentration in the Urbanization Process of China;中国城市化过程中的空间集聚与分散

2.An Analysis on Spatial Features of Regional Tourism Concentration区域旅游业集聚的空间特征分析

3.It proposes the key value "k" of scale elasticity to reflect the critical point fromconcentration to expansion.提出了反映城市集聚与扩散临界点的关键变量——规模弹性系数k,并通过建立主城与新城的作用力模型得出以下判断:新城应达到一定规模,并与主城间保持一定距离,使其自身产生足够的"吸引力"以保持"生长",与主城形成稳定平衡结构。


1.Industrial Cluster and the Thought about New - Type Industrialization;产业集聚与新型工业化思考

2.The economic analysis:about regional development strategy of promoting the enterpriseclusters by the way of specialization;对“以专业化促集聚”的区域发展战略的经济学分析

3.Cluster of Agricultural Products Processing Industry in Lianzi Town;莲子镇农产品加工业集聚研究


1.FDIaggregation produces deep long influence to the society and economy of our country.FDI集聚效应中国产业竞争力的具有双重影响。

2.Quality control over protein structure and function depends on the presence of molecular chaperones and proteases, which preventaggregation.然而,在多肽链的折叠过程中,往往也会产生一些折叠异常的蛋白,形成集聚体即包涵体。

3.According to the theory of industrialaggregation and radiation,the paper analyzes the logistics service in Shanghai and considers that the object of logistics service is pluralistic,is theaggregation of service chain and the logistics service in Shanghai should improve service level by constructing logistics service business district.从产业集聚和辐射理论出发,对上海物流服务进行分析,认为物流服务的对象是多元化的,是对其服务链的集聚。


1.Gathering·Division·Combining: Studies on the Urbanization of Suzhou in 1927-1937;集聚·分化·整合:1927-1937年苏州城市化研究

2.Qualified scientists and techniciansgathering has been studied based on selforganization theory for the first time.从自组织理论出发研究科技人才集聚现象,分析科技人才集聚的自组织机制。

3.The crux of realizing the leap development of Zhoushan economy lies in thegathering, developing and training of qualified personnel.实现舟山经济跨越式发展的关键在于人才的集聚、开发与使用。


1.The Research ofCentralization and Diffusion LawsTo the Economic Central City;经济中心城市的集聚与扩散规律研究

2.The aim of this research is to take the example of Beijing City to explore the characters of centralization-decentralization evolvement in the land for industry and to find out the suggestion of management corresponding to current situation and problem.以北京市为例,探讨工业用地的空间集聚分散变化特征,并针对现状和存在问题提出工业用地管理政策建议。


