1500字范文 > 眼内窥镜 endoscope英语短句 例句大全

眼内窥镜 endoscope英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-09 14:24:41


眼内窥镜 endoscope英语短句 例句大全



1.Vitrectomy led by ocularendoscope on the treatment of endophthalmitis with severe corneal opacity;眼内窥镜引导玻璃体手术治疗伴有严重角膜混浊的眼内炎


1.Experimental Study of Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation in Rabbit Eyes;兔眼内窥镜睫状体光凝术的实验研究

2.Retinal Examination with Ophthalmic Endoscopy in Forensic Autopsy;眼内窥镜检查视网膜在法医学中的应用价值

3.Collaboration of Laser Microscope and Endoscope眼激光显微内窥镜系统的使用配合

4.Clinical analysis of treating hypotony using vitrectomy assisted with intraocular videoendoscope内窥镜下玻璃体切除术治疗低眼压的临床分析

5.Objective: To study the reasons and prevention for orbit complications of the endoscopic sinus surgery.目的:探讨鼻窦内窥镜手术眼眶并发症的原因及预防。

6.Experimental Study on Intraocular Pressure and the Rate of Aqueous Fluid Production after Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation内窥镜下睫状体光凝术后的眼压及房水生成量的实验研究

7.upper gastrointestinal endoscopy上肠胃道内窥镜检查

8.International Society for Endoscopy国际内窥镜检查学会

9.The lens or lens group closest to the eye in an optical instrument;an ocular.目镜光学仪器中靠近眼睛的透镜或透镜组;窥孔

10.Wireless Capsule Endoscope System and the Research for the Deblurring of Endoscope Image;无线胶囊内窥镜系统及内窥图像反降晰研究

11.The ability of MRI in depicting duodenal papilla was similar to endoscopy, and the MRI was superior to endoscopy in evaluating the carcinoma of the ampulla.MRI显示十二指肠乳头与内窥镜近似,显示壶腹癌优于内窥镜。

parative study between endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation and the Ahmed drainage implant in glaucoma after corneal transplantation内窥镜下睫状体光凝和减压阀植入术治疗角膜移植术后青光眼的疗效对比

13.of or relating to endoscopy.属于或关于内窥镜检查的。

14.sluminal coronary angiocopy经皮经腔冠状动脉内窥镜

15.To summarize the nursing experience of Rhino endoscopic surgery.目的 :总结鼻窦内窥镜手术的护理经验。

16.31 sides (88.6%) were cured by FESS;结果鼻内窥镜术治愈为88.6%(31/35);

17.endoscopy in gynecology and obstetrics内窥镜术在妇产科的应用

18.endoscopy in respiratory system内窥镜术在呼吸系统的应用



1.Endoscope-assisted transscleral sulcus fixation of sutured posterior chamber intraocular lenses;眼内内窥镜直视下经巩膜睫状沟人工晶体缝合固定


1.Construction and Application of the Bedside Nasal Endoscope System;床旁鼻内窥镜系统的构建及应用

2.A method for designing exterior coils of capsuleendoscope drived by magnetic field;外磁场驱动的无线内窥镜磁场线圈的设计方法研究

3.Under theendoscope assistance the thyroid gland micro creates the surgery the clinical research;内窥镜辅助下甲状腺微创手术的临床研究


1.Treatment of refractory lacrimal passage obstruction by endoscopy of the lacrimal drainage system;经泪小点泪道内窥镜治疗难治性泪道阻塞性疾病

2.The treatment of lacrimal obstruction by endoscopy system;泪道内窥镜治疗泪道阻塞的初步应用体会

3.Application of virtual endoscopy in head and neck surgery;仿真内窥镜在头颈外科中的应用


1.Application ofEndoscopy with Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Transsphenoidal Pituitary Surgery;鼻内窥镜和术中磁共振在经蝶垂体瘤手术中的应用

2.Treatment of adenoidal hypertrophy by radiofrequency under nasal endoscopy;鼻内窥镜下射频治疗腺样体肥大

3.[Objective]To evaluate the usability of endoscopy for the diagnosis of rhinorrhea.[目的]评价鼻内窥镜应用于鼻渊辨证施治中的价值。

6)Nasal endoscope鼻内窥镜

1.Treatment of Adenoidal Hypertrophy by Low-temperature-plasma-melt Under Nasal Endoscope;鼻内窥镜下等离子低温消融治疗儿童腺样体肥大

2.Treatment for allergic rhinitis by coblator under nasal endoscope;鼻内窥镜下等离子刀治疗变应性鼻炎

3.Effect of operation making an opening between nasal cavity and dacryocyst and la ying a circular tube with a nasal endoscope;鼻内窥镜下泪囊鼻腔造孔环套置管术117例


