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文人小说 literati novel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-09 16:21:55


文人小说 literati novel英语短句 例句大全

文人小说,literati novel

1)literati novel文人小说

1.This theory analysises "Chinese Narrative "from three aspects of " episodic structure" and "unified structure" identified, "irony" and”qubi”identified, "Popular Literature" and "literati novel" identified:One, " episodic structure "and" unified structure "identified.本论从“缀段结构”与“统一结构”辨、“反讽”与曲笔辨、“通俗文学”与“文人小说”辨三个方面对《中国叙事学》进行研究辨析:一、“缀段结构”与“统一结构”辨。

2)a novel of a quasi scholar准文人小说

1.In brief,it isa novel of a quasi scholar.概括说:它属于一部“准文人小说”。

3)Classical Chinese novel文言小说

1.It is Wang Tao s classical Chinese novel that reflected the intellectual s such special psychology in the period culture transformation.王韬的文言小说正是反映了文化转型时期知识分子的这种特殊心态,他在妇女观、婚姻爱情观、科举观等几个方面都体现出经过了西方文化洗礼的崭新的价值观念,但同时对传统文化仍然藕断丝连。

2.In the early period of classical Chinese fiction, "collecting"and"compiling"which appear in classical Chinese novel are just equivalent to"inquiring folks which comes forth in collecting poetry", so"collecting"is also of great significance to the emergence of classical Chinese novel.“采”对于“诗”具有发生的意义,文言小说早期之“缀”、“采”与“采诗”之“求诸野”在方式上是相通的,故“采”对于文言小说也具有发生的意义。


1.Novel concept and artistic feature of Tan Hai of Japan written in classical Chinese;日本汉文言小说《谭海》的小说观念及艺术特色

2.On The Characteristic And Developing Tracks of Novelettes in Classical Chinese in Ming Dynasty;论明代中篇文言小说发展轨迹及特点

3.On the Night Tendency Desighed by the Classical Chinese Stories during Ming and Qing;论明清文言小说时间设计的夜化倾向

4.The Progress and Changes of Classical Novels in Tang Dynasty;论文言小说在唐代发生的飞跃和变化

5.On the Cultural Mentality of the Scholars Failing in Imperial Examinations from Tang Dynasty s Novels in Classical Chinese;从唐代文言小说看落第士子的文化心态

6.The Historical Significance of the Female Character Development in Fiction of Song Dynasty Written in Classical Chinese;论宋代文言小说中女性形象演变的文学史意义

7.Speak on Behalf of the People with Novels --An Analysis on Lu Tian-ming s Novels;用小说文本为人民代言——陆天明小说论

8.Romance Novel,or Money Novel?--on the misreading of the novel text by Zhang Hen-shui言情小说,还是言钱小说?——论对张恨水小说文本的误读

9.romantic novels intended as fodder for the pulp fiction market.专供庸俗文学市场的大量言情小说

10.Evaluation in the Classical Chinese Short Story "Ye Sheng"-From the Perspective of Engagement;文言短篇《小说》叶生的评价意义研究

11.To Write the Speech: The Study of Wang Zengqi s Novel Literary Language;“写话”:汪曾祺小说文学语言研究

12.Linguistic Forms and Literary Significance in Translation of Fiction;论小说翻译中的语言形式和文学意义

13.A Cultural Perspective of the Language of Fictions in the Last 20 Years of the 20th Century;20世纪后小说语言的文化透视

14.The Folk Cultural Features of the Language Art in Qilu Lantern;论《歧路灯》小说语言的民俗文化特色

15.On Ancient Novels Written in the Vernacular;论古白话小说对文言传奇形式的影响

16.Analysis of Nervous Language of the New Realistic Novels;浅析“新写实”小说语言文字的“紧张感”

17.A Rational Recipe:an Analysis on the Cultural Mentality of Mo Yan’s Novels;理性处方:莫言小说的文化心理诊脉

18.The Regional Culture Characteristics of Gu Hua s Novels in Perspective of Dialect;从方言透视古华小说的地域文化特色


a novel of a quasi scholar准文人小说

1.In brief,it isa novel of a quasi scholar.概括说:它属于一部“准文人小说”。

3)Classical Chinese novel文言小说

1.It is Wang Tao s classical Chinese novel that reflected the intellectual s such special psychology in the period culture transformation.王韬的文言小说正是反映了文化转型时期知识分子的这种特殊心态,他在妇女观、婚姻爱情观、科举观等几个方面都体现出经过了西方文化洗礼的崭新的价值观念,但同时对传统文化仍然藕断丝连。

2.In the early period of classical Chinese fiction, "collecting"and"compiling"which appear in classical Chinese novel are just equivalent to"inquiring folks which comes forth in collecting poetry", so"collecting"is also of great significance to the emergence of classical Chinese novel.“采”对于“诗”具有发生的意义,文言小说早期之“缀”、“采”与“采诗”之“求诸野”在方式上是相通的,故“采”对于文言小说也具有发生的意义。

4)novels written in classical Chinese文言小说

1.Talented fox-maiden stories in thenovels written in classical Chinese in Qing Dynasty,which are characteristic of contemporary civilization.“诗狐”故事是清代文言小说中大量出现的一类极具近代文明色彩的人狐恋故事,其角色、情节、主题等多个文学因素都具有十分独特的性质。

2.The new light the academic circle casts on the Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School", a modern literary school, provides us a fresh academic background for the renewed evaluation of Ye Shengtao snovels written in classical Chinese.学术界对“鸳鸯蝴蝶派”的重新认识 ,为我们重新评价叶圣陶文言小说提供了新的学术背景。

5)novel style小说文体

1.In terms thenovel style,there were 3 features: the imbalance of poetry and novel development;social factors preventing the development ofnovel style;literary concepts prohibiting the development ofnovel styles.就小说文体发展而言,呈现出三方面的特征:小说发展与时代及诗文发展不平衡;社会因素制约小说文体发展;文学新观念指导滞后制约小说文体的发展。

6)novels by He Wen何文小说

1.The evil and dirty characters in thenovels by He Wen are a gang of fashionable colorful modern A Q.何文小说中的“恶浊”人物,是一班颇具时尚色彩的“现代阿Q”,他们是大社会的一个缩影。


文人1.古称先祖之有文德者。 2.知书能文的人。
