1500字范文 > 《故事新编》 Old Tales Retold英语短句 例句大全

《故事新编》 Old Tales Retold英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-16 19:16:06


《故事新编》 Old Tales Retold英语短句 例句大全

《故事新编》,Old Tales Retold

1)Old Tales Retold《故事新编》

1.The Esthetic Characteristics of the New Historical Novels——And the Comparative Study with Lu Xun sOld Tales Retold;新历史小说的审美特征——兼与鲁迅《故事新编》比较论

2.How Busy To Make a Living——On" Eating" inOld Tales Retold;“偏是谋生忙”——漫谈《故事新编》中的“吃”

3.Rethought OnOld Tales Retold"s "Characteristics of Post-modernism"《故事新编》的“后现代主义特征”


1.New Stories and Stories of New-story Style;《故事新编》与“故事新编体”小说

2.A Marking-stone of the Chinese Modernity: A New Comment on the Newly Edited Old Stories;现代性的开端——《故事新编》新论

3.Novels of Duplicate Accent: The Outstanding Contribution of "Story Newly Organized";复调小说:《故事新编》的杰出贡献

4.On the Ironic Art and Its Deep Meaning of <Old Tales Retold>;论《故事新编》的反讽艺术及其深层意蕴

5.How Busy To Make a Living--On" Eating" in Old Tales Retold;“偏是谋生忙”——漫谈《故事新编》中的“吃”

6.On LU Xun The New Collection of Stories Creative Source of Psychological;鲁迅《故事新编》的创作心理及源泉

7.The Embryology of Writing Research in the Old Tales Retold;从写作发生学看《故事新编》的创作

8.The Alunite-type Culture Construction--Brief discussion on Newly Edited Stories;涅槃式的文化建构——《故事新编》浅探

9.Taking off Crown of the Hero from Revelry--New Editions of Some Historical Stories;“狂欢”中“英雄”的脱冕——《故事新编》浅析

10.Meaning of Query: Thought and Speech in A New Compilation of Stories;质疑意义:《故事新编》的思维与言说

11.Hero Tragedy in New Editions of Some Historical Stories;由崇高到滑稽——论《故事新编》的英雄悲剧

12.Irony and Thought Connotation of New Redaction from Old Story;“反讽”与《故事新编》的思想内蕴

13.A Comparative Study of Lu Xun s Gushixinbian and European Mennippean Satire Literature;鲁迅《故事新编》与欧洲“梅尼普体”文学

14.“New Compiling of Stories”-Taking off Crown to the Old;《故事新编》——对“旧”的一次脱冕

15.Ordinary and Paradox The Time Image in Newlyedited Stories;日常与悖论──《故事新编》中的时间意象

16.Discussion on the Studies of the "Ye Cao"and "New Compiling of Stories"with Zhang Chengzhi;试论张承志对《野草》《故事新编》的解读

17.Reflections on the Research History ofThe New Versions of Stories;对《故事新编》研究历史及发展的再认识

18.The New Edition of Stories:The Monumental Work of Modern History Fiction;《故事新编》:中国现代历史小说的丰碑


"Newly Organized Stories"《故事新编》

1.The Inheritance and Development of"Newly Organized Stories"By Lu Xun from Scott s Historical Novels;论鲁迅的《故事新编》对司各特历史小说的继承与发展

3)Newly Edited Stories《故事新编》

1.The Alunite-type Culture Construction——Brief discussion onNewly Edited Stories;涅槃式的文化建构——《故事新编》浅探

parison between the Cultural Connotations in "Newly Edited Stories" and the Teleplay Series of "Playful Interpretation" History;《故事新编》和“戏说”型历史剧文化内涵之比较

4)Reorganization of Stories《故事新编》

1.The Modern Puzzlement of “The Holy” and “The Virtuous”——Explaining the Culture in Lu Xun sReorganization of Stories;“圣”“贤”的现代困惑——鲁迅《故事新编》的文化阐释

2.Discussing Modernism inReorganization of Stories and Its Artistic Achievements;论《故事新编》中的现代主义影响及其艺术成就

5)New Stories故事新编

1.The Narrative Method of "New Stories" and New Historical Novels;《故事新编》与新历史主义小说的叙事方式

6)studies of Old Tales Retold《故事新编》研究

1.Althoughstudies of Old Tales Retold lag behind among all the studies of Lu Xun, a collection of outstanding works, such as Lu Xun and Expressionism and an Analysis of the Artistic Features of Old Tales Retold, Old Tales Retold and China s New Historical Novels, and The Illuminated World: Poetic Studies of Old Tales Retold, have been published.虽然《故事新编》的研究在整个鲁迅研究中相对滞后,但通过对近十年《故事新编》研究成果的检点与梳理,仍然可以发现《鲁迅与表现主义:兼论<故事新编>的艺术特征》、《<故事新编>与中国新历史小说》、《被照亮的世界——<故事新编>诗学研究》等一批重要成果。


