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水库 reservoir英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-25 09:35:15


水库 reservoir英语短句 例句大全



1.Developments in the biogeochemical cycle of mercury inreservoirs;水库汞生物地球化学循环研究进展

2.Investigation and Estimation of Eutrophication in Large and Medium-sized Reservoirs of the Three Gorges Reservoir in Chongqing;三峡库区重庆段大中型水库富营养化调查及评价

3.Environmental Impact Assessment of Water Supply Project of Mopan Mountain Reservoir in Harbin;哈尔滨市磨盘山水库供水工程环境与卫生学评价


1.water-level ( in a reservoir,etc)(水库等的)水平面

2.Forecast of Inflow Hydrograph and Out Flow Sediment Concentration of Reservoir;水库入库洪水预报与出库含沙量预测

3.Study on Impact of Diverting Water from Furong Reservoir on Power Generation Effect of Furong Hydropower Station;芙蓉水库库内引水对水库发电效益的影响研究

4.Influence of the Jurassic Calcareous Conglomerate on the Seepage from Reservoir in a Region某水库库区侏罗系钙质砾岩对水库渗漏的影响

5.Yau Tong No. 2 Fresh Water Service Reservoir油塘二号食水配水库

6.Beacon Hill Intermediate Level Salt Water Service Reservoir笔架山中海水配水库

7.Tseung Kwan O West Low Level Fresh Water Service Reservoir将军澳西下食水配水库

8.Tseung Kwan O West Low Level Salt Water Service Reservoir将军澳西下海水配水库

9.Tai Po Tau Fresh Water Primary Service Reservoir大埔头食水主配水库

10.Tai Po East Low Level Fresh Water Service Reservoir大埔东下食水配水库

11.Tan Kwai Tsuen South Fresh Water Service Reservoir丹桂村南食水配水库

12.Tai Po East High Level Fresh Water Service Reservoir大埔东上食水配水库

13.Sheung Wong Yi Au Fresh Water Service Reservoir上黄宜凹食水配水库

14.Shau Kei Wan Low Level Salt Water Service Reservoir筲箕湾下海水配水库

15.Shau Kei Wan No. 2 Fresh Water Service Reservoir筲箕湾二号食水配水库

16.Shau Kei Wan High Level Salt Water Service Reservoir筲箕湾上海水配水库

17.Shau Kei Wan High Level Fresh Water Service Reservoir筲箕湾上食水配水库

18.Shau Kei Wan East High Level Fresh Water Service Reservoir筲箕湾东上食水配水库



1.Advance in theeutrophication models forlakes andreservoirs;湖泊及水库富营养化模型研究综述

2.Multireservoirs joint operation for Baojixia Irrigation area;宝鸡峡灌区多水库联合调节

3.Optimal ecological sound operation of the cascadereservoirs in the lower Yalongjiang River雅砻江下游梯级水库生态友好型优化调度


1.An Approach for Modelingon the Temporal and SpatialDistribution of P and Nduring the Initial Stage ofReservior Operation;新建水库初期磷氮变化的动态模拟研究

2.Assurement of enforcing design scheme for spillway danger removal of Tunjiang reservior屯绛水库溢洪道除险加固设计方案的确定

3.Design of Decision Support System for Large-ScaleReservior Flood Dispatching大型水库防洪调度决策支持系统的开发

4)water reservoir水库

1.Currentwater reservoirs mainly hidden dangers and the countermeasure for prevention and harnessing;当前水库工程的主要隐患及防治对策

2.My views to the problem of non gratuitous watersupply from the Qingshitanwater reservoir to the Lijiang river for tourism;关于青狮潭水库向漓江旅游有偿供水问题之我见

3.Research on Water Reservoir Automation;水库综合自动化系统研究

5)reservoir capacity水库库容

1.The analysis method, the new method calculatingreservoir capacity, is put forward on the basis of topographic map, without area meter and no reservoir cross-section.提出一种不必使用求积仪量算面积,无须绘制横断面图,直接在大比例尺地形图上,量取横断面上特征点(反映在地形图上)的有关数据,用解析法计算横断面面积,从而计算水库库容的新方法———解析法。

6)reservoir area水库库区

1.In this paper, soil erosion has been evaluated and predicted, countermeasures are proposed to provide a theoretical basis for comprehensive management on Wubareservoir area.本文对乌坝河水库库区水土流失危险性进行评价,提出相应的防治对策,为乌坝河水库库区综合治理提供理论依据。


水库水库reservoir在山谷、河道或低洼地区用挡水和泄水等水工建筑物形成的人工水域。常用的挡水建筑物有坝、堤和水闸等。水库具有调节径流、集中落差和调整上游回水区内水面比降的作用,可用于防洪、城镇供水、灌溉、水力发电、提供和改善航运条件、养殖、旅游和改善环境等。水库按修建的地点分为山谷水库和平原水库,前者占绝大多数。在潜流丰富的季节性河流河床下,修建截流墙等水工建筑物形成的潜流汇集区域,称为地下水库。按水库对径流的调节性能分为日调节、周调节、年调节和多年调节水库。按用途分为单一用途水库和综合性利用水库。按规模分为大、中、小型水库,但各国划分标准不一。中国按库容划分:大于10亿立方米为大(1)型,1~10亿立方米为大(2)型,0.1~1亿立方米为中型,100~1000万立方米为小(1)型,10~100万立方米为小(2)型水库。水库历史悠久。公元前2650年前后,埃及在杰赖维干河上修建异教徒坝,形成防洪水库。中国于公元前598~前591年在今安徽省寿县南修建了芍陂灌溉水库。至1992年,世界上最大的水库是俄罗斯的布拉茨克水库,总库容为1694亿立方米。中国最大的水库是龙羊峡水电站水库,总库容为247亿立方米。 中国北京怀柔水库
