1500字范文 > 旅游市场营销 tourism marketing英语短句 例句大全

旅游市场营销 tourism marketing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-06-22 15:57:47


旅游市场营销 tourism marketing英语短句 例句大全

旅游市场营销,tourism marketing

1)tourism marketing旅游市场营销

1.Research on Government International Tourism Marketing Strategy;政府国际旅游市场营销策略研究

2.By analyzing the actualities and problems oftourism marketing in China,this paper brings forward the countermeasures to solve the problems in the development of the market.旅游市场营销是发展旅游事业,获得经济效益的重要环节,本文在分析我国旅游市场营销现状和存在的问题后,提出解决问题的对策。

3.Effectivetourism marketing can enhance the core competition of this industry and impel tourism economy develop rapidly.搞好旅游市场营销工作是提高合肥市旅游业市场竞争力的重要手段,对推动合肥市旅游业快速发展具有重要的意义。


1.Expanding Marketing of Tourism Market Based on Analysis of Matter-element;基于物元分析的旅游市场“扩散”营销——以南川市旅游市场营销为例

2.Study on Tourism Marketing Strategy of Hefei from Year to ;合肥市“十一五”旅游市场营销策略研究

3.Tourism Marketing Environment and Sustainable Development;论旅游市场营销环境与旅游业可持续发展

4.Research of Qin Huangdao sports tourism market marketing present situation;秦皇岛体育旅游市场营销现状的研究

5.China tourism market promoting s present situation and development trend;我国旅游市场营销的现状及发展趋势

6.On the Connotation of Ecotounsm Marketing and Its Product Marketing Strategy;生态旅游市场营销内涵及其产品策略

7.A Research on the Tourist Market Promotion of Mawei Shipbuilding Culture马尾船政文化旅游市场营销拓展研究

8.Thoughts of the Yongding Earth Tourism Marketing对永定土楼旅游市场营销的几点思考

9.On Firm Size of China Travel Agencies in the International Tourism Market;国际旅游市场营销中的旅行社企业规模研究

10.On Business Strategy of Promoting Tourist Destination Market;旅游目的地推广市场突破期营销战略——贵州贞丰县旅游市场营销实战

11.New Strategies to Tourism Marketing for the Forest Parks on the North Slope of QinLing Mountain秦岭北坡森林公园旅游市场营销新策略

12.The Status Quo of Tourism Industry in Sanming and Its Marketing Measures;三明市旅游产业定位与市场营销对策


14.Study on Development and Marketing Strategy of the Air Tour Industry;航空旅游市场的发展与营销策略研究

15.Re-Understanding the College Students TourismMarket and Marketing Strategy;大学生旅游市场再认识及其营销对策

16.A Market Analysis of Potential Tourists of Ningxia Tourism and Its Marketing Tactics;宁夏旅游业客源市场分析及营销创新

17.Research of Travel Insurance Individual Marketing System中国旅游保险散客市场营销系统研究

18.Study on the Orientation of Tourism Image,Modeling and Marketing--A Case Study of Dehong in Yunnan德宏旅游形象定位、塑造与市场营销


tourism marketing environment旅游市场营销环境

1.This paper analyzes the concepts of thetourism marketing environment, and also the macro-environment and microenvironment.本文对旅游市场营销环境的涵义和特性进行了理念分析,阐述了旅游市场营销的微观环境和宏观环境,认为旅游市场的营销环境的可持续发展决定着旅游市场营销的效果,旅游市场营销的宏、微观环境的动态平衡和协调发展是旅游市场营销环境可持续发展的研究基础。

3)tourism marketing strategy旅游市场营销策略

1.A study on the development trends oftourism marketing strategy;区域旅游市场营销策略发展趋势研究

4)ecotourism marketing生态旅游市场营销

1.This paper holds thatecotourism marketing includes ecotourism concept marketing and ecotourism product marketing.本文认为生态旅游市场营销包括生态旅游理念营销和生态旅游产品营销,并从生态旅游产品的概念、生态旅游产品生命周期营销策略、生态旅游产品组合策略、生态旅游产品开发策略等方面论述了生态旅游市场营销的产品策略。

5)tourist destination marketing旅游目的地市场营销

1.Based on the deep analysis of the characteristics and the industrial ecological environment of on-line game,the paper discussed the feasibility of using on-line game principles totourist destination marketing,and further pointed that there were two ways to carry out this strategy.对网络游戏的特性以及该产业的生态环境作了系统的考察,探讨了把网络游戏引入旅游目的地市场营销的可能性。

6)city tourism marketing城市旅游营销

1.Since 1970s,especially since 1990s,city tourism marketing has been concerned and studied greatly.从20世纪70年代,特别是90年代开始,城市旅游营销就受到广泛关注并被大量研究。


