1500字范文 > 坎普 Camp英语短句 例句大全

坎普 Camp英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-25 05:06:45


坎普 Camp英语短句 例句大全



1.On theCamp Style and Narrative Perspectives of Susan Sontag;苏珊桑塔格的女性“坎普”与叙事技巧


1.Thomas A KEMPIS托马斯(坎普滕的)

2.Memorandum To: Jack F. Kemp备忘录呈送:杰克.F.坎普

3.Dennis Bergkamp丹尼斯·伯格坎普(holland荷兰)

4.Noel Kempff Mercado National Park诺尔-坎普夫-墨尔加多国家公园

5.On the Camp Style and Narrative Perspectives of Susan Sontag;苏珊桑塔格的女性“坎普”与叙事技巧

6.Dennis Bergkamp, Freddie Ljungberg and Jeremie Aliadiere have all returned to fitness.博格坎普,永贝里和阿里迪埃尔已经康复。

7.Kanu is about to fly off for the African Nations Cup while Dennis Bergkamp is still injured.卡努将参加非洲国家杯赛,而博格坎普还未伤愈。

8.59 mins - Reyes plays the ball inside for Bergkamp, Kirkland saves the shot and West Brom scramble it away again.59分钟,雷耶斯低传博格坎普,科克兰德档出射门。

9.The Camp Style in the Novel Volcano Lover:The Romance;疯狂的生活 游戏的人生——《火山恋人》中的“坎普”风格

10.Just by coming to Highbury, Bergkamp raised the bar of expectation at Arsenal.只是来到海布里,博格坎普就提高了人们对阿森纳的期望值。

11.1855 King Camp Gillette, American inventor of the safety razor, was born in Wisconsin.发明安全剃须刀的美国人金·坎普·吉勒特出生于威斯康星州。

12.Dennis Bergkamp has also made the trip to Paris for what will be the final game of his career.博格坎普也将赶赴巴黎参加他职业联赛中的最后一场比赛。

13.After the match, Bergkamp was asked to comment on the quality of the pitch and to pay tribute to both sets of supporters[ Arsenal and Ajax].赛后,博格坎普表示了对新球场的感觉以及对双方球迷的感谢。

14.Camp:american football coach and promoter who developed many of the sport"s basic rules.坎普:美国橄榄球教练和推展者,他发展了这项运动的许多基本规则。

15.They stopped raising money for their trip to Camp Kern and began raising money for the flood victims.他们停止了为坎普克恩之旅筹资,而开始为洪水的受难者募集。

16.There was a low groan when the big screen showed the score from the Nou Camp last night.当大屏幕显示出诺坎普之战的结果时,我不禁叹了口气。

17.27 mins - Bergkamp tries to round Clement, the ball falls to Ljungberg who fires wide.27分钟,博格坎普绕过克莱门特,传球永贝里却偏出。

18.Damien Duff and William Gallas were under treatment as work continued to get them fit for the Nou Camp tomorrow.达夫和加拉正在接受治疗以使他们能在明天诺坎普的比赛中上场。


William Kempe (?~1603)坎普,W.

3)Camps reaction坎普斯反应

4)The Book of Margery Kempe《玛格丽·坎普之书》

1.As one of the two medieval women writings extant, and the first English autobiography narrating the spectacular life of its eponymous heroine, the 15~(th) century manuscript,The Book of Margery Kempe, offers an apt site to interrogate the fraught issue of alternative presence within cultural oligarchy.作为现存第一部英文自传体作品和为数寥寥的中世纪女性写作成果之一,成文于15世纪中期的《玛格丽·坎普之书》堪称个性化言说、差异性生存的典范。


6)Van Camp Sea Food Company范坎普水产公司


