1500字范文 > 出行 trip英语短句 例句大全

出行 trip英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-15 19:37:14


出行 trip英语短句 例句大全



1.Survey and analysis of the information impact on urbantrips;信息对城市居民出行影响的调查与分析


3.The effects of one-way traffic in civiltrips,every kinds of social activities such as commercial activities,inhabitation and business were analyzed detailedly.在对南京市主城区单向交通实地调研的基础上,通过对管理人员及使用者的访谈和问卷调查,分析了城市单向交通对市民出行、沿路商业活动、居住与办公活动等社会活动的影响,最后提出了一系列完善单向交通系统的措施建议。


1.Trip distribution models are used to predict the destination choices of trip makers.出行分布模型是用来预测出行者出行目的地的。

2.A going from one place to another; a journey.旅行,旅游,出行从一地行进到另一地的过程:旅行

3.The act of pouring out.倒出,泻出泻出的行为

4.There are three hundred and sixty trades, and every trade has its master.三百六十行,行行出状元。

5.The act or an instance of turning out.出来、出动的行为或事例

6.bicycles for sale or for hire供出售或出租的自行车.

7.The act or an instance of oozing forth.渗出渗出的行为或事例

8.The act of pressing or squeezing out.榨出挤出或压榨的行为

9.have (one"s written work) issued for publication.写出的作品出版发行。

10.To release(a security) for sale.出售发行(债券)以出售

11.The act or an instance of flowing out.流出流出的行为或状况

12.regular intervals(出版, 发行的)定期

13.R/D [refer to drawer](银行)洽询出票人[

14.downbound exit下行(水)出闸时间

15.type with two empty spaces between lines.打字时在行间空出两行。

16.withdraw from active participation.退出现行参与的行为。

17.The act or an instance of flowing, passing, or giving out.流出,放出流出、通过或放出的行为或状态

18.Banker"s draft( bill)银行(对外国银行开出的)汇票,银行票据



1.Study on Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting Model;基于活动的出行需求预测模型研究

2.The research ontravel cost can provide foundation to make transportation planning and decision.通过引入价值工程的思想,分析出行者广义出行费用函数的构成,研究出行者心理选择的基础,给出了出行者的时间价值模型;并通过天津市地铁1号线的建设实例,指出对于出行费用的研究对交通规划的重要作用。

3.The design and evaluation of traffic facilities must be combined with activity-based theory, and also the design and facilities allocation of a railway transit hub must be convenient and humanist to accord withtravel behavior of different passenger.交通设施的设计与评价必须与行为理论相结合,便捷、人性化的轨道交通枢纽的设计与设施配置的评价也应当符合乘客的各种出行行为特征。

3)Travel behavior出行行为

1.The activity-based dynamic simulation method of travel behavior;基于活动的出行行为动态模拟方法

2.Study on Short-distance Travel Behavior of Urban Resident;城市居民短距离出行行为研究

3.Analysis of Holiday Travel Behavior Characteristics;节假日出行行为特征分析研究

4)walking trip步行出行


6)trip of taxi出租车出行

1.A new concepttrip of taxi and a new trip distribution model for taxis were presented based on the operation pattern of taxis.基于出租车的运行规律,提出了出租车出行概念,将系统中出租车总出行量分解为载客出租车出行量和空驶出租车出行量,并运用Logit概率选择模型,建立了载客出租车出行量与空驶出租车出行量之间的关系,从而得出了总体出租车的交通分布预测方法。


