1500字范文 > 美学 Aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

美学 Aesthetics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-13 05:07:28


美学 Aesthetics英语短句 例句大全




1.Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology中华医学美学美容杂志

2.The aesthetics of the tea art is both of life and existence.茶艺美学是生活美学,也是人生美学。

3.A Discussion on the Aesthetic Thought of Zhuang Zi;形美、德美、道美——浅谈庄子美学思想

4.On How to Cultivate Talents by Aesthetics Teaching;美学·美人·美画——从美学教学论人才的培养

5.Fractal Aesthetics--The New Aesthetics Surpassing Traditional Beauty in Form分形美学——超越传统形式美的全新美学

6.Jiang Kongyang s Aesthetic Theory: An Aesthetics Returns to Aesthetic Phenomenology;蒋孔阳的美学——还原为审美现象的美学

7.Re-recognition of Life Aesthetics--aesthetic self-discipline;生命美学再认识:美学自律与审美自律

8.Design aesthetics involves in the function beauty, scientific beauty and technological beauty.设计美学涉及功能之美、学之美与技术之美。

9.Relating to the philosophy or theories of aesthetics.美学的有关美学的哲学或理论的

10.On the Aesthetic Characteristics of the Root Literature--Practical Aesthetic Analysis;底层文学的美学特征——现实美学分析

11.Aesthetic Origin of Generalizing Two-subject Teaching of Music and Fine Arts;推行音乐、美术双学科教学的美学探源

12.On the Social Ethics and Human Dignity Expressed in China"s Ancient Aesthetics论中国古代美学中的社会美与人格美

13."The Pure Beauty" and "the Dependant Beauty" in Kant s Aesthetics;论康德美学中的“纯粹美”和“依附美”

14.On the Aesthetical Implicature of"Beauty"in Classical Chinese Aesthetics;论中国古典美学中“美人”的审美意蕴

15.On the Significance of the Aesthetics of the Lament;试论《离骚》“美人”、“美政”的美学意义

16.On Literary Aesthetical Views of "Contrast of Beauty and Ugliness" and "Taking Ugliness for Beauty";论“美丑对照”与“以丑为美”的文艺美学观

17.A Comment on Keats s Poetics;美即是真,真即是美——济慈诗歌美学述评

18.African-American Institute美国非洲学会(美非学会)



1.The Guizhou Northwest Yi"s Clan Dress and its Pattern Wood GrainEsthetics Discussion and Analysis;黔西北彝族服饰及其图纹美学试析

2.On the Chinese Modern Periodicals in the Translation and Dissemination of Foreign Aesthetics;试论中国近代期刊对外国美学的译介和传播


1.Application of Knao Questionnaire into FootwearAesthetics;Kano问卷在皮鞋美学需求研究上的应用

2.Sunshine,Technology andAesthetic--On the Application of PV Technology in Building;阳光、技术与美学——兼谈光伏技术在建筑中的应用

3.Rhetoric aesthetic appreciation s infusion at university English teaching;修辞美学鉴赏在大学英语教学中的灌输


1.There are some aethetics elements in the aerobic: beautiful body,beautiful stance,beautiful movement,beautiful music and beautiful spirit.它的美学要素包括形体美、姿态美、动作美、音乐美、精神美。

2.With its rich content, the book makes a penetrating analysis to many problems in the aspects of literature and aethetics.刘勰的《文心雕龙》是一部内容丰富的文学理论和美学理论专著,对文学理论和美学方面的问题都有许多精辟的论述。

5)American Aesthetics美国美学

1.In this case,it is very important to know well the other countries aesthetics,especially the current circumstance ofAmerican Aesthetics,which is the center of world aesthetics to develop Chinese Aesthetics.了解国外美学,尤其是了解作为当今世界美学中心的美国美学的现状,对于我们更好地进行学术的国际交流与对话,从而更好地建设中国美学、发展中国美学具有极为重要的理论价值和现实意义。

2.The question of the definition of art goes through the whole history of American aesthetics in 20th Century and is still the hotspot of scholars\" attention today.20世纪美国美学的发展经历了四个历史阶段,分析美学一直是其主流。

6)scientific aesthetics科学美学

1.In this paper, induction ofscientific aesthetics thinking was discussed in discovery of el-ement periodic law.本文具体探讨了科学美学思想在元素周期律发现、建立过程中所起的诱发作用,认为属于人文学科的美学思想与科学研究具有深层结构的同源性。

2.In this way, his thoughts as the precious heritage ofscientific aesthetics will be critically inherited and further developed.旨在批判性地继承和光扬牛顿的科学美学遗产。


