1500字范文 > 灌水 Irrigation英语短句 例句大全

灌水 Irrigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-12 15:48:55


灌水 Irrigation英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects ofIrrigation on Yield and Protein Content of Grains and Their Stability in Strong-Gluten Wheat;灌水对强筋小麦籽粒产量和蛋白质含量及其稳定性的影响

2.Effect of irrigation on grain yield and physiological traits of winter wheat under oasis condition of northwest;灌水对河西绿洲冬小麦产量及光合生理指标的影响

3.Preliminary Study on the Effect of theIrrigation on Graining into the Growth and Yield of Soybean;大豆鼓粒期灌水对生育期、产量影响研究


1.God waters those who water themselves.自灌者,上帝灌之。水虫当自强,灌水当然得靠自己。

2.after-irrigation moisture content of soil灌水后土壤中含水量

3.a ditch to carry extra irrigation water排出剩余灌溉水的水沟

4.The rain has filled up the ditches again.雨水把水渠又灌满了。

5.Experimental Research on Cotton Irrigation Schetual of Under-Film Drip Rotatting Irrigation with Saline Water and Fresh Water;棉花膜下滴灌咸淡水轮灌灌溉制度试验研究

6.The Preliminary Research on Water Consumption,Quota of Irrigation and Drainage and Water Production Efficiency under Water-catching and Controllable Irrigation Technology of Rice蓄水控灌模式下水稻耗水量及灌排定额初探

7.Study on the Mechanism of Consumption in Yichang Irrigation Sub-district of Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia along the Yellow River;内蒙河套灌区义长灌域耗水机制研究

8.Research of Soybean Water Requirement and Schedule with Drip Irrigation;滴灌大豆需水规律及灌溉制度的研究

9.Employing both of construction and management to do well in water-efficient irrigation in irrigated area;建管并举 做好灌区灌溉节水工作

10.China s Irrigation Management and Participatory Management;中国灌溉管理与用水户参与灌溉管理

11.Infiltration Irrigation--A Advanced Water-Saving Irrigation Technique in Greenhouse Culture;渗灌——设施园艺先进的节水灌溉技术

12.Irrigation Benefits Study of Rice Productionin the Pishihang Irrigation Scheme;淠史杭灌区水稻灌溉效益的分析研究

13.Research on Slight Saline Water Irrigation Modes in Hetao Irrigation Area河套灌区区域微咸水灌溉模式的研究

14.Test and Analysis to Water-saving Irrigation Technology in Ningxia Irrigation Area宁夏引黄灌区小麦节水灌溉试验研究

15.Discussion on the Measuring Methods of Agricultural Irrigation Water in Erfeng Irrigation Area二峰灌区农业灌溉用水计量方法浅谈

16.Study on Agricultural Water-saving Irrigation countermeasures in Yellow River Irrigation Area of Heze菏泽引黄灌区农业节水灌溉对策研究

17.tremie concreting用串筒灌注水中混凝土

18.drainage and irrigation pump排灌用泵(农用水泵)


Water[英]["w?:t?][美]["w?t?, "wɑt?]灌水

1.An Economic Analysis of Optimum Nitrogen andWater Application in the Heilonggang Plain;黑龙港地区小麦玉米最佳施肥灌水量的经济分析(英文)

2.This article assessed the effect of different volume of water, different irrigation methods and different irrigation times on cotton spider mites.研究了不同灌水量、灌水方式和不同灌水时期对棉叶螨的影响。

3.The Effect ofWater on the Growth and Deveopment of Alfalfas for Seed;通过对留种苜蓿植株生长发育及产量的研究,表明灌水对留种苜蓿的生长发育和种子产量有着密切的关系;灌水还可能造成植株的倒伏,使苜蓿种子的产量和质量受到影响。

3)drip emitter滴灌灌水器

1.Five different turbulence models provided by current fluid simulation software FLUENT,such as standard k-ε mode1,RNG k-ε model, Realizable k-ε model,standard k-ω model and SST k-ω model,have been used to simulate the flow field ofdrip emitters in this paper.采用通用流体模拟软件FLUENT所提供的5种不同的湍流模型:标准k-ε模型、RNG k-ε模型、Real-izable k-ε模型、标准k-ω模型、SST k-ω模型,对滴灌灌水器微流道内流场水流流动进行了数值模拟。

4)Drip emitters滴灌灌水器

1.By means of experiment research,water quality standard for drip emitters of Xinjiang Tianye Group Co.通过实验研究 ,得出了新疆天业 (集团 )公司滴灌灌水器要求的水质标准 ,建立了计算玛纳斯河灌区渠水所含粘粒、粉粒、沙粒的去除率经验公式 ,并根据六宫支渠和西岸大渠水质算出了沉淀池设计表面负荷

5)micro-irrigation emitter微灌灌水器

1.An agriculturalmicro-irrigation emitter is a key device for micro-irrigation, and the hydraulic performance of themicro-irrigation emitter is an important index sign in measuring the quality of micro-irrigation system, it is also an important parameter of the micro-irrigation system design.供水部分由水泵、仪表、控制阀、过滤器组成;传输部分由干管、支管、毛管组成的管网;执行部分是各种形式的微灌灌水器。

6)Drip irrigation emitter滴灌灌水器

1.Numerical simulation and flow analysis of labyrinth path of drip irrigation emitters滴灌灌水器迷宫流道的内部流体数值模拟与流动分析


