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体系 system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-07 20:41:18


体系 system英语短句 例句大全



1.Research on System of Quality Assurance for Emergency Environmental Pollution Accidents Monitoring;突发性环境污染事故应急监测质量保证体系的研究

2.Solubilities of multi-componentsystems in biodiesel production from cottonseed oil;棉籽油制备生物柴油的多组分体系的溶解度

3.The application of ISO9000 quality managementsystem in condiment enterprises;ISO9000质量管理体系在调味品生产企业的应用


1.concrete copula具体系词copular

2.closed system闭合系统,闭路制,隔离[隔绝]体系,孤立系统,封闭系统[体系],局限体系

3.open-system interconnection architecture开放系统互连体系结构

4.a hierarchy of values [priorities]价值 [序列] 级系 [等级体系]

5.VSC-HVDC Control System FrameworkVSC-HVDC系统控制体系框架

6.iii.Mature the Credit System(一)完善信用体系

7.the philosophy of Kant康德的哲学(体系)

8.System des transzendentalen Idealismus《先验唯心论体系》

9.The Devonian Period or its system of deposits.泥盆纪(系)或泥盆纪(系)的沉积矿系体系

10.Sistema Economico Latino-Americano拉丁美洲经济体系(拉美经济体系)

11.atmosphere-ocean-land-ice system大气-海洋-陆地-冰雪体系; 气海陆冰体系

12.National System in Support of Social Mobilizatio全国支持社会动员体系(社会动员体系)

13.A system of philosophical inquiry or demonstration.哲学体系哲学上探求与证实的体系

14.dual coating system双重浸胶体系,双涂层体系

15.Latin American Programme for Environmental System拉丁美洲环境体系方案(环境体系方案)

16.United Nations System of National Accounts联合国国民帐户体系(国民帐户体系)

17.response oriented system行为取向体系行为取向体系

18.transcribing from one alphabet to another.把(某一体系)用另一种字母体系拼出。



1.Intelligent Transport Systems Standards Architecture Research;智能交通系统标准体系研究

2.Research on the Reference Model and Architecture for Enterprise Integration Platform;企业集成平台参考模型与实现体系研究

3.the Information Security Architecture and Policies of Electric Power Corporation;电力系统的信息安全体系和策略


1.Review of Microwave Dielectric Ceramics MaterialSystems;微波介质陶瓷材料体系研究综述

2.Research on risk preventing systems for dynamic alliance of enterprises;企业动态联盟风险防范体系研究

3.State innovation systems for science and technology in Ukraine;乌克兰国家科技创新体系


1.Research on the modeling and simulation methodology of naval weapon and equipmentsystem-of-systems warfare;海军武器装备体系对抗的建模与仿真方法研究

2.The Tactical Exercise System of Naval Weapon and Equipment System-of-systems Warfighting Simulation;海军武器装备体系对抗仿真系统战术推演分系统

3.system-of-systems antagonism has already become the dominating modality of modern warfare,so it is urgent to study the optimization problem ofsystem-of-systems.体系对抗已成为当今战争的主要形式,因而急需对体系优化问题进行深入细致地研究。


1.Based on the document study and logic approaches,the paper analyzes key element of internal relations lies in disciplinesetup construction in institutions of higher education,then hold discussionson the existing several problems and the way to deal with them so as to provide reference for the police PE in police institutions.采用文献法、对比法、逻辑推理法、专家访谈法等,梳理了公安本科院校警体学科体系建设存在的基本问题,提出了相关对策与设想,为进一步加强警体学科体系建设提供参考。

2.The intention and approach to construct thesetup and system of public order science should be based on theory and practice.我国对治安学的理论研究,始于20世纪初,但整个20世纪对治安学结构体系的研究还很不成熟,甚至是纷乱的。

6)AS systemAS体系

1.Improve recovery factor by alternating injection ofAS system and foam;AS体系与泡沫交替注入提高采收率技术研究


