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生理 physiology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-05 18:09:22


生理 physiology英语短句 例句大全



1.Effects of thallium on growth andphysiology of lettuce and mustard;重金属铊对蔬菜生长及生理影响

2.Effects of ethanol vapor treatment onphysiology and quality of minimally processed broccoli;乙醇处理对最小加工西兰花生理和品质的影响

3.An intimate experience ofphysiology teaching through PLB in undergraduate nursing students;护理本科生理学教学中运用PBL教学法的体会


1.physiologic diplopia【生理】生理性复视

2.physiology of physically handicapping condition生理条件障碍生理学

3.physiological psychologist生理心理学家生理心理学家

4.International Organization of Psychophysiology国际心理生理学组织(心理生理学组织)

5.microbial physiobiochemistry微生物生理生物化学

6.respiratory pathophysiology呼吸系统病理生理学

7.On the Sensation of Tone As a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music音乐理论的生理基础

8.electrophysiology signal processor电生理学信号处理机

9.pathophysiology of gastrointestinal hormones胃肠激素病理生理学

10.psychophysical property of vision视觉的心理生理性能

11.psychophysiologic nervous system reaction心理生理神经系统反应

12.an unconditioned reflex【生理.心理】无条件反射

13.a biologist specializing in physiology.研究生理学的生物学家。

14.Research Methods of Phytophysiology & Biochemistry植物生理生化研究方法

15.Experiments in Phytophysiology and Phytoecology植物生理生态学实验

16.Phytophysiology & Phytoecology and Experiment植物生理生态学及实验

17.physiology of movement biomechanics运动生物力学生理学

18.biological clockph.1.生理时钟



1.Daily variation of biochemical andphysiological of tea under natural arid condition;自然干旱条件下茶树生理生化日变化研究

2.Effects of ethephon on thephysiological, biochemical and agronomic characters in ratoon sugarcane;乙烯利对宿根蔗生理生化特性和农艺性状的影响

3.Effect of Chemical Regulator on Morphological Physiological Character and Yield of Rice;化学调控对水稻形态、生理特性和产量的影响


1.Psychological andPhysical Effect of Noise on Surgical Patients and Nursing Discussion;手术室噪音对病人生理心理影响及护理探讨

2.The article describes the plane and three-dimensional design of basic construction unit of residence for old citizens in accordance with physical and psycho- logical characteristic.文章根据老年人的生理‘心理特征,叙述老年住宅基本建筑单元的平面及立体设计。

3.Therefore a continual physical educational system connected with primary schools and middle schools should be established to avoid repetition,which focuses on carrying out such items as calisthenics and eurhythmics to help the female students to cultivate the life-time physical education concept.通过研究表明,当代女大学生生理、心理向成熟发展,但情绪上敏感、含蓄,耐疲劳能力较差。

4)growth physiology生长生理

1.Effect of compound fertilizers ongrowth physiology and fruit quality of nectarines and grapes;复合叶面肥对油桃和葡萄生长生理及果树品质的影响 (英文)

2.The effects of salt-resisting water retentive agent ongrowth physiology and survival rate of Acacia crassicarpa in coastal sandy soil were studied.针对滨海沙地常年风大、地表水分蒸发量大等恶劣的造林环境,研究耐盐保水剂对滨海沙地厚荚相思生长生理和成活率的影响,为保水剂用于滨海沙地造林提供理论依据和技术支持。

5)Physiological biochemistry生理生化

1.Effects of Water Stress on Physiological Biochemistry、Mineral Element and Leaf Apparatus s Ultrastructure of Almond Rootstocks;水分胁迫对扁桃砧木生理生化、矿质元素和叶片超微结构的影响

2.The State of Air in Bulk Curing Barn and the Change of Physiological Biochemistry in Tobacco Leaf during Curing;密集烤房空气状态及烘烤过程中烟叶生理生化变化的研究

3.The author summarizes the relevant domestic papers issued in recent years and discovers that the research of rowing athletes in physiological biochemistry mainly concentrates on the study of hemoglobin and blood lactic acid.对近年国内公开发表的有关论文进行了综述,结果发现,对赛艇运动员生理生化方面的研究还主要集中在血色素、血乳酸方面,其他生理生化方面的研究还比较少,许多方面还需要进一步深入研究。

6)physiology and biochemistry生理生化

1.Research progress on the effect of chemical pesticides on plantphysiology and biochemistry;化学农药对植物生理生化影响的研究进展

2.Effects of Melia azedarach leaf ethanol extract onphysiology and biochemistry of Alternanthera philoxeroides leaf tissue;苦楝叶乙醇提取物对水葫芦叶片伤害的生理生化研究

3.Progress and trends in the study of anti-droughtphysiology and biochemistry,and molecular biology of Triticum aestivum;小麦抗旱生理生化和分子生物学研究进展与趋势


生理1.生长繁殖之理。 2.养生之理。 3.为人之道。 4.生存的希望。 5.生物的生命活动和体内各器官的机能。 6.性命。 7.生计。 8.活计;职业。 9.生意;买卖。 10.指做买卖。 11.产业;财富。
