1500字范文 > 外刊双语阅读|全球首个活体机器人诞生:可编程 会自愈

外刊双语阅读|全球首个活体机器人诞生:可编程 会自愈

时间:2018-08-26 23:33:45


外刊双语阅读|全球首个活体机器人诞生:可编程 会自愈



What Joshua Bongard of the University of Vermont and Michael Levin of Tufts University in Massachusetts have come up with is different. As they report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they and their colleagues have designed organic robots from their cellular components, and then set about realising those designs by joining together specific types of stem cells taken from a well-studied species of African frog, Xenopus laevis.


The result is close to matching the biological definition of an organism, in that it is capable of behaving autonomously and contains cell types that are specialised to perform different roles.


Though only a millimetre or so across, the artificial organisms Dr Bongard and Dr Levin have invented, which they call xenobots, can move and perform simple tasks, such as pushing pellets along in a dish. That may not sound much, but the process could, they reckon, be scaled upand made to do useful things. Bots derived from a person’s own cells might, for instance, be injected into the bloodstream to remove plaque from artery walls or to identify cancer. More generally, swarms of them could be built to seek outand digest toxic waste in the environment, including microscopic bits of plastic in the sea.


To design their bots Dr Bongard and Dr Levin employed a computer program called an evolutionary algorithm. This worked by creating virtual representations of thousands of arrangements of cells that might achieve a particular task. It then tested those arrangements, using what is known about the biophysics of Xenopus cells, for suitability to perform the task in question, picked the most promising versions to form the basis for thousands more cellular arrangements, and then repeated the process until something properly fit for purpose emerged.


That done, it was merely a matter of building the pattern which the algorithm had arrived at out of actual Xenopus cells, using microsurgical techniques to shape groups of cells in the way the pattern dictated.



