1500字范文 > 城市雨水系统 urban stormwater system英语短句 例句大全

城市雨水系统 urban stormwater system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-04 01:34:44


城市雨水系统 urban stormwater system英语短句 例句大全

城市雨水系统,urban stormwater system

1)urban stormwater system城市雨水系统

1.Model based planning optimization ofurban stormwater system: a case study of Pinggu New Town;基于模型的城市雨水系统规划优化方法研究──以北京市平谷新城为例


1.Simulation of Urban Storm System and Risk Assessment of City Waterlogging城市雨水系统工况模拟与内涝风险评价

2.Rainwater Collecting and Use System in Residential Area of City利用雨水收集回用系统实现城市小区雨水资源化

3.Overall evaluation of urban rainwater utilization system by fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process城市雨水利用系统的模糊层次综合评价

4.Application of Drainage Model for Urban Storm Water Quantity Management;排水系统模型在城市雨水水量管理中的应用研究

5.Analysis of Ecological Mechanism of Urban Flood and Study of New Stormwater Drainage System;城市水涝灾害的生态机理分析与新型雨水排放系统的探讨

6.Runoff Coefficient Analysis for Urban Stormwater and Flood Control and Utilization城市雨洪控制利用的雨水径流系数分析

7.Study on the Urban Flood-control Decision Support System for the Storm Water Logging Disaster;针对暴雨积水灾害的城市防汛决策支持系统研究

8.Study on the Effect of Runoff Storage and Pollution Reduction of Urban Green Space;城市绿地系统对雨水径流调蓄及相关污染削减效应研究

9.Improvement and Realization on Several Kernel Algorithms about the Forecast System of Rainstorm Waterlogging Disaster in a City;对《城市暴雨积水预报系统》若干核心算法的改进与实现

10.Purification of urban runoff nitrogen and phosphorus pollutants by a multilayer infiltration system多层渗滤介质系统对城市雨水径流氮磷污染物的净化作用

11.Roles of urban lawn system in controlling rainfall-induced runoff nitrogen pollution草坪系统对城市降雨初期径流氮污染控制作用

12.Information System And Management Of City Water Supply System;城市供水系统的信息系统和信息管理

13.Hydrology and Water Quality of Rainfall-Runoff in Combined Sewerage System Along Suzhou Creek in Central Shanghai上海中心城区苏州河沿岸排水系统降雨径流水文水质特性研究

14.Design and application of bank side filtration system for rainfall runoff in Baoji City宝鸡市雨水径流岸边渗滤系统设计与应用

15.Development and Application of the Storm Flood Computation Model for Urban Storm-water;城市雨水管网暴雨洪水计算模型研制及应用

16.The landscape planning approach to construct administration system of city storm water:a case study of Weihai City;构建城市雨洪管理系统的景观规划途径——以威海市为例

17.Characteristics of Combined Sewer Overflow during Rainfall in Central Area of Shanghai上海中心城区合流制排水系统雨天溢流水质研究

18.The Thought of Urban Green Space System Planning According to the Guiding Idea of "Shan-shui" City;“山水城市”导向下的城市绿地系统规划理念


urban rainwater城市雨水

1.A study on utilization ofurban rainwater to prevent land subsidence利用城市雨水回灌地下水防治地面沉降技术方法探讨

2.Study onurban rainwater collection and utilization城市雨水收集与利用研究

3.Several main forms ofurban rainwater utilization in Germany are summarized and analyzed in this paper,including rainwater collection,storage and utilization systems;green roof systems;pollutant separators and infiltration systems;rainwater utilization systems in ecological residential area etc.对近年来德国城市雨水利用的几种主要形式 :雨水集蓄利用系统、雨水屋顶花园利用系统、雨水截污与渗透系统、生态小区雨水利用系统作了总结和分析 ,结合国情提出了我国城市雨水利用与管理的一些建

3)rainwater in city城市雨水

1.Application ofrainwater in city as mid-water & proto-water in mid-water project;城市雨水作为中水原水在中水工程中的应用

4)urban water system城市水系统

1.The sustainable administration forurban water system;城市水系统的可持续管理

2.Evaluation of environmental sustainability forurban water systems based on LCA framework;基于LCA框架的城市水系统环境可持续性评价方法

3.Research on Urban Water System Operating Efficiency;城市水系统运行效率研究

5)municipal rain system市政雨水系统

1.Selection of parameters in the design ofmunicipal rain system;市政雨水系统设计中几个参数的选取

6)urban gully城市雨水口

1.On the supposition that runoff on the catchment flows into the gully itself, this paper presents a concentration model of surface stormwater runoff aturban gully on the basis of analysing generation cause of pollutants in surface runoff.在假设每一雨水口集水流域产生的地面暴雨径流均汇入该雨水口的条件下,通过研究雨水口入流污染物浓度随入流流量变化的规律,建立城市雨水口地面暴雨径流浓度模型,并采用2000年7 ̄9月间重庆市两个雨水口的测量数据,对模型的模拟精度进行验证。

2.On the assumption that the runoff on the catchment of each gully flows into the gully itself, in this paper, a model of surface storm-water runoff aturban gully is presented, which includes runoff sub-model and concentration sub-model.在假设每一雨水口集水流域产生的地面暴雨径流均汇入该雨水口的条件下,建立了由流量子模型和浓度子模型组成的城市雨水口地面暴雨径流模型。


