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情感学习 emotion learning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-31 20:04:52


情感学习 emotion learning英语短句 例句大全

情感学习,emotion learning

1)emotion learning情感学习

1.This algorithm receives en-vironmental information using a neural system, produces emotional factors (hormones) through anemotion learning model, then uses these factors to regulate the neural system.此算法用神经系统接受环境信息,通过一种情感学习模型来产生情感因子(即生物激素),再由情感因子来调节神经系统的记忆和行为决策,最后神经系统的记忆与行为模式由遗传系统得以继承。

2)study emotion学习情感

1.In order to train practical talent who has real communication capability in English,it advances such new ideas as arousing communication enthusiasm,cultivatingstudy emotion,organizing flexible and diverse curriculum teaching and carrying out ample and various extra-curricular activities.针对新时期英语口语教学的目的及意义,以培养具有真正交际能力的实用型英语人才为目标,提出了引爆交际热情,培养学习情感,组织灵活多样的课堂教学,开展丰富多彩的课外活动这一系列的创新思路,对英语口语教学具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。


1.Learning affect has a major influence on learning activities.学习情感对学习活动具有重要影响。

2.A Research on Learning Emotion and Its Impact Factors of Junior Middle School Students;初中生的学习情感及其影响因素研究

3.An Investigation into the Affective Disorders of Tianshui Senior High School Students of English;天水市高中生英语学习情感障碍研究

4.Creating a cooperative learning environment and reducing students affective f ilters in foreign language learning;创建合作学习情境,降低外语学习中的情感障碍

5.Studies on Vocational School Students with Academic Weakness in EFL Learning: Focus on Affective Factors and Learning Beliefs;职业学校学生英语学习中情感与学习观念研究

6.The Affect of the EFL Students in the Secondary Vocational School & Cooperative Learning;中等职业学校英语学习者的情感与合作学习

7.Emotional problems can seriously interfere with a student’s work.感情问题可能严重妨碍学生的学习。

8.On the Effective Factors in English Learning and Teaching;论英语学习和英语教学中的情感因素

9.The Effect of Affective Teaching on Self-access Learning of English;情感教学对英语自主学习的促进作用

10.Effect of the Learner s Affective Factors;学生情感因素对英语学习成绩的影响

11.How to Use the Emotional Factors in College Students English Learning;大学生英语学习中的情感因素的利用

12.Analysis of the AffectiVe Factors and Teaching Strategies in English Teaching and Learning;英语学习中的情感因素及其教学策略

13.Influence of Affection on College English Autonomous Learning;情感因素对大学英语自主学习的影响

14.Using Cooperative Learning to Overcome Language Anxiety in EFL Learning合作学习:克服外语学习者焦虑情感的有效策略

15.Study on Poor Learners Psychological and Emotional Obstacles in English Learning;对英语学习困难者的学习心理情感障碍研究


17.Learning Autonomy and Affective Filter--Thought on English Learning at Vocational Schools;自主学习与情感过滤——对职校生英语学习的思考

18.University Students’Self-Adjustment to Bad Study Fettle and Emotions大学生不良学习情绪和情感的自我调节


study emotion学习情感

1.In order to train practical talent who has real communication capability in English,it advances such new ideas as arousing communication enthusiasm,cultivatingstudy emotion,organizing flexible and diverse curriculum teaching and carrying out ample and various extra-curricular activities.针对新时期英语口语教学的目的及意义,以培养具有真正交际能力的实用型英语人才为目标,提出了引爆交际热情,培养学习情感,组织灵活多样的课堂教学,开展丰富多彩的课外活动这一系列的创新思路,对英语口语教学具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。

3)learning affect学习情感

1.The purpose of the present study is to investigate the English teacher-student classroom interaction and its effect on studentslearning affect.本文以人本主义思想、社会互动理论以及二语习得理论为基础,研究英语课堂师生交往行为及其对学生学习情感的影响。

4)learning emotion学习情感

1.Research on Surveing and Cultivating the Learning Emotion of the Weak Students in Physics in Senior High School;高中物理学困生学习情感的现状调查及培养对策研究

2.Learning emotion of the junior middle school students has very important influence for their academic.学习是初中生的生活主题,学生的学习情感对他们的学习活动有重要的影响,然而初中生在学习过程中体验到的情感还没有得到系统的研究,初中生学习情感的内容也还没有明确。

5)learners emotions学习者情感

6)appreciative learning情感性学习


情感学习情感学习affective learning情感学习(affeetive learning)个体学会理解并妥善处理其情绪、情感,发展自己的价值评估系统,使自己更能被他人接纳,适应社会生活的学习过程。它能提高个体参与和适应生活事件的能力。对学生而言,情感学习与认知学习同等重要。在学校教育中,情感学习不应被视为认知学习的副产品予以轻视,而应设立情感目标,加强情感学习。(蒋兆灿撰牟丈博审)
