1500字范文 > 教学环节 teaching link英语短句 例句大全

教学环节 teaching link英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-27 11:12:28


教学环节 teaching link英语短句 例句大全

教学环节,teaching link

1)teaching link教学环节

1.General thinking on construction and practice of quality standard of keyteaching link;主要教学环节质量标准建设的总体思路及实践

2.This paper starts with the realization of the goal of higher vocational education, explains the position and role of production practice played in practicalteaching link.从实现高职教育的目标出发 ,论述了生产实训在实践性教学环节中的地位与作用 ;全面阐述了生产实训的内容选择与过程操作的重要性 ;对生产实训操作方法与存在的问题进行了探

3.In this paper, we have discussed on how to adjust teaching content, improveteaching links and import teaching method for structural mechanics of civil engnerring.本文就土木工程类专业结构力学的教学内容调整、教学环节改进、新的教学方式与手段的引入等进行了有益的探讨。


1.Teaching Reflection:The Necessary Teaching Link after Classes;教学反思:不该忽略的课后教学环节

2.To Control Teaching Steps of Metalworking Practice and to Improve Teaching Quality;把握金工实习教学环节提高教学质量

3.On Auxiliary Links in Teaching Two Courses;谈“两课”教学中的辅助性教学环节

4.Reform and Exploration on Teaching Practice Of P.E. Teaching Methods体育教学法实践教学环节改革与探索

5.Researching and Exploring Practical Teaching for Test and Measurement Technology of Building Environment;建环专业测试技术实践教学环节研究

6.Perfecting the Teaching Sectors and Improving theStudent s Ability of the Theory study;完善教学环节 提高学生理论学习能力

7.The research of Practice teaching link on modern ong-distance opening education;现代远程开放教育实践教学环节研究

8.Fulfilling Practice Teaching Steps Improving Open Education Quality;夯实实践教学环节 提升开放教育质量

9.Intensify the Practical Teaching Cycle Emphasize theCharacteristic of Higher Vocational Education;加强实践教学环节 突出高职教育特色

10.Reflections on Practical Teaching Step--Course Practice Step of Law Major in Open Education对开放教育法学专业实践性教学环节——课程实践环节的思考

11.Practical Teaching Design of "General Theory of Statistics" in Higher Vocational Education;高职《统计学原理》实践教学环节设计

12.On teaching and practice of the western economics;“西方经济学”课程实践教学环节初探

13.Strengthening Practical Teaching to Train Medical Professionals with Appropriate Competence;加强实践教学环节,培养适用医学人才

14.Thinking about links in the practical teaching chain in material branch of learning;关于材料学科实践性教学环节的思考

15.Strengthen Practice Teaching to Enhance Students Professional Skills;加强实践教学环节 提高学生职业技能

16.Teaching Practice:an Important Link in College General Education;教学实务:大学通识教育的重要环节

17.An Experiment Research on the "Five Stage" Instructional Design of Primary Mathematics;小学数学“五环节”教学设计实验研究

18.Research About Teaching-skill Training Practice of Technical And Vocatiohnal teacher;职教师资教学技能培训实践环节研究


teaching links教学环节

1.The paper discusses the approaches to improve the teaching quality of Organic Chemistry through theteaching links,the use of modern multimedia,after-class coaching,timely feedback and innovation of the test mode.从注重教学环节、采用现代化多媒体教学手段、加强课外辅导答疑、及时听取反馈意见、创新考试方式及注重能力评价等方面,探讨提高有机化学教学质量的方法。

2.This article discusses on the importantteaching links of specialized basic courses of electricity specialty from the perspective of education for all-round development in order to improve teaching,thus lay a solid foundation for cultivating innovative and practical talents.从素质教育的角度,对电类专业基础课的几个重要教学环节进行探讨,进一步提高教学效果,为培养具有创新能力和实践能力的高素质人才奠定坚实基础。

3.This article puts forward some ideas on how to optimize theteaching links and improve the computer teaching quality of the polytechnic school.目前为培养适应我国现代化建设的高素质的劳动者和专门人才,中专学校开设有计算机应用基础课,但由于教学中存在着一些问题,致使教学效率不高,学生实际操作能力差,本文就如何优化教学环节,提高中专计算机教学质量谈了几点自己的看法。

3)Teaching process教学环节

paring the computer science s education of sino-Australian University ,the author finds many differences in courses architecture, teaching process, management of learning.本文通过比较澳大利亚与国内目前大学的计算机专业的教学,发现两者在课程体系、教学环节、教学管理等方面的差异,进而提出改进国内计算机教学的课程体系,灵活增设相应的教学环节等建议。

2.The method focus on setting practice teaching process cooperating with theoretic teaching process which can promote the applying ability of students.本文讨论了在制定信息与计算科学专业的培养计划过程中 ,从注重实践性教学环节与相应的理论教学相配套入手 ,以提高学生的应用能力为目标 ,有的放矢地设置实践性教学环节 ,使学生的应用能力得到有计划培养的方法以及取得的初步成果。

3.The bidirectional operation of the tutor s guidance and the student s self-learning will optimize the whole teaching process and form the personalized studying mode.放教育“以学生自主化学习为中心”的教学模式,在教学操作程序上应包括制定个性化学习计划、自学、协作学习、网络学习、课堂教学、综合练习、实验等教学环节,这些教学环节应在教师“导学”和学生“自主学习”的双向互动中优化组合,形成个性化的学习模式。

4)teaching procedure教学环节

1.A study on the practiceteaching procedure in the polytechnic nursing speciality;高职高专护理专业实践性教学环节问题的探讨

2.With the aid of educational and psychological theories and from the perspective ofteaching procedure,the article probes into the principles of selecting and constructing English teaching strategies in the multi-media environment.依据教育学、心理学有关理论,从教学环节入手,探讨了英语教学在多媒体环境下的教学策略选择原则及相应英语教学策略,提出英语教学的整体筹划策略、信息输入策略、全息评价策略和重现巩固策略。

3.With the aid of educational and psychological theories and from the perspective ofteaching procedure, this paper probes into the principles of selecting and constructing English teaching strategies in the multi-media environment.本文借助教育学、心理学理论 ,从教学环节入手 ,探讨了多媒体环境下的教学策略选择原则及相应英语教学策略 (即整体筹划策略、信息输入策略、全息评价策略和复现巩固策略 ) ,旨在为完善外语教学体系提供一定启示和教学参照。


1.Vision of Project Caseteaching;对工程案例教学环节的构想

2.This thesis aims to explore how to enhance students interests in major courses on the ground ofteaching,and strengthen learning initiatives and study efficiency.首先要重视课堂教学,提高课堂效率,重视引言并在课堂上采用启发式和提问式相结合的教学方法,提高学生学习兴趣,使学生的注意力能紧紧围绕所讲授的内容进行思考;其次通过调整讲课时的主从位置调动学生学习主动性,培养学生自学能力;三是重视和改革实践教学环节,四是采用多媒体教学方法,加强对抽象内容的理解。

3.Teaching management is the core of the school management,continuously strengthenteaching process management can improveteaching quality.近几年来,我校通过强化教学过程管理,从每一个教学环节抓起,促使教学质量不断提高。

6)Teaching practice link教学实践环节


