1500字范文 > 银含量 Silver content英语短句 例句大全

银含量 Silver content英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-28 22:30:23


银含量 Silver content英语短句 例句大全

银含量,Silver content

1)Silver content银含量

1.The technical indexes of seven kinds of flaked silver-coated copper powder with different silver content were listed, and all the powder was obtained by method of replacement in com.列出了某单位采用置换与化学沉积复合技术制备的7种不同银含量的片状银包铜粉的技术指标。

2.The silver contents and bulk resistivities of four kinds of pastes were tested.测试了4种银浆的银含量及银层体电阻率,观察了固化后银浆层的正面及断面形貌;考核了4种银浆制作的聚合物片式叠层铝电解电容器的等效串联电阻(ESR)值。


1.Determination of Argentum in Waste Fixative by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrum废定影液中银含量ICP-AES测定方法

2.Effect of support and Ag loading on the performance of silver-based catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NO by C_3H_6载体及银含量等参数对丙烯选择还原NO用银基催化剂性能的影响

3.Can those fish bring about edible on the high side of haemal mercury content?食用那些鱼类会导致血液水银含量偏高?

4.the content of silver in a ton of ore一吨矿砂中银的含量

5.a silver alloy with no more than 7.5% copper.铜含量不超过%的银合金。

6.HPLC Rapid Determination of the Total Flavonol Glycoside in Ginkgo BilobaHPLC法快速测定银杏叶中银杏总黄酮醇苷含量

7.Effect of Rosa roxburghii Tratt.fruit on the ginkgolic acid contents of the Ginkgo biloba exocarp刺梨对银杏外种皮中银杏酸含量的影响

8.The ore assays high in silver.这种矿石验明含银量很高。

9.The Study on the Embedded Option Risk s Measurement of Loan for Commercial Bank;商业银行贷款隐含期权风险测量研究

10.Silver-antimony Alloy Coating and Antimony Content Analysis;银-锑合金镀层及镀液中锑含量分析

11.Determination of Chlorogenic acid in Yinhua Ganmao Granules by HPLCHPLC测定银花感冒颗粒中绿原酸含量

12.Determination of fraxinellon in Quyin Capsule by HPLCHPLC法测定祛银胶囊中梣酮的含量

13.Determination of Caffeic Acid in Yinpujiedu Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定银蒲解毒片中咖啡酸的含量

14.Determination of Flos Lonicera Japonica Extract by HPLCHPLC法测定金银花浸膏中绿原酸的含量

15.Determination the Paeoniflorin of Yuyin Tablets by HPLCHPLC法测定愈银片中芍药苷的含量

16.Determination of Arsenic in Iron Ore by a New Silver Salt Spectrophotometry新银盐光度法测定铁矿石中砷的含量

17.Determination of Baicalin Content in Yinhuang Drop Pills by HPLCHPLC法测定银黄滴丸中黄芩苷的含量

18.The HPLC method for the quantitative analysis of amygdalin in yinao granuleHPLC法测银拗合剂中苦杏仁苷的含量


Ag content银含量

1.TheAg content is between 0.用不同量的银,作为Al-Cu-Mg-Mn铝合金(A206)中添加物,探讨银在其中变化的影响。

3)silver content含银量

1.The effects of AgNO3 concentration,the amount of graphite powders and cathode efficiency onsilver content and electroplating effect of the silver electroplating graphite powders were analyzed in detail.研究了镀液中硝酸银浓度、石墨粉加入量和阴极电流密度等工艺条件对镀银石墨粉含银量和电镀效果的影响。

4)high content silver高含量银

5)ores with high silver content高含量银矿

6)Photographic Materials Silver Content感光材料含银量




海陵岛银海城十里银滩风景旅游区位于广东省阳江市海陵岛南面,滩长8000米,平均宽150米,是海 陵岛最大的海滩。银海城旅游度假区三面环绕着翠岭青山,南面延伸着洁白宽阔的沙滩,阳光白沙、碧浪 青山交织出一幅亚热带风情画卷。旅游风景区包括四个部分:皇宋螺城、宾馆别墅区和海滩公园浴场区。 宾馆别墅区以主题区建筑模式进行规划,设有民族别墅苑、苏州苑、太空城、蒙古城等若干组,汇集中国 多种民族建筑风格,目前民族苑已建成5套座,其他类型别墅3座,在沙滩公园还建有牛仔美食城、啤酒屋 以及64栋木结构沙滩情侣屋。
