1500字范文 > 爆夯 explosive compaction英语短句 例句大全

爆夯 explosive compaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-20 11:05:45


爆夯 explosive compaction英语短句 例句大全

爆夯,explosive compaction

1)explosive compaction爆夯

1.The parameters ofexplosive compaction for base-bed during the construction of Berth 7tth wharf Engineering,Harbour Area of China Merchants Bank,Xiamen Port,are determined through test explosive compact.厦门港招银港区7#泊位建设过程中基床爆夯拟通过试夯,以确定基床爆夯参数。

2.Explosive compaction is usually used in compaction construction of foundation bed for gravity terminal.尤其在水深和基床厚度比较大的情况下 ,爆夯比传统的锤夯具有更明显的优势。

3.This paper introduces the wharf bedexplosive compaction construction organization design, construction situation, as well as the comparison of construction effect between simplyexplosive compaction and a combination ofexplosive compaction with hamming compaction in Yangpu Port Phase II Project.介绍洋浦港二期工程码头基床爆夯施工组织设计、施工情况以及单纯爆夯同爆夯与锤夯结合的效果比较。


1.On the construction craft of the compaction of foundation bed by blasting to build breakwater in deep water深水防波堤沉箱基床爆夯及整平技术

2.Security Control of Explosive Ramming on Bedding of Berths 16 and 17 in Haicang Area of Xiamen Port厦门海沧港区16~17号泊位基床爆夯的安全控制

3.Application of blasting vibration test of foundation bed explosive ramming in Songyu Harbor爆破振动测试在嵩屿码头基床爆夯施工中的应用

4.Explosive Compaction of Rock Bed Method Applied in Gravity Wharf And Quality Control块石基床爆夯技术在重力式码头的应用及质量控制

5.Affection of Tamping Energy and Tamping Times on Depth of Dynamic Consolidation;夯击能及夯击击数对强夯加固深度的影响

6.A ramming machine is used to firm the ground up.打夯机用来将地面打实。

7.The foundation becomes solid after tamping.打夯以后,地基就瓷实了。

8.Ram down the soil, eg when building roads把地面夯实(如筑路时)

9.Analyses were made of the influence of lamping energy, distance of tamping points and number of passes upon the safety of the existing surrounding structures when a foundation is improved with the dynamic compaction method.分析了强夯法加固地基时,夯击能、夯点距离、夯击数等因素对周围已建建筑物的安全的影响。

10.ballast-tamping or cleaning railway car铁道道渣夯具或清洗车

11.Consolidation Mechanism and the Effects of Dynamic Consolidation Research;强夯加固机理及强夯影响效果研究分析

12.Estimation of Settlement of Enrockment Ground Improved by Dynamic Compaction Based on the Gray System Theory基于灰色系统的抛石强夯加固地基夯沉量估算

13.Application of Massive Hammer in Underwater Bed Compaction of Songyu Harbour大质量夯锤在嵩屿码头水下基床夯实中的应用

14.A Study on Times of Dynamic Compaction Tamp Based on Element Deformation Energy Dissipation基于单元体变形耗能的强夯夯击次数研究

15.Visual Analysis of Stress and Fatigue Life of the Frame of a Kind of Leapfrogging Punner打夯机夯架应力及疲劳寿命可视化分析

16.Currently you can choose between a wide range of powerful single-direction vibration plates and an equally broad selection of reversible plated.你能够在单向振动式平板夯与可反转式平板夯之间任意选择。

17.But the vibration during dynamic compaction often becomes a problem that restricts the application of dynamic compaction.然而,强夯施工振动往往成为制约强夯法应用的关键问题。

18.Dynamic Consolidation Method Mechanism Analyzing and Foundation Stabilization of Hydraulic Filled Sand Experiment Research by Dynamic Consolidation Method;强夯法加固地基机理分析与强夯吹填砂性地基试验研究


explosive ramming爆夯

1.Inexplosive ramming of rubble bed of 4# & 5# berths of China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone, it briefly introduces the objective and measures at preparation & implementation stages respectively.针对漳州港 4 #、5 #泊位抛石基床爆夯工序 ,简单介绍爆夯施工准备阶段、实施阶段目标及措施 ,分析爆夯基床的密实效果以及对周围环境的影响。

2.Inexplosive ramming of rubble bed of # 15 & # 16 berths of Xiamen Xiangyu freetrade zone, it briefly introduces the objective and measures at preparaion & implementation stagesrespectively.文章针对厦门象屿保税区#15、#16泊位抛石基床爆夯工序,从监理的角度,简单介绍了爆夯施工准备阶段、实施阶段监理目标及监理措施,分析了爆夯基床的密实效果以及对周围环境的影响。

3)blasting ramming test爆夯试验

1.Example of reinforcement to underwater foundation of the cargo and container gravity wharf is taken to introduce theblasting ramming test.以某杂货码头和集装箱重力式码头水下地基处理工程为例,介绍了其地基处理的爆夯试验过程,得出了一次性爆破夯实厚层块石抛石基床的爆夯参数,并对其施工过程进行了监测。

4)blasting ramming parameter爆夯参数

1.The nonrecurringblasting ramming parameters for thick base made of stone-block are obtained and the construction process is monitored to sum up the experience and lessons in similar engineering construction.以某杂货码头和集装箱重力式码头水下地基处理工程为例,介绍了其地基处理的爆夯试验过程,得出了一次性爆破夯实厚层块石抛石基床的爆夯参数,并对其施工过程进行了监测。

5)blasting ramming measuring爆夯监测

6)tamping by explosion爆夯密实


