1500字范文 > 施工作业 construction英语短句 例句大全

施工作业 construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-02 10:58:24


施工作业 construction英语短句 例句大全



1.Theconstruction technologies of single bucket excavator using forth and backhoe diggingconstruction methods are introduced.针对单斗挖掘机在土石方施工中的特点,介绍了单斗挖掘机中正、反铲挖掘机的基本作业方法,施工作业方法,以及生产率提高的措施等,可供施工中参考。

2.The key points of the permanent way work in 1998 are to raise train speeds on the existing lines, strengthen the upgrading of the equipment of the tracks and bridges on the Beijing-Guangzhou line, speed up theconstruction mechanization and quicken the pace of scientific enterprise management.1998年工务工作仍以既有线提速为重点,强化改造京广线的线桥设备,加快施工作业机械化进程,加快企业管理科学化步伐。


1.The Simple Study of Rapid Construction of Auxiliary Shaft in EightBao Coal Mine八宝煤矿副井井筒快速施工作业浅析

2.Site Operations and Methods of Construction现场作业和施工方法

3.Discussion Of The Function Of Quota In Construction Corporation Economy;论定额在施工企业经济工作中的作用

4.On How the Construction Enterprises Do the Project Bidding Well;浅议施工企业如何做好工程投标工作

5.Construction Claim--the Work Can t be Ignored by Construction Companies;施工索赔——建筑施工企业不可忽视的工作

6.I"ve got twenty years working experience in the construction business.我有建筑施工行业的工作经验。

7.Analysis on public relations in construction enterprises management and operation;施工企业经营工作中的公共关系浅析

8.Working Thought Of Construction Management For Project Owner In New Period新时期项目业主施工管理的工作思路

9.Among the Construction Type of Enterprises, there are several view of points on the appreciation from experience during the propaganda work of the trade union;在施工型企业中,作好工会宣传工作的几点体会

10.The remote control is necessary for the construction machinery operating in the abominable environment in which an operator can not work.在施工人员无法进入的恶劣环境施工,需对施工机械进行遥控作业。

11.Discussion on the role of norms in operation and managementof construction enterprises;浅谈定额在施工企业经营管理工作中的作用

12.Ideas on Implementation of Re-employment to Laid -off Staffs in Enterprise;企业下岗职工实施再就业工作的几点思考

13.On Information Cumulation Work of Construction Enterprises Project Cost;施工企业的工程造价资料积累工作的探讨

14.The work should be well done by construction enterprises under the model of BOQ valuation;工程量清单计价模式下施工企业应做好的工作

15.Assessment and Evaluation of the Engineering Project Cost of the Construction Enterprises;施工企业工程项目成本的考核评价工作

16.Problems and countermeasures of forming localunion in construction industry建筑施工企业基层工会工作面临的问题和对策

17.Technical Code for safety of high altitude operation of building constructio建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范

18.Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctor .业已采取措施减轻医院医生的工作量


construction operation施工作业

1.This paper describes 3 typical accidents of contrac-tors onsiteconstruction operation in petrochemical plants,and points out the existingconstruction operation problems in petrochemical plant area: the ability of contractors is not good,the owner lacks standardized management for the contractors,and management authority of the owner department in charge ofconstruction operation is weakened.列举了3起石化装置现场典型承包商施工作业事故,指出了石化装置区施工作业管理中存在的工程承包商作业素质薄弱,工程建设单位对施工管理缺少规范化和标准化措施,工程建设主管部门的管理权威弱化问题。

3)job execution作业施工

4)operation side施工作业面

1.The importance ofoperation side management is emphasized and discussed from site management, schedule control, safety management and other aspects.介绍了建设工程施工作业面管理的重要性 ,从现场管理、进度管理、安全管理等方面进行了论述 ,指出搞好施工作业面管理 ,是整个施工项目管理的重要环

5)construction operation area施工作业区

1.Building visual cognition model and installing traffic facility of each part can ensure safe and smooth traffic ofconstruction operation area.根据高速公路改扩建施工区的交通特性及驾驶人的反应特征,将施工作业区划分为7个分段,构建驾驶人视认模型,并对各个分段安全设施进行设置,可保障高速公路施工作业区的安全与通畅,这已被郑洛高速公路所证实。

6)Downhole Construction井下作业施工

1.Influence ofDownhole Construction on Environment and Its Treatment;井下作业施工对环境的影响及治理


