1500字范文 > 虚拟电阻 virtual resistor英语短句 例句大全

虚拟电阻 virtual resistor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-22 09:36:51


虚拟电阻 virtual resistor英语短句 例句大全

虚拟电阻,virtual resistor

1)virtual resistor虚拟电阻

1.In this paper,control methods based on damping resistor andvirtual resistor are presented.针对上述问题,提出了可以根据系统要求及成本因素,采用抑制谐振电阻或虚拟电阻的策略避免谐振,并对滤波参数计算及控制策略进行了分析,最后仿真结果证明了能够减小高次谐波并具有较好的稳定性。

2.To suppress reso- nance of LCL filter and improve stability of system,it is pre- sent that a voltage and current double loops control strategy based onvirtual resistor concept.为了提高系统的稳定性,抑制滤波器的谐振,在双闭环控制的基础上提出了一种基于虚拟电阻思想的控制策略。

3.In order to assure stable operation of system, in this paper a controlling strategy based onvirtual resistor concept is presented to make controlling arithmetic replacing function of damping resistor.但考虑到LCL滤波器存在谐振问题,如果控制策略不合适会导致系统不稳定,且增大输入电网电流的谐波畸变率,提出基于虚拟电阻思想的控制策略。

2)Virtual Resistant Algorithm虚拟电阻算法

3)virtual impedance虚拟阻抗

1.Current transformer saturation criterion based onvirtual impedance model;基于虚拟阻抗模型的电流互感器饱和判据

2.The output voltage wave, the output current wave and the output equivalent impedance (it is namedvirtual impedance Z) are important characteristics of CWG.组合波信号发生器(CWG)主要用于浪涌保护器或电子设备电磁兼容试验,要求在虚拟阻抗Z为2Ω的情况下,输出1。


1.Control Scheme of Paralleled UPS System Based on Output Virtual Resistance基于虚拟阻抗的不间断电源并联系统均流控制

2.Portable Bioelectrical Impedance Measurement System Based on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器的便携式生物阻抗测量系统设计

3.Teleoperation of virtual real by impedance control融合阻抗控制的虚拟现实遥操作技术研究

4.Fiber electrical resistance tester based on virtual instrument technology基于虚拟仪器技术的纤维电阻测试仪

5.A Measuring System for Resistivity Based on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器的温度-电阻率测试系统

6.opposition to the flow of sound through a surface; acoustic resistance is the real component of acoustic impedance and acoustic reactance is the imaginary component.声音在通过一个表面时受到的阻力;声阻是声阻抗的实部,声抗是声阻抗的虚部。

7.Using the virtual damper placed at the interested locations of systems, the energy dissipations of the virtual dampers can be computed.将虚拟阻尼器放在系统感兴趣的位置,虚拟阻尼器所消耗的能量可以计算出来。

8.Research on the Thermal Resistance Virtual Prototypes Based on the Semiconductor Cooler;基于半导体致冷器的热阻虚拟样机及其研究

9.Testing Electrical Parameter SRD Based on Virtual Instrument;基于虚拟仪器的开关磁阻电机电参数的检测

10.On virtual simulation test for running resistance of pipe belt conveyor圆管带式输送机运行阻力虚拟仿真试验研究

11.Fatigue-damage Machine of Crankshaft Based on the Technology of Virtual Instrument and Micro-resistance Measuring采用虚拟仪器与电阻法的曲轴疲劳损伤试验机

12.The Test System For Thermal Resistance Of Power Transistor base on Virtual Instrument基于虚拟仪器的功率三极管热阻测试系统

13.intrinsic impedance内在阻抗;内阻抗;内禀阻抗;本征阻抗;固有阻抗

14.Discovering hIL-6 Antagonist from Synthetic Compound Database by Using Structure-Based Virtual Screening;基于结构信息虚拟筛选hIL-6拮抗先导化合物

15.Visual Reality of Missile Attack and Defense;虚拟现实技术在导弹攻防对抗中的应用

16.Research on Methods to Combat Non-Credible Software Based on Virtual Machine Technology基于虚拟机技术的非可信软件对抗方法研究

17.Research and Implementation of Virtual Internet of Strategic-seminar-gaming-oriented面向战略对抗演习的虚拟互联网研究和实现

18.The applied research of virtualization technology in the fight against computer networks虚拟化技术在计算机网络对抗中的应用研究


Virtual Resistant Algorithm虚拟电阻算法

3)virtual impedance虚拟阻抗

1.Current transformer saturation criterion based onvirtual impedance model;基于虚拟阻抗模型的电流互感器饱和判据

2.The output voltage wave, the output current wave and the output equivalent impedance (it is namedvirtual impedance Z) are important characteristics of CWG.组合波信号发生器(CWG)主要用于浪涌保护器或电子设备电磁兼容试验,要求在虚拟阻抗Z为2Ω的情况下,输出1。

4)full region apparent resistivity虚拟全区视电阻率

1.On the basis of field expression in half infinite homogeneous medium space, this paper discusses the basic properties offull region apparent resistivity for data acquired with center loop line transient electromagnetic method and their solving method.特别地 ,引入了基于感应电动势的“虚拟全区视电阻率”概念 ,从而解决了全区视电阻率解的唯一性和存在性等问题。

5)virtual damper虚拟阻尼器

1.Using thevirtual damper placed at the system of interest locations,the energy dissipations of thevirtual dampers can be computed.利用虚拟阻尼器,放在结构感兴趣的位置,可以计算出虚拟阻尼器所消耗的功率值,根据虚拟阻尼器在振动系统中不同点所消耗的功率数值,讨论了寻找放置阻尼器最佳位置的方法。

2.Using thevirtual damper placed at the system of interest locations, the energy dissipations of thevirtual dampers can be computed.利用虚拟阻尼器,放在结构感兴趣的位置,可以计算出来的虚拟阻尼器所消耗的能量值,根据虚拟阻尼器在结构中不同点所消耗的能量数值,讨论了寻找放置阻尼器最佳位置的方法。

6)image resistivity虚电阻率

1.With the analysis on the real part measurement in high frequency, a method ofimage resistivity well logging is put forward with multi-frequencies.文章用矢量分析的方法,对复电阻率测井方法进行了分析,指出在主电流测量中,实部电流IX只与岩层电阻率有关,而虚部电流IY才与介质的介电常数有关;对高频实部测量的电阻率不具有频散特性进行了分析,并提出了多频虚电阻率测井方法。


铂电阻温度表(见电阻温度表)铂电阻温度表(见电阻温度表)表。bod旧nZu wendubiao铂电阻温度表见电阻温
