1500字范文 > 车辆队列 vehicle queue英语短句 例句大全

车辆队列 vehicle queue英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-18 22:32:49


车辆队列 vehicle queue英语短句 例句大全

车辆队列,vehicle queue

1)vehicle queue车辆队列

2)vehicle queuing车辆排队


1.Impact of Vehicle Headway on Intersection Capacity车辆排队间距对交叉口通行能力的影响

2.Image Detection of Vehicle Queue Length on Crossway Based on DM642EVM基于DM642EVM的交叉口车辆排队长度图像检测系统

3.A single file of vehicles or pack animals.车队,牲口队排成单行的车辆或牲口群

4.An Example of Reducing Vehicular Emissions by Diverting Queuing Traffic转移排队车辆控制尾气排放的应用实例

5.One of the cars pealed off and headed back to town as prearranged.根据事先的安排,一辆汽车离开车队,掉头回城。

6.Study on Requirement Forecast of Vehicle Equipment Maintenance and Repairing Force Based on the Queuing Theory基于排队论的车辆装备维修力量需求预测研究

7.A Forecast Model for Demanding of Repaired Material Based on the Queue Theory基于排队论的可修复型车辆维修器材需求预测

8.Optimization of Allocation of Vehicles for Waste Disposal in Open Pit Mine Based on Queuing and Grey Correlation Theories基于排队论与灰色关联的露天矿排土车辆配置优化

9.Study on Models of Delay and Queue Length at Saturated Intersections;过饱和状态下交叉口车辆延误和排队长度模型研究

10.Traffic stacked up for kilometers.车辆排了几公里长。

11.Could you arrange a taxi for me, please?能为我安排辆出租车吗?

12.group of vehicles protected in this way装甲车辆,装甲部队

13.The cars were lined up one after another.车子是一辆接一辆地排列的。

14.A convoy of army lorries was proceeding along the highway head to tail.军车队正一辆接一辆地沿着马路行驶。

15.Because of the crash, there"s a six mile tailback on the motorway from junction four.由于发生撞车事故,从高速公路第四交叉口开始受阻车辆排起了6英里的长队。

16.A lorry drove into a line of parked cars.一辆卡车撞上了一排停着的汽车.

17.The Force has 850 motorcycles and 1650 four-wheeled vehicles.警队拥有850部电单车及1650部四轮车辆。

18.Close behind was another string of mules and another wagon.紧接着又是一队骡车和一辆四轮马车。


vehicle queuing车辆排队

3)vehicle platoon汽车列队

1.A simulated autonomousvehicle platoon communications systems were designed and implemented.介绍了模拟自治汽车列队通信控制系统的设计与实现过程,提出了1种基于自治汽车列队通信系统的研究方法。

2.An intelligent carvehicle platoon communication system was designed on a 1:10 laboratory road simulation platform.基于车路协调的汽车列队技术是解决各种交通问题的最佳方案之一。

4)heterogeneous fleet VRP混合车队车辆

1.For solving theheterogeneous fleet VRP, the hybrid algorithm integrates the advantage of GA (good at global searching) and TS (good at mountain climbing).描述了一类特殊的车辆路径问题 (VRP) -混合车队车辆路径问题·在分析问题特性的基础上 ,通过引入“车队模式”定义 ,提出了求解框架 ,设计了基于遗传算法和禁忌搜索启发式的混合算法·针对其中的混合车队车辆路径问题 ,所设计混合算法 ,利用了GA搜索全局性好 ,TS局部爬山能力强的特点·提出的车队、任务分段组合编码和解码规则充分考虑了混合车队车辆路径问题的特点·实例计算结果表明了框架、模型和算法的有效

5)fleet truck identification number车队车辆识别号

6)traffic waiting delay车辆排队延误


车辆1.亦作"车两"。 2.车的总称。
