1500字范文 > 下岗职工家庭 the Laid-off Family英语短句 例句大全

下岗职工家庭 the Laid-off Family英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-13 14:28:34


下岗职工家庭 the Laid-off Family英语短句 例句大全

下岗职工家庭,the Laid-off Family

1)the Laid-off Family下岗职工家庭

1.Analysis on the Education Capital ofthe Laid-off Family;下岗职工家庭的教育资本现状分析

2)laid-off worker下岗职工

1.Tactical research on the reemployment countermeasure oflaid-off workers in Xi an;西安下岗职工再就业对策研究

2.Results show that rwo-week prevalence and chronic disease prevalence rate of the laid-off wotker s family are higher than that of the employed s family,as well as the proportion of outpatient service and inpatient service inlaid-off worker s f.结果显示下岗职工家庭的两周患病率、慢性病患病率、未就诊率和需住院而未住院率均高于在岗职工家庭,医保覆盖率低于在岗职工家庭,经济困难是影响卫生服务利用的主要原因。

3.Using the method of random sampling,this research investigates health status of 941laid-off workers families with the population of 3 050 in the cities of Hangzhou,Haikou,Baoding,Shenyang and Chengdu.采取随机抽样的方法调查了我国杭州、海口、保定、沈阳、成都5市下岗职工家庭健康状况,调查有效户为941户,共3050人,分析了下岗职工家庭卫生服务需求和利用的特点。


1.Research on the Attitude of the Laid-off Workers重庆市下岗职工下岗态度的调查研究

2.subsistence allowances for laid-off workers下岗职工基本生活费

3.Promoting Reemployment of the Laid-off and Unemployed促进下岗职工和失业人员再就业

4.In China the people who are unemployed are called laid-off workers.在中国失业的人员被称为下岗职工。

5.guarantee of Basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises国企下岗职工基本生活保障

6.Reemploymen of Laid-off Workers山西省将妥善安置国有企业下岗职工

7.A Study on the Labor Relations of Laid-off Workers and Its Settlement in SOEs国有企业下岗职工劳动关系及其处理

8.Empirical Research on the Marriage and Family Rights and Interests Protection of Laid-off Workers下岗职工婚姻家庭权益保障实证研究

9.A Discussion on the Living Ensurance of Laid-off Workers and Reemployment浅谈下岗职工基本生活保障和再就业

10.The Research of Perfecting Unemployed Social Security Systems;完善国企下岗职工社会保障制度研究

11.On Re-Employment of the Unemployed;国有企业下岗职工再就业问题的思考

12.A Survey on the Living Conditions of the Laid-off Workers in Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省下岗职工生活状况调查分析

13.Mental Health of Employee of Coming off Sentry Duty in National Enterprise.;国有企业下岗职工心理健康对照研究

14.Study on the Training Programe of Unemployed Workers for Their Re-employment in Chongqing;重庆市下岗职工再就业培训问题探究

15.Thinking and Countermeasures to Labor Relations Reform of the Laid-off Workers;下岗职工劳动关系改革的思路与对策

16.Analysis of Obstacles of State-Owned Enterprise Workers;国有企业下岗职工再就业的障碍分析

17.Investigation of Resocialization of Laid-Off Workers in State-Owned Enterprise宝鸡国有企业下岗职工再社会化研究

18.A Study on the Social Support Network and Job-seeking Behaviors of the Laid-off Workers in Urban China城市下岗职工社会支持网络与谋职行为研究


laid-off worker下岗职工

1.Tactical research on the reemployment countermeasure oflaid-off workers in Xi an;西安下岗职工再就业对策研究

2.Results show that rwo-week prevalence and chronic disease prevalence rate of the laid-off wotker s family are higher than that of the employed s family,as well as the proportion of outpatient service and inpatient service inlaid-off worker s f.结果显示下岗职工家庭的两周患病率、慢性病患病率、未就诊率和需住院而未住院率均高于在岗职工家庭,医保覆盖率低于在岗职工家庭,经济困难是影响卫生服务利用的主要原因。

3.Using the method of random sampling,this research investigates health status of 941laid-off workers families with the population of 3 050 in the cities of Hangzhou,Haikou,Baoding,Shenyang and Chengdu.采取随机抽样的方法调查了我国杭州、海口、保定、沈阳、成都5市下岗职工家庭健康状况,调查有效户为941户,共3050人,分析了下岗职工家庭卫生服务需求和利用的特点。

3)the unemployed下岗职工

1.Along with the further development of our country s market economy,the question ofthe unemployed is also incisive day by day,has brought the enormous burden for the government,and has resulted in the waste of the labor resources simultaneously.随着我国市场经济的进一步发展,下岗职工问题也日趋尖锐,给政府经济带来了极大的负担,同时也造成了劳动资源的浪费;企业职工下岗的原因是多方面的,主要是历史性、体制性、结构性和科学进步等原因所造成;要处理好下岗问题,各级地方政府要重视失业率,进一步深化企业改革,大力发展第三产业以拓宽就业领域,对下岗职工进行教育培训,提高他们的素质使其重新走上工作岗位。

2.We should take hold of all these reasons,only in this way,can we have a good plan forthe unemployed based on the current situation of our country.职工下岗现象,是在我国深化改革,建设社会主义市场经济体制,实现两个根本性转变过程中出现的,职工下岗原因比较复杂,既有体制的、历史的、结构的和宏观方面的原因,又有企业及职工自身等微观方面的原因,只有了解这多种原因,才能从我国的实际情况出发,为下岗职工再就业之路出谋划策。

4)laid-off workers下岗职工

1.The Disadvantage and Countermeasures of Urban Laid-off Workers Reemployment;下岗职工再就业问题的难点与对策研究

2.Focusing on the problem oflaid-off workers caused by economic structure adjustments this article analyzed the main causes oflaid-off workers situation and described the characteristics oflaid-off workers.针对目前我国经济结构调整中的企业职工下岗问题,分析了下岗现象产生的主要原因和下岗职工结构的群体特征以及再就业工程的整体思路并就旅游饭店吸纳下岗职工的可行性,论证了其在再就业工程中的重要作

3. How to letlaid-off workers to re-employ is a vitally important social problem.随着经济体制改革的不断深入,企业进行产业结构和经济结构调整的步伐明显加快,下岗职工逐年增加。

5)the Laid-off Workers下岗职工

1.The result shows that the attitude of the laid-off workers on la ying off in the city is active and positive but fragile and complicated on the w hole .本文用问卷调查的方法对重庆市99年6月以前的下岗职工对下岗一事所持有的态度 进行了抽样调查,对其数据进行了统计分析。

2.The urban migrant workers and the laid-off workers are both the social disadvantaged groups, but their culture background are different, so it has comparison between the two groups.农民工和下岗职工都是城市社会的弱势群体,但是他们的文化背景不同,他们的消费行为应当具有可比性。

6)laid off workers下岗职工

1.This paper, by investigting some state run enterprises in dilema, analyses thelaid off workers attitudes to the reforms, and puts forward countermeasures to adjust their psychologenic disorder and to guide them getting healthy psychology.对一部分困难国有企业的调查 ,分析下岗职工对改革的心态 ,提出了一系列进行心理障碍调适和健康心理引导的措施。


