1500字范文 > 男女平等意识 the consciousness of equality between men and women英语短句 例句大全

男女平等意识 the consciousness of equality between men and women英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-17 09:52:28


男女平等意识 the consciousness of equality between men and women英语短句 例句大全

男女平等意识,the consciousness of equality between men and women

1)the consciousness of equality between men and women男女平等意识


1.Effective Factors on the Conciousness of Equality Between Men and Women in the Transition Period;转型时期影响男女平等意识的因素分析

2.A tentative analysis of "social sex consciousness" and "equality of the sexes;浅析“社会性别意识”观与“男女平等”

3.On the influence of Gerder Awareness on the Achievement of Gender Equality;论性别意识对实现男女平等的影响及解决途径

4.Here she first realized that women were not treated as equally as men.在大学里,她意识到了妇女不能被男士一样平等对待。

5.A Re-understanding of Equality between Men and Women:Whether Men and Women should Retire at the Same Age对男女平等的再认识——兼论男女是否应当同龄退休

6.gender approach顾及男女平等的方式

7.Gender and Development Programme男女平等参与发展方案

8.Gender in Development Section男女平等参与发展科

9.Gender in Development Sub-group男女平等参与发展分组

10.Article 9 Males and females are equal in their right to inheritance.第九条 继承权男女平等。

11.Equality of men and women is not a slogan.男女平等不是一句口号。

12.The male and female genders are equal.男性和女性是平等的。

13.European Committee for Equality between Women and Men欧洲男女平等委员会

14.Men and women should enjoy equal rights.男女应当享有平等权利.

15.On comprehensive connotation of equality between men and women--A survey of equality between men and women in China;从我国男女平等的现状看男女平等的复合内涵

16.equality of opportunity and treatment(男女)机会平等和待遇平等

17.Gender in Development Programme男女平等参与发展方案(平等参与方案)

18.On the Equality Ideas and Obligation Sense of China s Women in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China;清末民初中国妇女的平等思想和义务意识


Equality between men and women男女平等

1.Realizing equality between men and women to build a society of harmonious development of both sexes;实现男女平等构建两性和谐发展的社会

2.The regulations on equality of the sexes in the society carried out by the Tokyo government helped to build a good environment of the equality between men and women and have been proved to be quite effective.在联合国妇女大会和国际公约的推动下,日本政府不断从制度层面营造良好的男女共同参与社会的环境,而由此也促进了地方政府积极制定男女平等参与社会的政策与措施。

3.As one of the element of ideology,the idea of equality between men and women develops from China s modern history till the reform and opening period,during which many progressive elements in different periods of Chinese history keep on perfecting and probing the idea from content to method.男女平等的思想作为意识形态的内容之一,从中国近代历史开始一直发展到改革开放,其中中国各时代的先进分子们对这一思想进行了从内容到方法的不断完善和探索,他们立足中国社会,又以开放的胸怀接纳世界多元文化中对这一思想的建构的先进元素,使男女平等思想在今天依然是指导中国社会解决妇女问题的世界观和方法论,它对今天人们认识和解决男女不平等具有重要的启示。

3)gender equality男女平等

1.Women s equal participation in social work is an important signal and an essential way ofgender equality and it is also an important implementation of our basic national policies likegender equality.妇女平等地参加社会劳动,是男女平等的重要标志和根本途径,也是贯彻落实男女平等基本国策的重要措施。

2.Awareness ofgender equality and growth of female creation will emancipate the female productive force to bring about truegender equality and development in harmony.解放和发展女性精神生产力,不断提高女性的平等主体意识和创新意识,是实现男女平等与和谐发展的根本路径。

3.The thesis starts with the analysis on the actual contradiction between the status quo of thegender equality and the work of constructing a harmonious society in China.从分析当前中国男女平等现状与构建和谐社会的现实矛盾入手,提出在构建和谐社会的进程中,调动社会各方面力量,用发展的办法解决目前存在的男女不平等问题,营造妇女进步发展的良好环境,实现男女平等,构建社会主义和谐社会。

4)sexual equality男女平等

1.Sexual equality:the social harmony and development;男女平等:社会协调与发展

2.Taking the view of broadly-oppressed women,Lu Xun had experienced and observed their tragic situations, put forward serious criticism on feudalism and morals at that time,with the opposition of "men are superior to women," and embracedsexual equality.他站在广大被压迫妇女的立场上,感同身受地体察到了她们的悲惨处境,批判了造成妇女悲剧命运的封建制度和伦理道德,反对男尊女卑,主张男女平等。

5)equality of men and women男女平等

1.An analysis of law onequality of men and women——Principle of the Law on the Guarantee of Rights and Interests of Women;男女平等的法律辨析——兼论《妇女权益保障法》的立法原则

2.A heavy literary subject──Reconsideration ofequality of men and women and emancipation of women;一个沉重的文学主题──对男女平等、妇女解放的思考

3.Since 1992, the implementation of Women Rights Guarantee Law has played an important role for guaranteeing women s lawful rights and realizing theequality of men and women.妇女权益保障法自1992年施行以来,对保障妇女的合法权益、实现男女平等发挥了重要作用。

6)Equality of the sexes男女平等

1.A tentative analysis of "social sex consciousness" and "equality of the sexes;浅析“社会性别意识”观与“男女平等”

2.This paper gives some personal shallow views from the following four aspects :equality of the sexes position;the reform of marriage system;strict to lines between male and female;the "return" about bad and old customs and habits of feudal marriage.该文拟就男女平等的主张、婚姻制度的改革、严别男行女行、封建婚姻陈规陋习的"回归",这四个方面进行剖析。

3.It is even in conflict with the principle of equality of the sexes.我国婚姻法保护妇女合法权益原则在现实生活中既不能够给妇女提供强有力的特殊保护,也与婚姻法男女平等原则有一定的冲突。


男女平等男女平等equality of men and women性社会学术语。是指男女在经济上、政治上和社会生活的各个方面都处于平等的地位。男女两性在婚姻家庭关系中的地位,归
