1500字范文 > 居民出行 resident trip英语短句 例句大全

居民出行 resident trip英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-20 23:52:48


居民出行 resident trip英语短句 例句大全

居民出行,resident trip

1)resident trip居民出行

1.The disparity ofresident trip characteristics of different economy degree in China small cities was studied.试图研究中国不同经济发达程度的小城市居民出行特征的差异性及导致差异性的内在原因。

2.With the introduced neural network model,linear and nonlinear indexes can be distinguished,related factors affectingresident trip option can be analysed,including trip self property,trip property,transportation systematic property,regional trip property and destination regional property.已有的交通拥挤问题研究大多关注于城市交通的宏观层面,而对于微观层面的居民出行个体研究甚少,这主要是因为与出行个体相关的特征指标难以量化,只能做定性分析,引入神经网络模型即能够识别线性指标又能够识别非线性指标的特性。

3.Based on the investigation ofresident trip characteristics data,the article analyzes the exclusive trip characteristics on sereval typical medium or small urban,such as short trip distance,more nonmotorized trip,more office-based and school-based trip,clear peak value.在对几个典型中小城市的居民出行特征进行分析整理的基础上,依据需求的程度,针对中小城市出行距离不长,非机动方式出行突出,以上学上班出行为主,高峰峰值明显等特有的交通特性,提出了相应的发展对策。


1.Resident trip survey based on residential area stratification基于居住地分层的居民出行调查方法


3.Improvement and Conclusion about Resident Trip Generation居民出行生成预测方法的归纳和创新

4.Study on Methods for Forecasting Urban Residents Trip Mode Split;城市居民出行方式选择预测方法研究

5.Beijing Residents" Travel Time Survey in Small Samples北京市居民出行时间小样本调查分析

6.Value of Travel Time:An SP Survey in Tianjin基于SP调查的天津市居民出行行为时间价值

7.Study on Inhabitant Trip Distribution Model Based on Maximum Information Entropy基于最大信息熵的居民出行分布模型研究

8.Research on Simulation of Inhabitant Trip Distribution Based on Electronic Energy基于电子能量的居民出行分布模拟模型研究

9.Study on the Urban Form、Traffic Pattern and Resident Traffic Mode;城市形态、交通模式和居民出行方式研究

10.Research on the Forecast Method of Trip Generation Based on the Lowry Model Improment;基于Lowry模型改进的居民出行产生预测方法研究

11.Analysis of the feature of the trip of Fuzhou residents based on decision tree technique;基于决策树技术的福州市居民出行特征分析

12.The Characteristics of the Trips of Inhabitants and the Urban Space Structure along the Subway in Guangzhou City;广州地铁沿线的居民出行与城市空间结构分析

13.Research on O-D Calculation of Inhabitant Trips Based on the Data of Bus Intelligent Card基于公交IC卡信息的居民出行OD推算研究

14.Cangnan Inhabitant Trips Characteristics Study小城市居民出行特征分析——以苍南县城为例

15.Verification method of resident trip OD matrix based on screen area基于核查区的居民出行OD矩阵校核方法

16.Analysis on Inhabitant Trip Characteristic and Discussion on Traffic Development Countermeasure杭州市居民出行特征分析及交通发展对策探讨

17.Resident Trip Characteristics and Transport Development Policies in Ningbo宁波市居民出行特征分析及交通发展对策研究

18.Impacts of Urban Forms on Travel Behavior:Case Studies in Shanghai城市形态对居民出行的影响——上海实例研究


inhabitant trip居民出行

1.This paper uses the decision tree in data mining technique to mine the data ofinhabitant trip based on classification law,arrives at the correlation between individual background of Fuzhou residents and their trip mode choice and gives countermeasures for the development of Fuzhou transportation.居民出行调查是城市交通规划、建设、管理的基础和依据,运用数据挖掘技术中的决策树,对居民出行数据进行了分类规则挖掘,得出了福州市居民的个人情况与其出行方式选择的相关性,并对福州市的交通发展提出了相应对策。

2.On the basis of the data of habitant trip in in Panyu Region of Guagnzhou City,the basic features ofinhabitant trip and their reasons were analyzed.通过对广州市番禺中心城区居民出行调查的有关数据进行研究,分析了中心城区居民出行的基本特征及其原因。

3.The investigation ofinhabitant trip is the base of urban transportation planning, urban construction and urban administration.居民出行调查是城市交通规划、建设、管理的基础依据 ,本文通过对比分析广州市 1998年万户居民出行调查和 1984年居民出行调查的有关数据 ,总结归纳出广州市城市居民出行的规律、变化特征及其原因 ,并针对其特点 ,提出广州市未来交通发展的对策和建议。

3)Resident trips居民出行

1.Urban resident trips is becoming a focus in the research fields to urban geographers and transportation geographers,and its survey and analysis are the basis to improve urban transportation.城市居民交通出行是目前城市地理学和交通地理学日益关注的研究领域,其中,居民出行调查与分析是改善城市交通布局的主要依据。

2.Based on analysis of information entropy,this paper puts forward that information entropy can describe the spatial distribution changes of one city s resident trips better than OD desire line in different periods.在简要分析信息熵原理的基础上,提出相对于OD期望线,信息熵可以从定量的角度比较直观地表征同一城市不同时期居民出行空间分布的变化情况。

3.It is concludes that more mixed land use and improvement of internal function of dis-tricts especially newly developed districts would balance the spatial distribution of resident trips there-fore ease the pressure on urban transportation.分析了广州中心片区的人口、就业岗位土地利用和居民出行空间分布现状,探讨土地利用混合程度的计算模式,构建了广州中心片区居民出行区间吸引比例与土地利用混合程度之间的关系模型,得出如下结论:城市各区特别是新开发城区土地利用混合程度的提高能够起到缓解城市区间路网的交通压力的作用;发达的公交和方便的出行可以促进新城开发,居民到新开发城区居住和就业,改善老城区日益拥挤的状况,协调旧城改造与新区开发。


1.The characteristics of thetrips of Shunde residents and transport measures;佛山顺德区居民出行特征分析及交通对策研究

2.By summing up the passenger traffic laws, and reasons based on the data such astrips, intensity and mode, this paper puts forward a series of suggestion such as the develoment of public transports, management of traffic demand.分析了岳阳市1997年居民出行调查的有关数据,通过出行方式、出行强度等一系列指标,总结归纳出岳阳市居民出行的规律及原因,针对其特点提出了发展公交、交通需求管理等建议。

3.Based on the analysis the indexes oftrips, mode, travel time and trip distance with the survey data of Suzhou city and other cities in China in 2000 and 1996, the patterns and characteristics of resident travels are summarized in this paper.对比分析苏州市 2 0 0 0年和 1 996年以及苏州市与国内其他城市居民出行调查的有关数据 ,通过出行强度、出行方式、出行的时间分布、出行的空间分布等一系列指标总结归纳出苏州市城市居民出行的规律、变化特征及其原因 。

5)resident trips居民出行量

6)resident trip investigation居民出行调查

1.Sampling methods ofresident trip investigation;居民出行调查抽样率模型

2.To solve problems in the sampling process ofresident trip investigation,this paper applied mathe- matical statistics to studying the characteristics of stratified sampling method.针对大城市居民出行调查抽样问题,运用数理统计学原理分析了分层抽样的特点,基于二重抽样理论,建立了改进后的分层抽样模型,推导了基于最优分配的二重分层抽样率公式,并使用实际调查数据对分层方法进行了讨论,结论表明,该模型既保持了分层抽样数据精度较高的特点,又节约了大量人力物力,建议在特大城市开展居民出行调查时采用这种方法。


金融帐记录居民与非居民之间的金融资产及负债交易 它显示某经济体系如何融资以进行其对外交易。金融帐内的交易可归类为直接投资、有价证券投资、金融衍生工具、其他投资及储备资产。
