1500字范文 > 停机相位 stopping phase英语短句 例句大全

停机相位 stopping phase英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-13 09:32:15


停机相位 stopping phase英语短句 例句大全

停机相位,stopping phase

1)stopping phase停机相位


1.Gate assignment problem has the direct influence on the operation efficiency between airport and airline company.机场机位分配问题研究的主要目的就是为了使停留该机场的航班分配到合适的停机位,以保证旅客能够准时进出机场、方便地上下航班、确保机场地面各项作业顺利进行。

2.The gates are the important resource for the airport, and the dispatching of material and personnel heavily bases on the gates assignment results which impact the effectiveness of the airports and the eff.停机位是机场的重要资源,停机位的分配是机场执行人员和物资调度的重要前提,又与机场的工作效率和航班所属航空公司的效益密切挂钩。

3.Research onGate Reassignment Problems in Large Airports;停机位是机场运行的核心资源之一,大量物资和人员都依赖停机位的指派方案进行调度,停机位指派方案对机场和航空公司的运行效率有着直接的影响,所以停机位实时调配问题的优化研究,有重要的实际应用价值。


puterized bay allocation system计算机化停机位编配系统

2.on-line real-time bay allocation syste联机实时停机位分配系统

3.Research on Aircraft Stands Assignment and Optimization in Civil Airport;民航机场停机位分配与优化技术研究

4.Research on Airport Stands Assignment Problem Based on GA基于遗传算法的机场停机位分配问题研究

5.He signalled to the driver to stop the car.他示意那位司机停车.

6.until the plane has come to a complete stop before leaving their seats.到飞机完全停稳再离开座位。

7.upper final limit and terminal stopping switch最高限位及最高楼层停机掣

8.down final limit and terminal stopping switch最低限位及最低楼层停机掣

9.Remain in your seat until the plane has come to a complete stop.在飞机停稳之前,请在您的座位上坐好。

10.Would passengers please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop请各位乘客留在座位坐好,直到飞机完全停稳,

11.Air pressure braking, the adhesive tape could stop instant when stop the machine, position and label accurately.气压式杀车:停机时,可瞬间将胶带停止,定位准确,贴标签准确。

12.station and stopping location停车站和停车点的位置

13.Device for preventing the mechanism from stopping in a dead center position.一种防止机械装置在死点位置停止的装置。

14.Revise parameter and adjust position without stopping the machine.生产过程中无需停机即可实时修改参数、整位置。

15.Can we have permission to start-up left outboard for engine check Stand B14.可否允许启动左侧发动机检查,现停在B14号位置。

16.Cleared to the holding point for runway 03 via the Trident apron.允许通过三叉戟停机坪到达03号跑道等待位置。

17.The police had set up a roadblock and waved several drivers down.警方设下路障并挥手示意几位司机停车。

18.Research on the Accessory Parking Ratio and Correlative Policies for Urban Automobiles;城市机动车停车位配建指标及相关政策研究



1.Gate assignment problem has the direct influence on the operation efficiency between airport and airline company.机场机位分配问题研究的主要目的就是为了使停留该机场的航班分配到合适的停机位,以保证旅客能够准时进出机场、方便地上下航班、确保机场地面各项作业顺利进行。

2.The gates are the important resource for the airport, and the dispatching of material and personnel heavily bases on the gates assignment results which impact the effectiveness of the airports and the eff.停机位是机场的重要资源,停机位的分配是机场执行人员和物资调度的重要前提,又与机场的工作效率和航班所属航空公司的效益密切挂钩。

3.Research onGate Reassignment Problems in Large Airports;停机位是机场运行的核心资源之一,大量物资和人员都依赖停机位的指派方案进行调度,停机位指派方案对机场和航空公司的运行效率有着直接的影响,所以停机位实时调配问题的优化研究,有重要的实际应用价值。

3)airport gate机场停机位

1.Based on the analysis of the airport efficiency and profit,and the passengers satisfaction,three reasonable objectives are proposed: minimizing the number of flights assigned to apron,the disturbance of plan and the related distances of passengers;and then giving the model ofairport gate reassignment problem.分析了航班延误原因及影响,根据提高机场运营效率与效益和旅客满意度的优化原则,确定出3个优化目标函数(分配到远机位的航班数量最少分配方式扰动性最小以及相关旅客转移距离最小为优化目标),建立机场停机位实时再分配问题优化模型。

2.Airport gate assignment is a very important core mission in the ground operations.机场停机位分配是机场地面作业中的一项核心任务,本文对机场停机位分配问题进行研究,为最大限度降低实时运行中航班延误对预分配方式的影响,以最小化停机位各空闲时间段的离差为目标函数建立数学模型。

4)Gate assignment停机位分配

1.Study of the Gate Assignment in Airport Based on Fixed Job Scheduling Algorithm;基于排序算法的机场停机位分配问题研究

2.Vertex coloring model and decomposing algorithm of gate assignment problem is offered.给出了停机位分配问题顶点着色模型及其分解算法。

3.A graph coloring model of gate assignment in airport is set up by analyzing the characteristics of time intervals set that the scheduled flights use the gates.停机位分配作业关系到整个机场的系统运作,其作用相当重要。

5)gate assignment problem停机位指派

1.However,thegate assignment problem(GAP) is an NP-hard problem,and its models and algorithms are complex.停机位的合理指派是机场地面作业中的一项核心任务,对减少枢纽机场航班中转时间起着重要作用,但是停机位指派问题是NP难问题,模型和算法都比较复杂。

2.However,thegate assignment problem(GAP) is an NP-hard problem,and traditional heuristic algorithms do not provide satisfactory solutions.实时的停机位指派对减少枢纽机场航班中转时间起着重要作用,但是停机位指派问题是NP-hard问题,常用的启发式算法计算效果较差。

3.However, thegate assignment problem (GAP) is an NP-hard problem, its models and algorithms are complex.停机位的合理指派是机场地面作业中的一项核心任务,对减少枢纽机场航班中转时间起着重要作用,但是停机位指派问题是NP难问题,模型和算法都比较复杂。

6)airport gate assignment停机位配置

1.A model forairport gate assignment based on the embedded analysis of the actualairport gate assignment for a busy domestic civil airport is proposed.停机位配置指为到港或离港航班指定适宜的登机口,确保航班正点。


