1500字范文 > 立德树人 morality education英语短句 例句大全

立德树人 morality education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-04 08:13:08


立德树人 morality education英语短句 例句大全

立德树人,morality education

1)morality education立德树人

1.Striving for a model vocational institute by carring out ten projects and strengtheningmorality education;立德树人,实施十项工程,争创示范性高职院校


1.Striving for a model vocational institute by carring out ten projects and strengthening morality education;立德树人,实施十项工程,争创示范性高职院校

2.Yan"an Spirit is an Important Formula of Strengthening Morality in Vocational Universities延安精神是高职院校立德树人的重要法宝

3.The school is virtuous to teach to should set up with the core principle that according to artificial root;学校德育应树立“以人为本”的核心理念

4.Adopt the Right Moral Concepts and Live a Serious Life;树立正确道德观 走好人生每一步

5.To Set a People-oriented Concept of Moral Education and Deep the Reform and Innovation of Moral Education树立以人为本德育理念 深化高校德育改革创新

6.Establish the Idea of People-oriented Moral Education So As to Promote People s All-round Development;树立以人为本的德育理念,促进人的全面发展

7.Improve Population Quality, Acquire Correct View of Ecological Ethics提高人口素质 树立正确的生态伦理道德观

8.Improve Population Quality, Acquire Correct View of Ecological Ethics;提高人口素质 树立正确的生态伦理道德观

9.Establishing Post-modern Notion of Moral Education Strengthening the Effect of Moral Education among People under Eighteen;树立后现代德育新理念 增强未成年人德育实效性

10.The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.-- Goethe人生最重要的是树立一个远大的目标,并下定决心去实现它。--歌德

11.Martin Luther King made many adversaries in his nonviolent quest for equality.马丁·路德·金在以非暴力手段寻求平等的过程中树立了许多敌人。

12."Rule the country with virtue" is to ask people to act from oneself, to care for each other, to love each other, to serve for each other, and thus to build a good social atmosphere.以德治国就是叫人们从自我做起,互相关心,互相爱护,待人以德,树立一个良好的社会风气。

13.Setting up Ecological Civilization Viewpoint and Strengthening the Construction of Ecological Morality;树立生态文明观 加强生态道德建设

14.Enhancing vacational ethics accomplishmentEstablishing impartial and upright image;加强职业道德修养 树立公道正派形象

15.Acquire a Great Moral Education Outlook and Strengthen the MoralConstruction in Universities and Colleges;树立大德育观念,全面加强高校道德建设

16.foster the thought of serving the people树立为人民服务的思想

17.Influence of the Coexistent Cultural Traditions on Moral Cultivation;试论并立的文化传统对道德典范树立的影响

18.Morality makes the impact between people in the behavior that evaluates people, attune, establish the respect such as social fashion, have tremendous effect.道德在评价人们的行为、调整人们之间的关系、树立社会风尚等方面,具有巨大的作用。


independent moral personality独立道德人格

3)To Erect a Monument for Chinese为华人树碑立传

4)Establish New Moral Idea树立新的德育理念

5)establishment of virtue立德

6)set up树立

1.Toset up a scientific view on development and propel enterprise informatization in light industry——Report on the conference of China,s informatization development in light industry enterprises;树立科学发展观 推进轻工企业信息化——在中国轻工业企业信息化发展大会上的工作报告

2.It is the key point to face up to the global problems andset up global view,so that we will have a beautiful home in the future.其中关键是在正视全球问题的基础上,树立全球观念,从而为人类营造一个美好的家园。

3.In order toset up university students’ socialism core values, we should use Marxism as the soul, the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the theme, the ethos and zeitgeist as the pith, the socialist outlook on honor and shame as the foundation.大学生社会主义核心价值观的树立,必须以马克思主义指导思想为灵魂、以中国特色社会主义共同理想为主题、以民族精神和时代精神为精髓、以社会主义荣辱观为基础。


