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毕业论文答辩 graduate paper defense英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-16 23:42:44


毕业论文答辩 graduate paper defense英语短句 例句大全

毕业论文答辩,graduate paper defense

1)graduate paper defense毕业论文答辩


1.How to Do Graduation Treatise Replication;怎样搞好毕业论文答辩──毕业论文答辩操作研究

2.About graduation thesis reply practice and ponder in open education;开放教育毕业论文答辩的实践与思考

3.Every year, the thesis oral defense for undergraduate will be held at the end of June.每年,大学生的毕业论文答辩都安排在六月底。

4.Problems in graduation thesis reply and countermeasures;毕业论文答辩中存在的问题及对策研究

5.Arrangement of Graduation Paper Defense of Adult Education Undergraduates;做好成人教育本科生毕业论文答辩工作

6.Five Fostgraduates of EBM Successfully Passed Graduation Thesis Defense五位循证医学专业研究生顺利通过毕业论文答辩

7.Each course result all passes a test,examination,etc. or take enough credit, and want rejoin through project.各门功课成绩均及格或拿到足够的学分,并且要通过毕业论文答辩。

8.the last hurdle before graduation.论文答辩是毕业前最后一道障碍。

9.A Thought of the Graduates Designs(thesis) Answering Projects;关于毕业设计(论文)答辩工作的思考

10.The Graduate Dissertation written by them got the score of "Excellent" at last.最后他们合写的毕业论文在毕业答辩中获得优。

11.The Basic Thinking on Distance Thesis Debate of Open Education in Hunan Radio and TV University;开放教育毕业论文远程答辩的基本构思

12.An Investigation of the Oral Defense Practice in Chinese RTVUS;关于电大本科毕业生论文答辩的调查与思考

13.Sure enough. Every postgraduate student has to write a graduate thesis. The students must submit their theses and explain their arguments orally before the tutors.那当然。每个研究生都得写毕业论文,把它提交给导师并且进行答辩。

14.Give the doctoral student (candidate) an oral examination on his dissertation.举行博士生论文答辩会

15.He is now completing a dissertation on stakeholder dynamics in management information systems.现在,他已经顺利通过了该专业的硕士论文答辩。

16.Elementary Introduction of Reply to and Assessment of Graduating Design for Mould-majors;浅谈模具专业毕业设计答辩及成绩评价标准

17.Thoughts on Conducting Moral Defense in Undergraduate Seniors;关于在本科毕业生中开展德育答辩的思考

18.The Application of EPH in Open Distance Education for Thesis Defense;运用EPH实施开放教育远程毕业答辩的探析


graduation reply毕业答辩

1.This paper analyzed the current problems existing in graduation design,and put forward the points and proposals on how to improve the selection of topic,process monitoring,graduation reply,and check to supervisor.分析了目前毕业设计中存在的问题,对毕业设计的选题、过程监控、毕业答辩、指导教师的考核制度等主要环节,提出了改进的观点和建议。

3)graduation oral examination毕业答辩会

4)thesis defense论文答辩

1.As an innovative practice,the application of video technology in graduationthesis defense benefits both learners and tutors with respect to reduction of working and learning conflict,time-saving and improvement on computer competence among learners and tutors.采用视频技术进行毕业论文答辩是现代教育技术应用于教学活动的一个实践内容,它可以缓解师生之间的工学矛盾,合理利用与节约时间,提高运用计算机的能力,是远程教育发展的一个方向。

5)graduation paper毕业论文

1.Guide for Graduation Papers of Computer Science Undergradute Students;计算机专业本科生毕业论文指导

2.As an important practical tache in professional education of construction management speciality,graduation paper has an important position and role in improving synthetically quality and developing innovation ability for undergraduate students.工程管理专业毕业论文(实习)作为工程管理专业教育中重要的实践性教学环节,对提高学生的综合素质和培养学生的创新能力具有重要作用。

3.Thegraduation paper writing is the last important link in the college teaching.高等专科学校文科类毕业生的毕业论文写作是高等专科学校教学中最后一个重要环节。


1.Improvment and practice on thesis for specialty of process equipment & control engineering;“装控”专业毕业论文的改革与实践

2.Mading of the examining system of undergraduate s thesis in university;大学理工科毕业论文考核体系研制


