1500字范文 > 坐标系 Coordinate System英语短句 例句大全

坐标系 Coordinate System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-20 07:48:43


坐标系 Coordinate System英语短句 例句大全

坐标系,Coordinate System

1)Coordinate System坐标系

1.Establishment of coordinate system and measurement of digitized human cerebrum;数字化人体大脑坐标系的建立及三维测量

2.Data organization in geomagnetism and space physics and relevant coordinate systems;地磁与空间物理资料的组织和相关坐标系

3.A kind of choice method of the GPS control networke coordinate system;一种GPS控制网坐标系的选择方法


1.Beijing geodetic coordinate system 19541954年北京坐标系

2.This coordinate system is called the triad at the point.这个坐标系叫做该点的三面形坐标系。

3.World coordinate and disp lay coordinate are defined in the paper.本文定义了实物坐标系与显示坐标系 .

4.Research about independent coordinate system conversion from Gaussian coordinate system独立坐标系向高斯坐标系转换的研究

5.The Transformation Procedure of Coordinate System in GPS SurveyingGPS测量中坐标系统、坐标系的转换过程

6.The value of the new Cordinate Systems and surfaces is twofold.新坐标系和坐标曲面的价值是双重的。

7.Study on non-linear coordination conversion of space right angle coordination system;浅谈空间直角坐标系非线性坐标转换

8.Establishment of Relative Polar Coordinate Method of Lofting Mineral Company Shandong Branch of CHALCO建立相对坐标系的极坐标法施工放样

9.The Relation of the Center-of-mass Frame of Referenceand Laboratory Reference Frame in Scattering;散射问题中质心坐标系与实验室坐标系的关系

10.iented coordinate system固定于物体的坐标系

11.fixed in the earth coordinate system固定于地球的坐标系

12.universal space rectangular coordinate system宇宙空间直角坐标系

13.space-fixed coordinate system固定于空间的坐标系

14.IAU galactic coordinate system国际通用银道坐标系

15.ECEF - Earth Centered Earth Fixed地固地心直角坐标系

16.Laplacian in the Columnar and Spherical Coordinates;柱面坐标系和球面坐标系中的拉普拉斯算符

17.Research about Xi"an 80 coordinate system conversion from China coordinate system 200080西安坐标系到2000国家坐标系转换的研究

18.Transformation Between Three-Dimension Geocentric Coordinate System and Independent Coordinate System区域性独立坐标系与三维地心坐标系的转换



1.The explore of workpiececoordinate setting and tool aligning methods in CNC machining;数控加工中工件坐标系的建立及对刀方法的探讨

2.Conversion between GPS data and earthcoordinate system in China;GPS定位数据与我国大地坐标系的换算

3.Firstly,a newcoordinate is based by rotating the originalcoordinate.直接插补空间曲线是比较复杂的,文章提出一种新方法:首先将原坐标系下的空间平面通过坐标系旋转的方法变换成新坐标系下的等高平面,然后利用等高平面的交线推导插补算法。


1.Study on SVPWM algorithm of N-level inverter in non-orthogonalcoordinates;一种非正交坐标系下N电平逆变器SVPWM的研究

2.Research on the Comparison and Application of Coordinates in NC Machine;数控机床坐标系比较与应用研究

3.The three-dimensional object representations by objectcoordinates;基于物体坐标系的三维图形数据表示

4)reference frame坐标系

1.Coordinate transformation between differentreference frames was used to calculate the coordinates of characteristic points on tube.它利用全站仪观测数据 ,通过坐标系之间的坐标转换 ,实时计算沉管管体特征点的坐标 ,从而对沉管的沉放过程进行实时监测。

2.In this paper, starting from the definition of kinetic energy,and by establishing the inertial frame and thereference frame,we have a discussion of the kinetic energy of rigid body and get some conclusions on kinetic energy of rigid body simply in rotation.在建立惯性坐标系和运动坐标系的基础上,以动能的定义式为出发点,对刚体的动能进行剖析,并讨论了刚体纯滚动情况下的动能,得到了相关的结论。

3.This essay aims on discussing the signification of mechanicalreference frame,machine toolreference frame,workpiece\"sreference frame and localreference frame and the relationship between them in numerical control processing.主要论述在数控加工中,机械坐标系、机床的坐标系、工件坐标系以及局部的坐标系的含义及它们之间的关系。

5)Coordinate Systems坐标系

1.Study of GIS SoftwareCoordinate Systems;GIS软件坐标系统剖析

2.In order to speed up the construction of "Digital-city" and strengthen the management coordination as well as information sharing between Municipal Bureau of Planning and Municipal Bureau of Land Resources,the so-called "Twin MapCoordinate Systems" project was carried out in Guangzhou city using the Guangzhou Coordinate System and the Xian Coordinate System 1980.为加快建设数字化城市工作的进程,强化规划、国土等部门用地管理的工作协调及信息共享,广州市推进了广州市平面坐标与1980西安坐标系的“一图双坐标”重点工程。

6)coordinates of local systems地方坐标系坐标


