1500字范文 > 数控技能大赛 Game of NC Technique英语短句 例句大全

数控技能大赛 Game of NC Technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-05 07:10:03


数控技能大赛 Game of NC Technique英语短句 例句大全

数控技能大赛,Game of NC Technique

1)Game of NC Technique数控技能大赛

1.Application of Huazhong NC Macro Program in TheGame of NC Technique;华中数控系统用户宏程序在数控技能大赛中的应用


1.Discussion on Numeral Control Competition of Guangdong Province ;广东省高校数控技能大赛数控车床竞赛评述

2.Improving the NC Technology Teaching Level Based on the Ability Competition;以数控技能大赛为平台 提高数控技术师资的教学水平

3.where spectators can exceed 15, 000 in important contests.有时遇上重大比赛,观看比赛的人数能达到15000。

4.Improving Quality of China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling;大学生数学建模竞赛与创新能力培养

5.Adjustment and Control of Wushu Athletes Top Condition Before Major Competitions;武术运动员大赛前最佳竞技状态的调控

6.Probing of training pattern of application-oriented digital controlling talents with high skill;应用型高技能数控人才培养模式的探讨——以井冈山大学工学院为例

7.Research on the practice model of the applied and skillful personnel towards the training talents of NC--a case study of School of Engineering,Jinggangshan University;应用型高技能数控人才实训模式的研究——以井冈山大学工学院为例

8.On promotion of innovative capacity and professional skills by innovative contests通过创新大赛提升学生的创新能力和专业技能

9.Building the Innovative Capability of Students by Taking the Skills Competition as Platforms以技能大赛为平台 打造学生的创新能力

10.Experimental Skills Competition Is a New Method of Training Students" Innovation Ability实验技能大赛是培养学生创新能力的新途径

11.CBC Gansu Branch Holds A Contest of Knowledge on Banking Operation and Skills建行甘肃省分行举办银行业务知识暨技能大赛

12.The Teaching Practice and Reflection on the Experiment Skill Competition of Organic Chemistry;有机化学实验技能大赛的教学实践与思考

13.The Impression and Enlightenment of 40~(th) World Skills“第四十届世界职业技能大赛”观感与启示

14.On Promoting Function of Vocational Skills Competition to Curriculum Reform in Vocational Education试论技能大赛对职业教育课程改革的促进作用

15.Status and countermeasures of chemical competition of vocational colleges in Hebei province河北省高职院校化工技能大赛运行现状及对策

16.Taking Major Competition as Opportunities to Train Students" Oral Skill and Fulfill Mutual Promotion of Teaching and Learning以大赛为契机,培养学生口语技能,实现教学相长

17.A Lesson From Enterprise"s Skills Contest for the Talent Training of Higher Vocational Schools企业技能大赛对高职学院人才培养的启示

18.On Comprehensive Professional Training of Hotel Staff in the Light of Hotel Skills Competition从饭店技能大赛看饭店业员工综合素质培养


Skills competition技能大赛

1.On Promoting Function of Vocational Skills Competition to Curriculum Reform in Vocational Education试论技能大赛对职业教育课程改革的促进作用

2.Based on the successful practice of Weifang Vocational College taking part in the skills competition in recent years,this paper derives the idea of personnel training-to build the innovative capacity of students by taking the skills competition as platforms.本文结合潍坊职业学院近年来参加技能大赛的成功实践,总结提炼出了"以技能大赛为平台,打造学生的创新能力"的人才培养理念,不仅加强了精英学生的培养,还以点带面,辐射带动全体学生技能素质的总体提高,同时锻炼了双师型师资,探索出高职院校创新型人才的培养路子。


4)professional skill competition职业技能大赛

1.Takingprofessional skill competition as a breakthrough point,this paper puts forth a new training mode for higher vocational colleges,especially expounds this mode from the aspects of the teaching method reform,transformation of teaching design,and construction of the system ofprofessional skill competition,etc.以职业技能大赛切入人才培养过程,阐述高职院校新型技能型人才培养模式的创立思路,并分析了融"赛教学"为一体的从教学模式的改革、教学设计的转变以及职业技能竞赛体系的构建等方面实施新型高技能人才培养模式的实践。

5)CNC skill数控技能

6)scientific and technological competitions科技大赛


