1500字范文 > 最佳配比 optimum proportion英语短句 例句大全

最佳配比 optimum proportion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-26 21:57:08


最佳配比 optimum proportion英语短句 例句大全

最佳配比,optimum proportion

1)optimum proportion最佳配比

1.Theoptimum proportion was 0.依据D饱和最优回归设计原理对苯磺隆、绿麦隆混用最佳配比及使用技术进行了研究。

2.In this paper, we work out a forecast equation for aim-yield of rice, an equal-product-curve equation under different application rates of N and K2O, and theoptimum proportion equation for N and K2O.求导了水稻目标产量的预测方程,不同氮钾施用水平的等产方程,以及氮钾最佳配比方程。

3.The results showed that theoptimum proportions of compound phosphates(sodium hexametaphosphate:sodium polyphosphate:sodium pyrophosphate) are 20:28:13 for the minimum cooking loss and 10:30:19 for the maximum yield of sausage,respectively.结果表明:蒸煮损失最小时复合磷酸盐(六偏磷酸钠:多聚磷酸钠:焦磷酸钠)的最佳配比为20:28:13,灌肠成品率最大但不考虑其感官指标时三者比例为10:30:19;灌肠感官评定最好时多聚磷酸钠:焦磷酸钠为1:1;灌肠成品率最大且其感官评定最好时三者比例为为10:30:11;蒸煮损失最小,灌肠成品率最大且其感官评定最好时三者比例为10:30:17。


1.The optimum composition ratio of oxidant/ANI was 1∶1 in this experiment.氧化剂与苯胺的最佳配比为 1∶1。

2.Study on the Optimized Structural Proportion of Forage Production at the Agricultural County in Plain Area;平原农区县域饲草料生产结构最佳配比的研究

3.Optimum mixture ratio of night soil and leaves in aerobic co-composting粪渣与树叶静态好氧共堆肥的最佳配比

4.Determination of the Optimal Ratio of Profenofos to Fipronil Mixture by Using SPSS Data Software丙溴磷与氟虫腈混合使用最佳配比的拟合

5.Research on the Best Ratio of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer in the Celery Production芹菜生产中的有机无机肥最佳配比研究

6.Study on Extraction, Isolation of Effective Part in Semen Cassiae and Crataegus Pinnatifida Bge. and Their Lipid-regulating Function;决明子与山楂降脂部位的提取分离及其最佳配比的研究

7.The Research of Antibacterial Activities and the Best Matching of Ornidazole and Pefloxacin Against Periodontal Pathogen;奥硝唑联用培氟沙星对牙周致病菌的抑菌作用及最佳配比研究

8.Studies on the Best Prescription of Anxiolytic Effect of Huanglianejiao Decoction and Optimum Selection of Extraction;黄连阿胶汤抗焦虑作用的最佳配比和提取工艺的实验研究

9.Optimization of Compatibility Ratio of Rhizoma Zingiberis and Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae Extracts for Counteracting Rats Myocardial Ischemia by Uniform Design均匀设计法优化干姜、陈皮提取物抗大鼠心肌缺血的最佳配比

10.Best ratio of curcumin with piperine for lowing lipid by method of uniform design采用均匀设计法研究姜黄素与胡椒碱降脂作用的最佳配比

11.The optimal ratio of Glycerol Esters of Fatty Acids, Sucros Esters of Fatty Acids, and Modified soy bean phosphatide is2:5:20.最后得出单硬脂酸甘油酯:脂肪酸蔗糖酯:改性大豆磷脂的最佳配比为2:5:20。

12.Objective: To decide the best compatibility proportion.目的:确定儿茶、青黛最佳配伍比例。

13.Study on Man Machine Ratio and machine utilization.提供最佳人机配备比率及机器效率.

14.Study on Best Comparability Ratio of Radix Rehmanniae with Radix Aristolochiae Fangchi for Attenuation of Toxicity生地对广防己减毒作用最佳配伍比例的研究

15.Study of optimum mix design with lime-cement-flyash macadambase course三灰碎石基层最佳配合比设计室内试验研究

16.This paper studied the effect of material rate to yield in synthesis of sodium phosphocreatine. And determined the best material rate.研究了反应物配比对磷酸肌酸钠收率的影响,确定了最佳物料配比。

17.In three kinds of different proportion, we take into the synthetical evaluation to the various index, the result indicate that No. 1 is the best proportion.在3种不同配比中,对各项指标加以综合评价,又以配比1为最佳。

18.Best Special Effects, Best Sound, Best Musical Score. etc.最佳特殊效果奖,最佳音效奖,最佳配乐奖,等等。


the best ratio最佳配比

1.,using orthogonal experiments,we can getthe best ratio of its components of the surface mortar,which can improve heat preservation,heat insulation performances,and economize the energy.与传统的配制方案不同 ,从吸水率、抗压强度、孔隙率等因素出发 ,利用正交试验原理 ,得出了页岩陶砂保温抹面砂浆最佳配比方案。

2.5 (the level of over-fertilization), plus zinc sulfate treatment, calculated by the regression equation analysis to identify high,medium, low-level production structure in different fields of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassiumthe best ratio of performance to maximize production.5(过量施肥水平),另加硫酸锌处理,经回归方程计算分析,找出高中低水平田不同产量结构氮、磷、钾的最佳配比,获得最大产量效能。

3)the best proportion最佳配比

4)optimum mixture ratio最佳配比

1.Besides,orthogonal test is performed to determine theoptimum mixture ratio for production of ceramic tile.结果表明:飞灰主要矿物成分是硅酸盐及铝硅酸盐,可用作饰面砖的原材料;飞灰的掺加量对饰面砖表观质量起决定性影响,最佳配比方案为飞灰20%,米黄泥60%,耐火砂10%,长石10%。

2.Besides,an orthogonal test was performed to determine theoptimum mixture ratio for production of ceramic brick.结果表明:飞灰主要矿物成分是硅酸盐及铝硅酸盐,可用作陶瓷砖的原材料;飞灰的掺加量对陶瓷砖表观质量起决定性影响,最佳配比方案为飞灰25%,黄陶土55%,缸砂10%,文石10%;最佳配比制品浸出毒性均达标。

5)optimum composition最佳配比

1.Theoptimum compositions of several refrigerant mixtures as substitutes of R22 are obtained,and comparisons with other available substitutes are made.在不同初值情况下得到了几种可以替代R22的混合工质的最佳配比,并与已有的热泵替代混合物进行了比较。

2.However there are different thermodynamic performances of J-T cryocooler using mixtures withsame components but different compositions, so there must be anoptimum composition for mixture with givencomponents.以热力学完善度为目标函数,采用复合形优化算法,设计了一套混合物最佳配比优化计算程序。

6)optimal ratio最佳配比

1.By using the method of Horsfall,theoptimal ratio of Profenofos to Fipronil mixture was attained by using SPSS data software on the basis of bioassay.参照Horsfall的方法,在室内毒力测定的基础上,通过SPSS数据处理软件对2种杀虫剂农药丙溴磷与氟虫腈混合使用的配比进行了拟合,获得了最佳配比。


调和设备——配比器调和设备——配比器文章编辑:moji 文章来源:
