1500字范文 > 规范对称性 gauge symmetry英语短句 例句大全

规范对称性 gauge symmetry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-23 04:32:19


规范对称性 gauge symmetry英语短句 例句大全

规范对称性,gauge symmetry

1)gauge symmetry规范对称性

1.In this model the basic buildingblocks are Majorana fermions in the spinor representation of 14-dimensional quantum space-time with agauge symmetry G■■=SO(1, 3)×SU(32)×U(1)A×SU(3)F.在这一模型中,物质的基本组元为14维量子时空中旋量表示的Majorana费米子,其规范对称性是G4MD=SO(1,3)×SU(32)×U(1)A×SU(3)F。

2.Higgs mechanism of particle physics shows that the "spontaneous breaking" may also contribute to the theory ofgauge symmetry.粒子物理的希格斯机制表明,“自发破缺”也可能为规范对称性理论贡献力量。


1.The Gauge Symmetry in Noncommutative Field Theory and Seiberg-Witten Map;非对易空间场的规范对称性和Seiberg-Witten映射

2.Effects of gauge transformations on symmetries of Birkhoffian system规范变换对Birkhoff系统对称性的影响

3.The Symmetry and the Covariance and the Guage Invariance in Physical Laws;物理规律(方程)的对称性、协变性、规范不变性

4.The quantum symmetries in field theories for a gauge-invariant system with a higher-order Lagrangian;场论中高阶微商规范系统的量子对称性质

5.Information Asymmetry and Information Disclosure Regulation;基于信息不对称的信息披露规范研究

6.Real estate market information asymmetry problem refraction standardized system is very important!房价问题折射楼市信息不对称规范系统很重要!

7.On Strengthening & Standardization of Check on Revenue under the Situation of Information Asymmetry;论信息不对称条件下税务稽查的强化与规范

8.Apply a Mon - symmetric Theory to Regulate Vehicle Market Trade;应用信息不对称理论规范汽车市场交易

9.An Empirical Research on Asymmetric Performance of Link and Scale Alliances范围联盟和规模联盟非对称绩效实证研究

10.Multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables for digital communications Part 1: Generic specification数字通信用对绞或星绞多芯对称电缆第1部分:总规范

11.Stimulating Regulation of Military Procurement under Asymmetric information;信息不对称下军事采购的激励性规制

12.Rethinking the Standardization of Chinese Characters:Social Acceptance and Scientificness;论汉字规范的社会性与科学性——新形势下对汉字规范问题的反思

13.Characteristic Property of Real Symmetrical Matrix and Nonsingular Matrix s F-Norm;实对称阵与实非奇异矩阵F—范数的性质

14.All of the norm of" three come" call and should process the assemble outward;" While repair" mean compensatory trade.“三来”的规范全称应是对外加工装配;“一补”是指补偿贸易。

15.A Study of How to Regulate the Medical Treatment Market--An Analysis into the Information Dissymmetry;医疗服务市场的规范管理研究——信息不对称现象分析

16.Research on the Chinese Financial IC Card Standard supporting EMV protocol.;中国金融IC卡规范对EMV的支持性研究

17.On the Standardization of Labor Law on Sexual Harassment in Workplace;浅析劳动法对工作场所性骚扰的规范

18.On Chinese Ancient Chastity: A Criterion not Only for the Female;中国古代的贞节:并非仅对女性的规范


gauge symmetry规范对称

3)symmetric gauge对称规范

4)local gauge symmetry spontaneous breaking定域规范对称性自发破缺

5)similar symmetry reduction相似对称性规律

1.And based on thesimilar symmetry reduction,it proves that similar symmetry structure may make half of its structure as research subject for calculation just as axis symmetry structure.提出了相似对称性和相似对称结构等概念,通过相似对称性在相似对称结构上的应用,揭示了相似对称结构的内力和变形的相似对称性规律,由相似对称性规律进一步发现相似对称结构和轴对称结构一样也可以取半边结构,使计算简化。

6)symmetric linear programming对称线性规划


