1500字范文 > 新时代特征 characteristics of the new age英语短句 例句大全

新时代特征 characteristics of the new age英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-01 19:36:20


新时代特征 characteristics of the new age英语短句 例句大全

新时代特征,characteristics of the new age

1)characteristics of the new age新时代特征

2)era characteristics时代特征

1.Spirit is the soul of a university,which is endowed with newera characteristics of humanism,geographical relation and acuteness.大学精神是一所大学的灵魂,而今天的大学精神被赋予了浓烈的人文特质、地缘特征及敏锐性等新的时代特征。

2.It pointed that the standard not only judged building development direction,and also created successful building withera characteristics.从形式与内容辩证统一的角度探讨了衡量建筑优劣标准提出的必要性,并阐述了衡量建筑标准的应用方法及现实意义,指出坚持衡量建筑成功的这一标准,既能正确判断建筑的发展方向,也可创造出具有时代特征的成功建筑。


1.Advancing with the Times:An Epochal Reflection of "Three Represents" Theory;与时俱进是“三个代表”的时代特征

2.On Times Features and Philosophical Significance of Modern Ecology Science;现代生态科学的时代特征及哲学意蕴

3.On the Characteristics of Times of Frontier Poetic Creation During Qing Dynasty;清代边塞诗的时代特征及其个案论析

4.Era Characteristics and National Features of Deng Xiaoping s Theory;论邓小平理论的时代特征与民族特色

5.Ideology System, Features of Times and School Style of Yi Zhuan;《易传》的思想体系、时代特征及学派风格

6.The Epochal Characteristics of Jiang Ze-min s Theory of Ideological and Political Education;江泽民思想政治教育理论的时代特征

7.The Characteristics of Euphemistic Language in Zuo Zhuan Pedestrian s Language;《左传》行人辞令中委婉语时代特征探究

8.On the Compiling of "YueJi" and Its Historical Characteristics;论《乐记》的成书及其材料的时代特征

9.On differences between two kinds of Yuan operas and their social background;论元曲隐逸剧的儒道之别及时代特征

10.20,60 & 70--The Times Characteristics of Auto s Style Design;20、60和70——汽车风格设计的时代特征

11.On Basic Emotion and Time Character of Wen Tingyun s Poems;论温庭筠诗歌的情感基调与时代特征

12.Origin,Development and Characteristic of Olympic Mascots;奥运会吉祥物的起源、发展及时代特征

13.The Globality of Chinese Citizens Legal Awareness Presents Characteristics of the Era;我国公民法律意识全球性的时代特征

14.Features of Times and "the Popular and Scientific Culture with Peoples Specific Characters";时代特征与“民族的科学的大众的文化”

15.The Ages Characteristic and the Developing Countermeasures of the Sports Experience Economy;体育体验经济的时代特征及发展对策

16.Culture of Ancient Chinese Swords and Its Traits;器械武技“刀”的时代特征及其演变

17.Of, relating to, or characteristic of the period of the Tudors.都铎时代的都铎时代的、有关都铎时代的或具有都铎时代的特征

18.The Analysing and Comparing the Characteristics from Printing Era to Network Era印刷时代与网络时代版式特征比较性研究


era characteristics时代特征

1.Spirit is the soul of a university,which is endowed with newera characteristics of humanism,geographical relation and acuteness.大学精神是一所大学的灵魂,而今天的大学精神被赋予了浓烈的人文特质、地缘特征及敏锐性等新的时代特征。

2.It pointed that the standard not only judged building development direction,and also created successful building withera characteristics.从形式与内容辩证统一的角度探讨了衡量建筑优劣标准提出的必要性,并阐述了衡量建筑标准的应用方法及现实意义,指出坚持衡量建筑成功的这一标准,既能正确判断建筑的发展方向,也可创造出具有时代特征的成功建筑。

3)times characteristics时代特征

1.Explanation of thetimes characteristics of Deng Xiaoping Theory;邓小平理论的时代特征解读

2.Thetimes characteristics of Deng Xiaoping s thought on the moral education;邓小平德育思想的时代特征

4)time characteristics时代特征

1.Analysis ontime characteristics of article titles in a popular medical periodical;医学科普文章标题的时代特征分析

2.Thetime characteristics of young marxian are determined by their background of the times, contemporary young marxian are in continuously changing trend of economy, politics and society in 21st Century, so they must have the fresh and cleartime characteristics in aspects of political theory quality and moral quality.青年马克思主义者的时代特征是由他们所处的时代背景决定的。

3.According to thetime characteristics of various ways of thinking in the history, we may divide them into four basic historical formations or types: direct conjecture of mode of thinking, closed and.每一时代都有自己相应的思维方式,根据历史上各种思维方式的时代特征,可以把它们区分为四种基本的历史形态或类型,即直观猜测的思维方式、封闭式和教条式的思维方式、机械分析的思维方式和辩证综合的思维方式。

5)Characteristics of the times时代特征

1.The reason is that the poet can choose the scenery with typical significance to reflect the characteristics of the times.究其原因在于其诗能够选择具有典型意义的景物来反映时代特征;景物描写方面形成了:文体华净,少病累,又巧构形似之言的写作特点;结构上初步形成了"景—情—理"交替的叙述格局。

2.Adult toys background,the present situation and the characteristics of the times under the contemporary cultural environment were disscussed.探讨了成人玩具产生的背景及其在当代文化环境下的发展现状与时代特征,并从智能化、互动化、收藏化、革新化、新概念化等方面对成人玩具未来的发展趋势进行了分析。

3.The historical practice of the fact that the advanced nature of Marxist political party is decided by the advanced quality of the working class whom it represents has proved that the advanced nature of Communist Party organizations is self-evident in its characteristics of the times.它的历史实践证明了共产党组织的先进性本质具有明显的时代特征。

6)contemporary characteristics时代特征

1.An Analysis of Contemporary Characteristics of and Factors Contributing to the Talent-converting of Key Physical Education Teachers in Our Secondary Schools;我国中学骨干体育教师的时代特征与成才因素分析

2.As a main-body of high teaching activity,college teachers quality should be according to traditional request,and represents newcontemporary characteristics.科技的发展和文化的变迁使得社会教育环境和教育手段在发生变化,高校教师作为高校教育教学活动的主体,其素质结构既秉承传统要求,又必然呈现新的时代特征。

3.When cooperating with other communities, the education community must study thecontemporary characteristics of cooperation according to the aims and demands of both sides, make good use of resources in and out of the campus, develop manifold community cooperation, improve the.与社会开展合作时,高等工程教育界要根据合作双方的目标与要求,研究工科院校与社会合作的时代特征,充分调动校内外资源,开展多种形式社会合作,提高工程技术人才培养质量,促进高等工程教育发展。


