1500字范文 > 教材体系 teaching material system英语短句 例句大全

教材体系 teaching material system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-13 16:31:40


教材体系 teaching material system英语短句 例句大全

教材体系,teaching material system

1)teaching material system教材体系

1.Thoughts on reform of the college mathematicsteaching material system;关于大学数学教材体系改革的思考

2.The matter about construction mechanicsteaching material system has been discussed.阐述了建筑力学对土木工程类专业课程学习和学生在继续教育中的作用,探讨了建筑力学教材体系建设的有关问题。

3.The shift from ateaching material system to a teaching system is the key link for the realization of the goals of Outline of Modern Chinese History.实现由教材体系到教学体系的转化是实现《中国近现代史纲要》教学目标的关键环节,树立"以学生为主体"的教育理念、形成"以教师为主导"的教学格局和充分发挥课程本身的优势等做法可有效帮助教师完成这个转化。


1.On Setting Up the Teaching Material System of English Teaching Method;试论构建“英语教学法”课程教材体系

2.The New Conception on the Teaching Material System of P. E. Courses in Universities and Colleges;普通高校体育课程教材体系的新构想

3.Setting Up of Integrated Course System and Teaching Reform Practice in Physical Chemistry;物理化学立体化教材体系建设及教学改革实践

4.A Study on Volleyball Teaching Material for Students Majored in Physical Education;对我国体育教育专业《排球》教材体系的研究

5.Explore to Build the System of Chinese Teaching Materials with the Features of Arts Profession;构建艺术高职特色语文教材体系初探

6.Considerations on System Reform of Political Economy Textbooks;关于政治经济学教材体系改革的思考

7.A Comparative Study of Element Chemical Compound System in Chemistry Textbooks元素化合物知识教材体系的比较研究

8.On the Framework of Improvised Piano Accompaniment in Textbooks论钢琴即兴伴奏教材体系的理论规范

9.University "Health Education" Teaching Material System;普通高校《健康教育》教材体系的实践研究

10.On the Construction of Pedagogy Textbooks System of Teachers Colleges;高师教育学教材体系建设的问题与思考

11.The Study on How to Select and Edit Foreign Literary Works of Chinese Textbooks in High and Middle School;中学语文教材外国文学的选材和编排体系研究

12.An Overview of the Textbook System of Physical Education in Teacher s Colleges;小教大专师范体育教材内容体系的思考

13.Study of Audio-visual Application in Gymnastics Class of Physical Education Colleges and Universities;体育院系体操教学中电化教材的应用研究

14.Assumption on Constructing Teaching Material s Integration System of Police Higher Education;关于构建公安高等教育教材一体化体系的设想

15.Construction of Characteristic Tourism Introduction Textbook in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges;高职《旅游概论》教材特色体系的构建

16.On Construction of Management and Identification System of Textbooks and Works in Higher Education Institution;论高校教材著作权管理认定体系构建

17.Studies on Volleyball Text Books in China s P.E.Colleges from 1987 to 2001;1987—2001年我国体育院系排球教材研究

18.A study on the compiling system of the textbook World EconomicGeography;《世界经济地理》教材编写体系研究


textbook system教材体系

1.The paper, with the plan textbook of the Ministry of education Machine Design Basic as the example, discusses the way to buildtextbook system and the principle to choose texbook system and the principle to choose textbook contents for higher vocational education.本文以“机械设计基础”教材的建设为例论述了编写高职教材时应该如何建立教材体系与教材内容的取拾 ,同时又指出了这套教材的所具有的特

2.It s vitally important to establish atextbook system of economic law which is suitable for the non economic law majors and non law majors in vocational schools.近几年,我国的职业教育在蓬勃发展,构建适合非经济法专业以及非法律专业的职业学校《经济法》教材体系显得尤为重要,本文对其基本原则、内容及意义进行阐述。

3.Finally,probed the constructing methods andtextbook system of “mathematical modeling” in advanced normal university.教材体系可按以下4个板块展开:绪论;数学建模方法概论;具体的数学建模方法;中学数学建模教学。

3)system of teaching material教材体系


5)teaching material system and teaching process教材体系与教学体系

6)Course and teaching material system课程与教材体系


