1500字范文 > 师范毕业生 normal college graduates英语短句 例句大全

师范毕业生 normal college graduates英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-04 09:58:51


师范毕业生 normal college graduates英语短句 例句大全

师范毕业生,normal college graduates

1)normal college graduates师范毕业生

1.This paper analyzes the present employment situation ofnormal college graduates in Jiangsu Province and also suggests some measures to improve the work concerned.近年来,随着师范毕业生就业逐渐市场化,大量师范毕业生涌入就业市场,他们承受着巨大的就业压力,同时面临着新的就业形势,呈现出新的特点。


1.A Study on the Classroom Pedagogical Skill of Normal Senior Student;物理师范毕业生课堂教学技能的研究

2.The Study on the Informational Ability of Teacher s Graduates;师范毕业生信息能力素质的评价研究

3.On Teacher’s Quality Faults of the Normal School Graduates and the Countermeasures--A Survey on “Teacher’s Quality and Demand of the Normal School Graduates”;师范毕业生教师素质的缺失及对策研究——“师范毕业生教师素质与需求情况”调查报告

4.To Promote Normal University Graduates Employment through Cooperative Education;以“定单式”人才培养模式促进师范毕业生就业

5.A Research on the Service Period System of Graduate of Normal Education in Modern China--Taking the Service Period System of Graduate of Secondary Normal Education as an Example;我国近现代师范毕业生服务期制度初探——以中等师范为例

6.Exploration of employment problem of non-teacher graduates in teachers colleges and universities;师范院校非师范专业毕业生就业问题探析

7.A Study on Job-Hunting Anxiety of Normal University Graduates;四川省师范大学毕业生就业焦虑研究

8.The Employment Problem of College Graduates and Its Solutions;高等师范院校毕业生就业问题及对策

9.Exploration on the orientation of the choice of jobs of the graduates in teachers college;高等师范院校毕业生的择业定位探讨

10.The Coutermeasure on Employment of the Graduates from the Local Normal Colleges;地方高师院校师范专业毕业生就业现状及对策

11.A Survey and Analysis of Employment Concerning Normal University Graduates at Grass-roots Schools--An Investigation on Employment at Grass-root Schools for the Graduates of Normal Majors in Guangxi Teachers Education University师范类毕业生基层就业调查分析——广西师范学院师范类毕业生基层就业状况调查

12.How to Improve the Teachers Specialization of Graduates;如何提高师范院校毕业生的教师专业化水平

13.Reflections on an Investigation of Teachers College Graduates Job Placement: a Case Study of Yuxi Teachers College;对师范院校毕业生就业情况调查的反思——以玉溪师范学院为例

14.Analysis on the Questionnaire Survey on Graduate Employment--Taking Anshan Normal College as the Example;毕业生就业问卷调查分析——以鞍山师范学院为例

15.The Obstruction of Normal Graduates′ Employment Concept and its Countermeasures;师范类毕业生就业观念障碍及其解决对策

16.The Investigation of Teachers College Graduates Career Value;师范大学毕业生职业价值观的调查研究

17.Employment Problems for Graduates of Regional Colleges;地方师范院校专科毕业生就业弱势探析

18.The Idealism of Job Application of Graduates from Teachers’College and Its Causes and Countermeasures;师范院校毕业生择业的理想化状况及原因对策


excellent graduates of Teachers College优秀师范毕业生

3)Normal graduating students师范应届毕业生

4)Normal University Graduates师范大学毕业生

1.A Study on Job-Hunting Anxiety ofNormal University Graduates;四川省师范大学毕业生就业焦虑研究

5)Teachers College graduates师范院校毕业生

6)Non-teacher graduates非师范专业毕业生


