1500字范文 > 卫生体制 health system英语短句 例句大全

卫生体制 health system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-19 14:23:22


卫生体制 health system英语短句 例句大全

卫生体制,health system

1)health system卫生体制

1.Reflection onhealth system reform and development in rural areas;对农村卫生体制改革与发展的思考

2.The paper introduced the common sense and international experiences in establishing a high-performinghealth system.另外,还介绍了建立卫生体制的基本共识和经验,并对我国建立基本医疗卫生制度提出了建议:增加公共筹资,控制个人支付比例;利用和发挥公立服务机构的作用;促进各类卫生筹资方式融合;促进财政投入政策和价格政策配合;公共投入优先支持和提供预防服务和基层卫生组织提供的初级诊疗服务;发展公立与私立机构、政府保障与商业健康保险之间的合作互补关系;构建精简统一效能的行政管理体制。

3.Objective To introduce the current situation and reform ofhealth system,pharmaceutical expenses and the system of drug pricing and reimbursement in Greece.目的介绍希腊的卫生体制、药品费用发展状况、药品定价和报销制度。


1.Measures of developing Chinese public health system:A reflection on Austrian health system从奥地利卫生体制看我国公共卫生体制建设的对策

2.Reform of the urban health care system contains mainly the following points:城镇医药卫生体制改茧的丰要内容是:


4.Several issues on rural medical system reform;对农村医疗卫生体制改革的几点看法

5.Becoming Market-oriented--An Inevitable Tendency of Public Health System Reform市场化——卫生体制改革的必然取向

6.Investigation Report on Health System of Spain and Greece西班牙 希腊两国卫生体制考察报告

7.Observe Chinese Health Reform From the Perspective of the Basic Objectives of Health System从卫生系统基本目标角度审视我国医药卫生体制改革

8.In the health organizational reform consummates the market mechanism the ponder;医疗卫生体制改革中完善市场机制的思考

9.The discussion of health insurance institution and health system reform;浅谈医疗保险制度与医疗卫生体制改革

10.Medicine Health System Mechanism Innovation:Special Contradiction and Way Choice医药卫生体制机制创新:特殊矛盾和路径选择

11.Creating public hospital management mechanism to cope with health system reform创新公立医院管理机制 迎接医药卫生体制改革

12.How to Adjust the Hospital Account Audit to Health Reform医院会计核算如何适应医疗卫生体制改革

13.Research on Governmental Behavior in Reforming the City MedicalHealth System;我国城镇医疗卫生体制改革中的政府行为研究

14.The Study of the Question and Countermeasure about the Hospital and Health Services System Reforming in the Chinese Cities;我国城镇医疗卫生体制改革问题及对策研究

15.Study on Managemental Strategies of HN Hospital under Hygienic System Reform;卫生体制改革条件下HN医院经营策略研究

16.A study on the management system and the function mechanism in the township hospital;乡镇卫生院管理体制与运行机制研究

17.Study on the Build of Aviation Sanitation Support under Combined Service System;联勤体制下航空卫生保障建设的研究

18.Our experience in making audiovisual material to bid for projects of the Ministry of Public Health;参与卫生部音像招标课题制作的体会


health system reform卫生体制改革

1.It emphasizes several works demanding prompt solution: the plan and regional health plan; working out policiesand regulations relating to medical/health system reform; doing a good job in building/rebuilding me.强调当前亟需抓好的几项工作是:开展全省卫生资源普查;制定中长期医疗救治网络体系建设规划和区域卫生规划;制定医疗卫生体制改革的政策法规;抓好急救体系与传染病救治机构的建设和改造;加强人员培训与物资调运、储备。

3)medical and health system医疗卫生体制

1.System ofmedical and health system and mechanism ethics are important contents in medical logic sysem,which are the guarantee ofmedical and health system and rational mechanism ethics.医疗卫生体制和机制伦理是医学伦理体系的重要内容,是医疗卫生体制和机制道德合理性的保障。

2.Starting from the considerations about the countermeasures, this paper points out that in the present stage we should stand on the real conditions of our country, give full play to the guiding functions of the government, develop well the reform of themedical and health system, use the domestic and foreign experiences for reference, and create the rural medical security syste.从对策思考入手,指出现阶段应当立足于我国现实情况,发挥政府主导功能,搞好医疗卫生体制改革,借鉴国内外经验,创建符合我国国情的农村医疗保障体系。

4)medical system医疗卫生体制

1.Scientificmedical system must obey the especial economy regularity;科学的医疗卫生体制必须遵循其特殊的市场经济规律

2.To realize fairness ofmedical system reform links heath of people and harmonious development socially and economically as well as direction of the reform.实现医疗卫生体制改革的公平性,关系到人们的身体健康和经济社会的和谐发展,也是中国医疗卫生体制改革的方向。

3.Due to system designing’s faultiness and being restricted by outsidemedical system, the reform not only didn’t achieve its anticipative effect, but also got itself into a corner.以建立城市职工基本医疗保险制度为核心内容的中国城市医疗保障制度改革自1998年在全国范围内开展至今已有将近8年的时间,然而由于制度本身设计的不尽完善和所处的医疗卫生体制环境的制约,改革非但没有取得预期的效果,反而陷入发展的困境之中。

5)reform of health care system卫生体制改革

1.Author think that " three represents" theory is basic policy of further deepenreform of health care system, thereform of health care system is that represent the development need of China s advanced social productive forces, always represent the onward direction of China s advanced culture, and always represent the fundamental interests of the largest member of the Chinese people.从江泽民同志“三个代表”思想是进一步深化我国卫生体制改革的基本指针出发 ,分别论述了我国卫生体制改革如何代表先进生产力的发展要求、代表先进文化的前进方向、代表最广大人民的根本利

6)health system医药卫生体制

1.The influence ofhealth system reform on hospitals and the countermeasures;医药卫生体制改革对医院的影响及对策研究

2.However, how to increase and allocate government input is critical for the success of Chinahealth system reform.如何改革我国的医药卫生体制,一直是近年来社会各界广泛关注的热门话题。


