1500字范文 > 医疗体制 medical system英语短句 例句大全

医疗体制 medical system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-20 23:56:12


医疗体制 medical system英语短句 例句大全

医疗体制,medical system

1)medical system医疗体制

1.Legal theory onmedical system reform——the Angle of Fair Sharing the Medical Reform Fruits;医疗体制改革的法学思考——基于医改成果公平分享的视角

2.Review of the studies of China smedical system problems in recent years;近年来中国医疗体制问题研究综述

3.The change ofmedical system has a great effect on the national economy and the people s livelihood; also it influences the trend of future economic policy.医疗体制改革关系着国计民生,也影响着未来经济政策走向。


1.A Tentative Study of the Medical System Change in China by Comparing with the Other Countries;从各国医疗体制对比中浅谈我国医疗体制改革

2.A Research of the Public Hospital"s Service Quality in the Existing Health Care System现行医疗体制中公立医院医疗服务质量研究

3.Study of Game Theory among Hospital, Patient and Insurance Company under Health Care System in China现行医疗体制下我国医患保博弈分析

parison of Health Care Financing Schemes Before and After Market Reforms in China’s Urban Areas中国城镇医疗体制改革前后的医疗融资比较

5.Britain insurance system s inspiration to China medical system s reconstruction;英国的医疗保险体制对我国医疗体制重建的启示

6.The Direction and Route of the Urban Medical and Treatment System Reform in China;中国城市医疗体制改革的方向与路径

7.Defects in the medical system and distortion in drug pricing;医疗体制弊端与药品定价扭曲(英文)

8.The Problems and Strategies on the Reform of Medical System in China;我国医疗体制改革存在的问题及对策

9.An Analysis of the Government s Function during Medical System Reform;医疗体制改革中政府的职能定位分析

10.Medical System Reform of China--Marketizing Predicament;中国医疗体制改革——市场化的困境

11.The Studies on Health Care System Reform and the Principle of Rational Use of Social Health insurance;医疗体制改革与社会医疗保险基金合理利用原则的研究

12.The discussion of health insurance institution and health system reform;浅谈医疗保险制度与医疗卫生体制改革

13.The Effect of Reforms of the Pricing System for Medical Treatments on Hospital Management;医疗价格体制改革对医院经营的影响

14.The Study on the Vertical Integration of Medical Insurance and Control of Medical Expenses;医疗费用控制与医疗保险纵向一体化研究

15.Medical Service Market Failure and Perfection of Medical Regulation System in China;医疗服务市场失灵与我国医疗规制体系的完善

16.How to Establish the Supervise System of Medical Services Under the Medical Insurance System;医疗保险制度下医疗服务监督指标体系的建立

17.The Best Choice for the Rural Medical Security System Pattern:The Multi-level Rural Medical Security System;农村医疗保障体制构建模式的选择——多层次农村医疗保障制度体系

18.How to Adjust the Hospital Account Audit to Health Reform医院会计核算如何适应医疗卫生体制改革


health care system医疗体制

1.There are different areas in economic development,social systems and cultural traditions between China and Germany,also difference existed inhealth care systems in two countries.中德两国在经济发展、社会制度和文化传统等方面各不相同,在医疗体制方面也存在显著差异,但德国卫生体制和医院管理的一些思路、观念、运作方式等值得借鉴。

3)new medical faculty新医疗体制

4)Medical system reform医疗体制改革

1.If investigating from a visual angle of development,China s medical system reform lasting for 20 years cannot be said to be devoid of any merit.如果以发展的眼光来考察,历时之久的中国医疗体制改革并非一无是处。

2.By analysis of the formation background of health promotion medicine(HPM),this paper clarifies the inevitability that the final aim of medicine is to focus on health,and the importance to improve constitution and to strengthen premorbid comprehensive intervention in the implementation of medical system reform in our country.通过对健康促进医学形成背景的分析,明确了医学最终目的转向健康的必然性及健康促进医学所关注的改善体质、加强病前综合干预等观点在我国医疗体制改革中的重要性,探讨了健康促进医学的现代理念与中医传统养生保健学的关系,并认识到中、西医学健康理念的并存与交融,将会产生出适合我国国情民风的健康新观念,也是21世纪我国健康促进医学发展的必然格局。

3.The writer illustrates the lagging cause,the influence and consequence of medical system reform by means of analyzing the data from the media.通过媒体提供的数据,分析、说明造成医疗体制改革滞后的原因,并由其所产生的影响及后果。

5)medical and health system医疗卫生体制

1.System ofmedical and health system and mechanism ethics are important contents in medical logic sysem,which are the guarantee ofmedical and health system and rational mechanism ethics.医疗卫生体制和机制伦理是医学伦理体系的重要内容,是医疗卫生体制和机制道德合理性的保障。

2.Starting from the considerations about the countermeasures, this paper points out that in the present stage we should stand on the real conditions of our country, give full play to the guiding functions of the government, develop well the reform of themedical and health system, use the domestic and foreign experiences for reference, and create the rural medical security syste.从对策思考入手,指出现阶段应当立足于我国现实情况,发挥政府主导功能,搞好医疗卫生体制改革,借鉴国内外经验,创建符合我国国情的农村医疗保障体系。

6)reform of medical system医疗体制改革

1.The difference of “the marketability” or“the counter-marketability”, causesreform of medical system that has been executed 20 years occurs changes suddenly.“市场化”抑或“反市场化”之争,使得已整整的医疗体制改革基调突然变奏,医改在路向选择上也陷入模糊。

2.The development of Community Health Service (CHS) is the key point to break through the dilemma of China’sreform of medical system.社区卫生服务体系的发展是我国医疗体制改革的重要突破口。


