1500字范文 > 海洋工程项目 Marine Engineering Project英语短句 例句大全

海洋工程项目 Marine Engineering Project英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-29 05:28:13


海洋工程项目 Marine Engineering Project英语短句 例句大全

海洋工程项目,Marine Engineering Project

1)Marine Engineering Project海洋工程项目


1.Study on the Risk Analysis Model of Project Management of Ocean Engineering;海洋工程项目管理风险分析模型研究

2.Object cost control in ocean engineering project目标成本控制在海洋工程项目中的应用


4.Research on the Application of the Project Management Method in Marine Engineering;项目管理方法在海洋工程中的应用研究

5.Study on Resource Scheduling in Offshore Engineering Project Group Management based on ACO;基于蚁群算法的海洋工程群项目资源调度研究

6.Exploration and Practice of Safety Culture Construction for Offshore Oil Engineering Project海洋石油工程项目安全文化建设的探索与实践

7.Application of Improved ACO in Resource Scheduling of Offshore Project Groups;改进蚁群算法在海洋工程群项目资源调度中的应用

8.How to Play the Intensive Role of MSA in Marine Construction Project EIA论如何发挥海事部门在涉海工程建设项目海洋环境影响评价中的积极作用

9.Hainan"s Yangpu Development Zone to start work on construction of a number of industrial projects海南洋浦开发区将动工兴建一批工业项目

10.Discussion about the introduction of the project construction delegating system in MSA s civil construction projects;在海事基建工程项目中引入项目代建制的思考

11.AMEE (Admiralty Marine Engineering Establishment)海军部海洋工程研究

12.Research on Compensation Management Issue of Overseas Oil Project Team;海外石油工程项目薪酬管理问题研究

13.Telecommunications Project Management during Shanghai Telecom s Transformation Period;上海电信转型期的通信工程项目管理

14.Study of Chinese Overseas Engineering Contract Enterprises Project Financing;我国海外工程承包企业项目融资研究

15.Purchasing and using management for the equipment in overseas project海外工程项目的设备采购与使用管理

16.Overseas Project Contracting-Experiences of Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower Project in Pakistan;从巴罗塔工程的履约论海外工程项目承包

17.Blue projects: Projects covering coastal and marine resources.蓝色项目:指利用沿海和海洋资源的项目

18.Problems and Research of Regularity about the Acceptance of Completed Environmental Facilities of Exploitation Projects for Marine Oil and Gas Resources;海洋油气开发项目环保设施竣工验收存在问题及规范化研究


Marine chemical industry海洋化工项目

1.Marine chemical industry refers to extraction of water projects are engaged in material production and business projects.海洋化工项目是指提取海水物质从事生产、经营的项目。

3)overseas engineering projects海外工程项目

1.The risk management ofoverseas engineering projects;海外工程项目的风险管理

4)ocean engineering海洋工程

1.Review of risk acceptance criteria forocean engineering;海洋工程风险接受准则研究进展

2.Development ofocean engineering technology and aspect on development of state ocean economy;海洋工程技术进展与对发展我国海洋经济的思考

3.Application of multivariate probability analysis using copulas toocean engineering;基于Copula函数的联合概率法在海洋工程中的应用

5)offshore engineering海洋工程

1.The significance and difficulty of deepwater welding applied inoffshore engineering were described as well as several new technologies such as hyperbaric TIG welding, hyperbaric MIG welding and friction stitch welding were introduced.在描述海洋工程深水焊接的意义与困难的基础之上,系统介绍了应用于深水的高压TIG焊接、高压MIG焊接和摩擦叠焊,对以空气为加压气体的高压TIG焊接、外加纵向磁场强化高压脉冲MIG焊接熔滴过渡的技术方案与实验系统设计、水下摩擦叠焊实验装置方案设计等做了研究工作。

2.Taking material procurement management for the first 400-inch self-elevating drilling rig in China as an example,the article analyzes the important role of procurement management inoffshore engineering from the aspects of features of procurement and mode of procurement management.文章以我国第一条“400英尺”自升式钻井平台的物资采购管理为例,从采购的特点、采购管理模式分析了物资采购管理在海洋工程中所起的重要作用。

3.This is a new technology used in theoffshore engineering.多相流量计是对油、气、水三相在不分离情况下进行连续、在线、自动计量的设备,它是应用在海洋工程中的一项新技术。

6)marine engineering海洋工程

1.Review of Galileo navigation system and its effect ofmarine engineering;伽利略计划及其对海洋工程的影响

2.Estimating economic costs of potential fishery losses caused bymarine engineering;海洋工程环境评价中渔业资源价值损失的估算方法

3.According to the applications of nickel-aluminium bronze inmarine engineering,welding,anti-explo- sion material and others,and the researches of nickel-aluminium bronze at home and abroad,the researcn progresses and application of nikel-aluminium bronze alloys are introduced in the paper,and some existing limitations are discussed.结合镍铝青铜在海洋工程、焊接、防爆材料和其它方面的应用现状,以及国内外对镍铝青铜合金研究的进展,介绍了镍铝青铜合金的应用与研究现状,分析了存在的问题。


