1500字范文 > 资料保护水平适当性制度 adequate level of data protection英语短句 例句大全

资料保护水平适当性制度 adequate level of data protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-10 01:58:16


资料保护水平适当性制度 adequate level of data protection英语短句 例句大全

资料保护水平适当性制度,adequate level of data protection

1)adequate level of data protection资料保护水平适当性制度

1.If deemed as providing anadequate level of data protection,a country may enjoy national treatment as an EU member state.个人资料保护水平适当性制度是欧盟有关跨境资料转移中个人资料法律保护体制的基石。


1.A Study of the EU System of Adequate Data Protection Concerning Transborder Data Flow欧盟关于跨境资料转移的资料保护水平适当性制度述评

2.The management constraints and supplemental controls established to provide an acceptable level of protection for data.管理上的约束和追加的控制,用来提供可接受的水平的资料保护。

3.Primary Study on the Establishing the National Appropriate Level of Protection on Animal Health;确立国家适当的动物卫生保护水平初步研究

4.Evaluation of the appropriate occupational protection of nursing in China我国护理职业适当防护水平评价性研究

5.The Necessity and Criteria Design of Water Tax;试论水资源保护的制度缺陷及其改革

6.All localities, departments and units shall amplify the system of examination and verification of statistical data and guarantee the accuracy and promptness of statistical data.各地方、各部门、各单位应当健全统计资料的审核制度,保障统计资料的准确性和及时性。

7.A Study on the Individual Data Protection s Legal System of Europol;欧洲刑事警察组织个人资料保护制度研究

8.Assessment of Risk and Determination of the Appropriate Level of Sanitary or Phytosanitary Protection风险评估和适当的卫生与植物卫生保护水平的确定

9.Article 5 Assessment of Risk and Determination of the Appropriate Level of Sanitary or Phytosanitary Protection第5条 风险评估和适当的卫生与植物卫生保护水平的确定

10.Improving Chinese Legal System of Farmland Protection;对完善我国当前耕地资源保护法律制度的探讨

11.Quantitative Analysis of Relationship of Social Security Payment and Economy Growth in China;中国社会保障支出水平适度性的计量分析

12.WTO and Adaptable Innovation to China s Environmental Legal Systems;WTO与中国环境保护法律制度的适应性变革

13.International System of Areas Protected for Peace国际和平保护区制度

14.II. China Has a High-Grade Legal System for Intellectual Property Protection二、中国具有高水平保护知识产权的法律制度

15."Tax for fees reform": realization of substitution of water resources fee collecting institution by water resources protection tax;费改税:实现水资源保护税制对水资源费征收制度的替代

16.An Analysis of Security Level Measurement of China’s Urban Public Accumulation Funds and Its Adaptability to the Level of Economic Development我国城镇公积金保障水平测度及其与经济发展水平适应性分析

17.The Situation of the Water Recourses Protection Law System and the Improvement;我国水资源保护法律制度的现状与完善

18.A Study of Several Factors Related to the Payment from the Present Social Security System;当前养老保险制度给付水平的几个问题研究


appropriate level of protection适当的保护水平

1.Primary research for the concept and method of theappropriate level of protection;适当的保护水平及其研究方法的初步研究

3)Suitable protection适当保护

4)moderate protection of investment适度投资保护

1.Foreign capital causes damage to China to a greater or lesser degree from scale,domestic digestive ability and industries,it is necessary that China implementmoderate protection of investment.我们认为不论从规模上、国内消化能力上,还是从行业上讲,外资都对我国产生了不同程度的损害,我国有必要实施适度投资保护。

5)the level of appropriate occupational protection职业适当防护水平

1.Objective:To evaluatethe level of appropriate occupational protection of nursing, which was in line with the domestic status.目的:评价符合国内现状的护理职业适当防护水平。

6)investor protection level投资者保护水平


