1500字范文 > 国际扶养法律冲突 Legal conflicts on international maintenance英语短句 例句大全

国际扶养法律冲突 Legal conflicts on international maintenance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-27 12:15:28


国际扶养法律冲突 Legal conflicts on international maintenance英语短句 例句大全

国际扶养法律冲突,Legal conflicts on international maintenance

1)Legal conflicts on international maintenance国际扶养法律冲突

2)International Legal Dispute国际法律冲突

3)conflicts arnong international criminal laws国际刑事法律冲突


1.The Expression of Conflicts Among International Criminal Laws and its Countermeasures;论国际刑事法律冲突的表现与解决办法

2.The Analysis of Criminal Legal Conflict in Rigions of Minority Nationalities;我国民族自治地区刑事法律冲突探析

3.Contemporary Issues and Handling Countermeasures on the Interlocal Conflicts of Criminal Law in China;我国不同法域的刑事法律冲突及其处理原则

4.Conflicts and Combination between New Lawyers Act and Criminal Procedural Law论我国新律师法与刑事诉讼法的冲突及其衔接

5.Conflict of International Criminal Norms with Special National Conditions;刑事司法的国际性准则与国情特殊性之冲突

6.China and ICC--in the view of cultural perspective中国与国际刑事法院的文化冲突及其化解

7.General Analysis of the Conflicts and Coordination between Different Districts in China;浅议中国区际刑事司法管辖冲突及协调

8.The Proper Law of International Criminal Jurisdiction;国际刑事管辖权冲突的“适当法”观照——来自国际私法学的借鉴

9.On China s Interregional Conflict and Solution of Criminal Jurisdiction;论中国区际刑事管辖权的冲突与解决

10.Study on Resolution of Parallel Proceedings in China s Interregional Conflict of Laws;论我国区际法律冲突下“一事两诉”问题的解决

11.On Settlement of China s Interstate Conflict of Laws by the Law of Interstate conflict of Laws;区际冲突法与我国区际法律冲突的解决

12.Exploration on the origins and countermeasures of collisions between ICC and Chinese sovereignty;国际刑事法院与中国主权之冲突根源及其对策初探

13.On the principles of the criminal law;刑事法律的冲突与制衡——对刑事法律原则的若干思考

14.On the Conflicts Between the Lawyer s Rights and the State Power in Criminal Litigation;论我国刑事诉讼中律师执业权利与司法权力的冲突

15.The conflict between life-compensation custom andcriminal law in some Tibetan communities withrelated countermeasures for legislation;藏族赔命价习惯与刑事法律的冲突及立法对策

16.On Several Problems of Interregional Conflict of Laws in China--Contrasting with Interstate Conflict of Laws in the U.S.A;论中国区际法律冲突的几个问题——与美国州际法律冲突之比较

17.The Relationship between the Conflict of Laws and Private International Law in the Perspective of Jurisprudence;法理学视野中的法律冲突与国际私法

18.European Union s Settlement for Interregional Conflict of Laws and Its Significance of Reference to China;欧盟区际法律冲突解决对我国区际法律冲突的借鉴意义


International Legal Dispute国际法律冲突

3)conflicts arnong international criminal laws国际刑事法律冲突

4)inter-territory conflict law区际法律冲突法

5)interregional conflict of laws区际法律冲突

1.The phenomenon of parallel proceedings often happens ininterregional conflict of laws in China.“一事两诉”问题在中国的区际法律冲突中经常发生。

2.Theinterregional conflict of laws of Hong Kong,Macao and the Pearl River Delta has to do with the conflict of the application of different laws made in the said regions in China since the 1840s.港、澳、珠江三角洲地区之间的区际法律冲突,是指19世纪40年代以后,在我国因为三地之间各自法律规定的不同,从而产生法律适用上的冲突。

3.As to the nature of the Cross-strait civil and commercial conflict of laws, the scholars from the Mainland generally regard it as a specialinterregional conflict of laws; whereas the views of the scholars from Chinese Taiwan vary.对于海峡两岸民商事法律冲突的性质,中国大陆的学者一般都认为是特殊的区际法律冲突,但台湾地区学者的看法却不尽一致。

6)interstate conflict of laws区际法律冲突

1.It is imperative to settle the problem ofinterstate conflict of laws.随着香港回归祖国,澳门即将回到祖国的怀抱,我国已经成为具有多个不同法律区域的复合法域国家,区际法律冲突问题已经成为亟待解决的重要问题。

2.But the obvious differences among the four legal-zones in social system, legal system and legal culture lead to a complexinterstate conflict of laws in China.步入21世纪的中国已经成为复合法域国家,但由于大陆与香港、澳门、台湾间的社会制度、法律体系、法律文化存在着迥然的差异,导致当代中国产生了复杂的区际法律冲突。


