1500字范文 > 航空私法 private air law英语短句 例句大全

航空私法 private air law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-16 04:44:56


航空私法 private air law英语短句 例句大全

航空私法,private air law

1)private air law航空私法


1.On the Jurisdiction in the Private Law of International Aviation and the"Fifth Jurisdiction";论国际航空私法中的管辖权——兼论“第五管辖权”

2.Research on Private International Law for Air Transport Personal Injury Compensation;航空运输人身损害赔偿的国际私法问题研究

3.An Analysis of the Protection of the Interests of the Weak Parties in Private International Air Law航空国际私法领域中弱者利益保护问题初探

4.The US Federal Aviation Administration has issued draft regulations for pilots and passengers participating in privately run space ventures.美国联邦航空管理局近日公布了用于规范私人太空游的法规草案.

5.celestial navigation【航海.航空】天体导航法

6.This privately-owned airways is allowed to operate a new civil air line service.这家私营航空公司获准开办一条新的民用航线。

7.testing method for octane number by the aviation method航空法的辛烷值测定法

8.Ibero-American Institute of Aeronautic and Space Law and Commercial Aviation伊比利亚-美洲航空和空间法及商业航空学会

9.strip aerial triangulation航带法空中三角测量

10.aerial photo detail transfer航空象片细部转绘法

11.testing method for water tolerance of aviation fuel航空燃料耐水性测定法

12.crown closure measurement in aerial photo授郁闭度航空象片测法

13.testing method for freezing point of aviation fuels航空燃料凝固点测定法

14.crown diameter measurement in aerial photo授直径航空象片量测法

15.Legal Liability of Air Transport Carrier in Air Transport Delay;浅谈航空承运人航运延误之法律责任

16.Anna: Air France,Lufthansa…Ah, British Airways…Yes.安娜:法国航空公司,德国航空公司…哦,英国航空公司…是的。

17.Exhibition Tour of French Aerospace Equipment Industry in China法国航空精品荟萃——法国航空航天设备巡回展之旅

18.Privately-operated airlines must seek China"s consent through consultations between their government and the Chinese Government before they can start reciprocal air services with privately-operated airlines of Taiwan.在征得中国政府同意后,其民间航空公司始可同台湾的私营航空公司互飞。


private law of international aviation国际航空私法

1.The paper investigates the origin and development of the jurisdiction in theprivate law of international aviation and the third litigation place formulated in the Warsaw Pact,holding that the advent of the e-ticket makes the third litigation place meaningless.论述了国际航空私法中管辖权的产生及发展演变,详细分析了《华沙公约》所规定的第三个诉讼地点,认为电子客票的出现使第三个诉讼地点形同虚设。

3)airborne electrical method航空电法

4)aeromagnetic method航空磁法

5)aviation law航空法

1.Meanwhile,China saviation law system has become more and more complete.中国的航空法律制度建设也取得较大成就,相关法律制度日趋完备。

2.It is necessary to take into account the issue of harmonization betweenaviation law and outer space law because of the relevance between them.由于外层空间法和航空法之间的关联性,有必要考虑二者的协调问题。

3.International aviation tort liability system is a branch of modern tort law, andalso an important part of modern internationalaviation law.国际航空侵权责任制度是现代侵权法的一个分支,也是现代国际航空法的重要组成部分,是自20世纪初期人类发明飞机以来,伴随着航空科技的发展,产生的一个独具特色又充满活力的法律领域。

6)unification of private air law空运私法统一体


