1500字范文 > 实施TRIPS协定 implementing TRIPS Agreement英语短句 例句大全

实施TRIPS协定 implementing TRIPS Agreement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-25 07:50:59


实施TRIPS协定 implementing TRIPS Agreement英语短句 例句大全

实施TRIPS协定,implementing TRIPS Agreement

1)implementing TRIPS Agreement实施TRIPS协定

1.Chinese government has been working hard atimplementing TRIPS Agreement after China entered WTO,while it often was criticized by a few developed countries,including America, moreover some IPRs right holders have also worried about the national IPRs system.加入WTO后,中国政府一直在为实施TRIPS协定而努力,但是仍然时有美国等少数国家对我们的诚意和所做出的努力予以否定的评价,而且,国内的一些知识产权权利人也担忧我们的知识产权法制现状。


1.The Methods to Resolve the Problems Emerged in China"s Implementation TRIPS Agreement中国实施TRIPS协定的问题和对策

2.Study on What the Effect on the Access to Drug and the Relative Policy after the Entry of TRIPS;实施TRIPS协定对我国药品可及性影响及相关政策研究

3.Opinions on the Major Gaps and Treatm ents of Property rights and TRIPS Agreement;论知识产权与TRIPS协定的主要差距及实施对策

4.Implementation Mechanism of TRIPS Agreement and Development of International Treaty Law;TRIPS协定的实施机制及对国际条约法的发展

5.Article 4 of the Agreement on TRIPS.《trips协定》第4条。

6.Research on "TRIPs-plus" Agreement“TRIPs-plus”协定研究

7.Analysis of the Problems in Implementing Compulsory Licensing for Patented Medicine under TRIPS Agreement;TRIPS协议下实施药品专利强制许可问题浅析

8.Business-secrets-related TRIPs Articles andtheir Implementation in China;TRIPs协议商业秘密条款及其在我国实施问题浅论

9.The Analysis on TRIPs 22-24;TRIPs协定第22-24条分析

10.On Compulsory License System for Patented Medicine Relate to Public Health under TRIPS Agreement;TRIPS协定下公共健康药品专利强制许可保障措施研究

11.Research on the Legal Issues and Countermeasures in Implementation of the Compulsory License for Pharmaceuticals Patents under TRIPSTRIPS协议药品强制许可制度实施中的法律问题与对策研究

12.Nominal Level and Actual Strength of China"s Intellectual Property Protection (IPP) Under the TRIPS AgreementTRIPS协定下中国知识产权保护水平和实际保护强度

13.Research on TRIPS Agreement and Border Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China;TRIPS协议与我国知识产权边境措施研究

14.Unit for the Application of the Peace Agreements和平协定实施股(协定实施股)

15.(iii) with respect to intellectual property rights, the Agreement on TRIPS.(iii)对于知识产权,指《TRIPS协定》。

16.Research on the Principle of National Treatment under TRIPS;TRIPS协定下国民待遇原则研究

17.Research on Legal Protection of Industrial Design under TRIPS Agreement;TRIPS协定下外观设计法律保护研究

18.On the Application of Non-violation Complaints in TRIPS;“非违反之诉”在TRIPS协定中的适用探析



1.Relationship between CBD andTRIPS Agreement;TRIPS协定与CBD公约关系探析

2.Key Issues and Benchmark of China s Intellectual Property Rights Protection underTRIPS Agreement;TRIPS协定下中国知识产权保护的核心难题及基准


3)TRIPS agreementTRIPS协定

1.On Compulsory License System for Patented Medicine Relate to Public Health under TRIPS Agreement;TRIPS协定下公共健康药品专利强制许可保障措施研究

2.Implementation Mechanism of TRIPS Agreement and Development of International Treaty Law;TRIPS协定的实施机制及对国际条约法的发展

3.Research on Legal Protection of Industrial Design under TRIPS Agreement;TRIPS协定下外观设计法律保护研究

4)TRIPS agreement《TRIPS协定》

5)"TRIPs-plus" Agreement"TRIPs-plus"协定

1."TRIPs-plus" Agreement is a new tool through which the developed countries, especially the USA and European Union,maximize their interests on the intellectual property after the implementation of TRIPs Agreement(Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights).“TRIPs-plus”协定是在TRIPs协定实施后美欧发达国家借以最大化实现知识产权利益的新工具,其确定的“TRIPs-plus”标准,不仅使发展中国家承担了高于TRIPs协定的知识产权保护义务,而且还克减了发展中国家占优势的传统资源利益。

6)TRIPS-plus agreements"TRIPS-递增"协定


