1500字范文 > 财务信息 financial information英语短句 例句大全

财务信息 financial information英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-17 23:33:17


财务信息 financial information英语短句 例句大全

财务信息,financial information

1)financial information财务信息

1.Researches onfinancial information support of enterprise strategic management;企业战略管理财务信息支撑研究

2.The Research of Web Enquiry System for Financial Information Based on B/S Structure;基于B/S结构的财务信息网上查询系统的研究

3.A brief talk on several issues of thefinancial information announced about corporation to the stock market;浅谈上市公司财务信息披露的若干问题


1.Financial Information and Control System财务信息和控制系统

2.Integrated Financial Information Management system综合财务信息管理系统

3.Discussion on Questions of Non-finance Information Existing in Advance Warning of Financial Risk财务风险预警中非财务信息问题探讨

4.Research on Financial Information Quality--From the Perspective of Finance Governance;财务信息质量研究——基于公司财务治理的视角

5.Application Research of EIS Orienting Financial Information Analysis;面向财务信息分析的领导信息系统的应用研究

6.Financial Informatization--the Supporting Point of Enterprise s Informatized Management and Control;财务信息化——企业信息化管理控制的支点

7.Restructuring FIDP Based on Information Tax in Stock Market;基于信息税的证券市场财务信息披露模式重构

8.A Tentative Study of Enterprise Group Financial Information System and Information Exposure;企业集团财务信息体系结构与信息披露的探讨

9.to inspect the company"s financial information and its disclosure;审核公司的财务信息及其披露;

10.Research on Value-relevance of Non-financial Information and Enterprise Value;非财务信息与企业价值的相关性研究

11.Financial and Management Information System财务和管理信息系统

12.Integrated Financial Management Information System综合财务管理信息系统

13.Division of Finance, Administration and Management Information Services财务、行政和管理信息事务司

14.SOA-based MIS of Finance Company;基于SOA的财务公司业务管理信息系统

15.Improving Financial Affairs Management with the Informatization of Administration;推进财务管理信息化 提高财务管理水平

16.Integrate Financial Assets Information System Improve Hospital Financial Management整合财务资产信息系统 提高医院财务管理水平

17.like a telex, like a SWIFT message,诸如电传、环球银行财务电信协会信息,

18.Research on Informationalization of China Telecom Finance Management;中国电信的财务管理信息化问题研究


finance information财务信息

1.The management system software in import exportfinance information supports the network processing of the report forms and other information to and from a certain level,namely enterprises,the foreign trade and econmic cooperation commissions at the prefectural and municipal level and the provincial level,and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.进出口财务信息管理系统软件为企业、外经贸部门相关报表及信息的网络化处理提供了支持 ,便于各单位之间及时沟通 ,实现企业、地市、省、外经贸部 4级联网管理 。

2.In this paper I will discuss the problems and provide some suggestions,with the new characters of thefinance information disclosure in the network environment.本文就对网络环境下企业财务信息披露呈现的新特征存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出几点建议。

3.The benefits around thefinance information carry on the long-time game.分析财务信息是上市公司各利益相关方获得公司经营信息的主要方式,利益各方围绕着财务信息进行着长时间的博弈。

3)finance informationization财务信息化

1.A preliminary analysis on the risk management of collegefinance informationization;高校财务信息化风险管理探析

2.Because informationization degree of coal interprises in our country is low,andfinance informationization is still at primary stage,the financial information is not only the breach of the informationization of coal enterprise but also a key content of coal business administration.由于中国煤炭企业信息化程度底,财务信息化还处于低级阶段。

4)financial informationalization财务信息化

1.The development of ourfinancial informationalization goes through two important changes.我国财务信息化发展经历了两方面的重大变化。

5)non-financial information非财务信息

1.The Research on Financial Crisis Early-warning Model of Listed Companies with Non-financial Information;引入非财务信息的上市公司财务危机预警模型实证研究

2.Thenon-financial information is the information that faced to the future, and it shows the development of companies, it looks like a“indicator”of the financial information.非财务信息是面向未来的信息,是能够预测企业未来发展的信息,是财务信息的“先行指示器”。

6)forecast financial information财务软信息

1.Which could win out in the field of modern logistics competition? Apart from the enterprises’ internal management, the disclosure of external financial information (particularly theforecast financial information) is also very important, w.本文就我国物流业上市公司财务软信息披露存在的问题与对策加以研究,希望对完善我国物流业上市公司财务软信息披露有所启迪。


