1500字范文 > 脏腑虚实 viscera-bowel deficiency and excess英语短句 例句大全

脏腑虚实 viscera-bowel deficiency and excess英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-04 12:54:05


脏腑虚实 viscera-bowel deficiency and excess英语短句 例句大全

脏腑虚实,viscera-bowel deficiency and excess

1)viscera-bowel deficiency and excess脏腑虚实


1.Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Insomnia from Yin-Yang Waxing and Waning以阴阳消长脏腑虚实理论辨治失眠症

2.Prospective research on the deficiency-syndrome of the viscera of 1,069 patients of coronary heart disease with multiple rotating center1069例冠心病脏腑虚证的多中心前瞻性研究

3.The Research of Viscus Syndrome and Viscus Discrimination of the Two Han Dynasty;两汉时期脏腑证候与脏腑辨证方法的研究

4.Study on the Effect of the Fruits of Phyllanthus emblica,Terminalia chebula Retz and Terminalia bellirica in Tibetan Medicine on cAMP、cGMP Content of Zangfu Organs in Test Animals藏药余甘子、诃子和毛诃子对实验动物脏腑cAMP、cGMP含量的影响

5.Afterwards, the unbalance of Ying qi and Wei qi leads to the dysfunction of viscera, Qi, blood and fluid.六经病的实质是六经的“开、、”功能失常,导致营卫失调,并造成的脏腑气血津液功能紊乱。

6.My study aspect is the correlated of meridian and entrails, especial clinic and empirical study which acupuncture treat cardia-cerebrovascular disease.研究方向:经脉脏腑相关,主攻方向为针灸对心脑血管疾病的临床与实验研究。

7.Experiment of Focus and Diffuse Functional Effects of Law about Meridian Point Associated with Visceral Target Orgen;经穴与脏腑靶器官相关联聚焦性与弥散性功能效应特性规律的实验研究

8.Winston"s entrails seemed to have turned into ice.温斯顿的五脏六腑似乎都变成了冰块。

9."and the skin of the ox and all its flesh, with its head and its legs and its inside parts and its waste,"公牛的皮和所有的肉,并头,腿,脏,腑,粪,

10.Nei jing said "All five-zang organs and six-fu organs lead to cough, not only lung".《内经》提出“五脏六腑皆令人咳,非独肺也”。

11.The Research of 《Fu Xing Jue Zang Fu Yong Yao Fa Yao》;《辅行诀脏腑用药法要》的文献研究

12.Clinical Study of Treating Ulcerative Dolitis with the theory of Curing Viscera and Bowels Simultaneously“脏腑同治”溃疡性结肠炎的临床研究

13.The Theory of the Lung Function and the Relationship between Lung and Zang-fu中医肺脏功能的理论及其与脏腑的相关性研究

14.Fluid syndrome refers to retention of thin fluid in the viscera and tissues, usually caused by decline or disturbance of visceral functions.饮证指水饮质地清稀,停滞于脏腑组织之间所表现的病证,多由脏腑机能衰退或障碍等原因引起。

15.Qi, blood, and body fluid, are the material basis for the functional activities of the zang-fu organs, their formation and circulation depend upon the normal functions of the zang fu organs.气血津液是脏腑功能活动的物质基础,它们的形成和循行依赖于脏腑功能的正常。

16.She"d a roasted his bowels out of him"thout any more feeling than if he was a human!给它灌药烧坏它的五脏六腑,不管它是不是人

17.Trembling all over, the wife faltered:这时,他底妻简直连腑脏都颤抖,吞吐着问:

18.Triple energizer has no exterior-interior relationships with the zang-organs, it is therefore called" solitary fu-organ".三焦和脏之间没有表里关系,因此也称为“孤腑”。


weakness of the viscera脏腑虚损


1.The article summarized the vital movement periodicity in Qi and blood,entrails and color and pulses, and expounded the effect of vital movement periodicity to body and raised the life-cultivation and therapeutic principle of accustomization nature and concordance period.《内经》从多方面论述了生命运动的周期性,包括日周期、十日周期、月周期、年周期等,笔者以气血、脏腑、色脉为纲对其进行总结,阐述生命运动周期性对人体的影响,凸显生命运动周期的重要性,并提出顺应自然、协调周期的养生、治疗原则。

2.The treatment combined ocular acupuncture therapy with the relation ofentrails and meridian could investigate senile dementia coursed by the variation of organ and meridian.结合眼针疗法与中医脏腑和经络的关系,可以更深入地研究由于部分脏器和经络发生变化而引发的老年性痴呆这一病症。

4)internal organs脏腑

1.Progress of study on relative effect between meridians andinternal organs;经脉(穴)与脏腑相关效应规律的研究进展

5)Zang-fu organs脏腑

1.Relationship between plasma protein expression profiles and states of Zang-Fu organs in patients with phlegm or blood stagnation syndromes due to hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis;高脂血症和动脉粥样硬化不同痰瘀证候患者血浆蛋白质差异表达谱与脏腑功能的关系

6)zang-fu viscera脏腑

1.Gross conception of anatomical structure ofzang-fu viscera in Huangdi Neijing;论《黄帝内经》脏腑的实体解剖观


