1500字范文 > 泄漏报警 leak alarm英语短句 例句大全

泄漏报警 leak alarm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-16 03:46:49


泄漏报警 leak alarm英语短句 例句大全

泄漏报警,leak alarm

1)leak alarm泄漏报警


1.alarm for motor-vehicle tyre breaking汽车轮胎泄漏报警器

2.Design of Combustible Gas Leakage Alarm Ventilation for Home-using Appliance Based on Gas Sensor TGS813基于TGS813的家用可燃气体泄漏报警装置的设计

3.Leakage Alarm Techniques for the Oil Pipeline管道泄漏报警技术在长输管道管理中的综合应用

4.The Research and Development of Real-Time Leak-Detection and Alarm System of Oil Pipeline;输油管道泄漏实时监测报警系统的研究与开发

5.Design of Monitoring and Alarming System for Urban Underground Gas Pipe Leakage城市地下燃气管道泄漏监测报警系统设计

6.The leak of information was officially inspired.这一情报的泄漏是官方授意的。

7.He denied that he had leaked their reports to Anderson.他否认把他们的报告泄漏给了安得森。

8.Designing the Leaking Current Fire Alarming System and its application一种漏电火灾报警系统的设计与应用

9.To make known(something private or secret.泄露泄漏(秘密,隐私等)

10.electrical leakage resistance抗电气泄漏,漏电阻抗

11.Modeling on the leakage of frequently used toxic chemicals and determination of the zone of emergent rescue;常见有毒化学品泄漏事故模型及救援警戒区的确定

12.Observe the pressure differential gauge. If there is a decrease in the indicated value, the No. 1 check valve is reported as leaking.观察压差表。如果指示值有下降,则1号止回阀就报告为泄漏。

13.What?! Company K has come out with the same product? There must be an information leak out in our company.什么?!K公司推出同样产品呀?一定是我们公司的情报被泄漏。

14.Research on Drift of Marine Chemical Spill Forecasting Geographic Information System Based on VB and MapX Control;基于VB+MapX的海上化学品泄漏漂移预报地理信息系统的研究

15.On the Northern Song Dynasty real-time prohibited the northwest border military intelligence leakage Act;论北宋真仁时期严禁西北边防军事情报泄漏的法令

16.Application of Modbus general wire and CAN general wire in EFP systemModbus总线与CAN总线在漏电火灾报警中的应用

17.Design of Intelligent Leakage Current Fire Alarming System Based on PIC Microcontroller基于PIC单片机的智能漏电火灾报警系统的设计

18.The criminal was hiding away from the police, but a small boy let the cat out of the bag when he told the police that there was a man in the house.罪犯正躲避警方的搜查,但一位小男孩泄漏了秘密,他告诉警方屋里有一个男人。


leak alarm漏泄警报

3)leak alarm漏泄报警器

4)leakage/jam alarm泄漏堵塞报警

5)leak monitoring and control valve泄漏报警与阀控

6)gas leakge alarm system燃气泄漏报警


