1500字范文 > 项目施工管理 item construction management英语短句 例句大全

项目施工管理 item construction management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-04 12:12:49


项目施工管理 item construction management英语短句 例句大全

项目施工管理,item construction management

1)item construction management项目施工管理

1.It analysesitem construction management,discusses mode of construction management in accordance with the market regular law,brings forward the view of thought innovation,organization innovation,system innovation and technique innovation,points out that only innovation can make constructing enterprises develop healthily and continuously.对项目施工管理进行了分析,从探索符合市场规律的建筑工程施工管理模式方面进行了论述,提出了观念创新、组织机构创新、体制创新、机制创新、技术创新的理念,指出唯有创新才能使施工企业健康持续的发展。


1.Discussion on Construction Management s Transformation of Construction Decoration Engineering Project;建筑装饰工程项目施工管理变革研究

2.Studies and Practices of Methods of Project Management;工程项目施工管理方法的研究与实践

3.The Whole Course Construction Management and Gole Control of Construction Project;施工项目全过程施工管理及目标控制

4.Clearly Define Project Manager s Responsibility,Standardize Construction Project Management;明确项目经理职责 规范施工项目管理

5.Optimizing the Construction Project Management and Strengthening the Construction Cost Control;优化施工项目管理 加强项目成本控制

6.Construction Enterprise Quota,the Basis of Construction Item Management;施工项目管理的基础—施工企业定额

7.The process control of Project Arrangement浅谈施工项目管理中施工进度的控制

8.Project Management Theory in Construction Project Safety Control Application;项目管理理论在施工项目安全管理中的应用

9.Performance Evaluation of ERP Implementation Based on the Project Management Theory;基于工程项目管理理论的ERP项目实施目标评价

10.Discussion on Risk Management in the Construction Project Management Practice;工程项目管理实施中的风险管理探讨

11.Objective Cost Management Method Investigate of Construction Project建筑施工项目目标成本管理方法研究

12.Construction Enterprise Project Management System Target Cost Analysis施工企业项目目标成本管理体系分析

13.Thinking of Cost Control of Construction Project for Construction Project Dept关于施工项目部对工程项目成本管理的思考

14.The Important role of Project Manager in Construction Project Management项目经理在施工项目管理中的重要作用

15.The Research on Management of Construction Enterprise Project Responsibility for the Cost;施工企业工程项目责任成本管理研究

16.The Research of the Project Cost Management of Highway Road Surface Construction;公路路面工程施工项目成本管理研究

17.Research on the Project Cost Control and Management of Highway Construction;公路施工项目工程造价控制管理研究

18.A Research on Bidding Risk Management of Construction Enterprise s Engineering Project;施工企业工程项目投标风险管理研究


construction project management施工项目管理

1.Considerations on several issues in intensifyingconstruction project management;对加强施工项目管理若干问题的思考

2.Simple discussion onconstruction project management of building enterprise;浅谈建筑企业的施工项目管理

3.Through illustrating the key elements and control methods ofconstruction project management,this paper points out that man should carries out detailed analysis of each production element in construction project,and proposes control methods for common concrete cracks in several main force sites in construction,which to offer some technical methods to compile construction scheme.通过阐述施工项目管理的关键要素和控制方法,指出必须对施工项目的各生产要素进行详细的分析,提出了施工中常见的几个主要受力部位混凝土裂缝的控制方法,为编写施工组织方案提供一些技术方法。

3)project method of construction managemet项目法施工管理

4)engineering project construction management工程项目施工管理

1.In this paper,a solution base on WEB to visualize the task,progress,achievement and business information in theengineering project construction management is presented.本文针对工程项目管理中传统信息可视化无法直观、动态表达工程项目施工信息的缺点,提出了基于WEB的工程项目施工管理目标、进度、成果和业务信息可视化的解决方法。

5)management planning of construction projects施工项目管理规划

1.Some items should be understood correctly in the execution,such as func-tion of the code,the relationship with the international practice,the relationship with the construction organiza-tional design,how to deal with themanagement planning of construction projects,matrix form organization,the disassembly necessity of project manager department,contract problem,applicat.《建设工程项目管理规范》颁布已1年多,在实施中对一些问题应有正确的认识:包括规范的作用,与国际做法的关系,与施工组织设计的关系,如何对待施工项目管理规划,矩阵式组织,项目经理部解体的必要性,承包问题,网络计划技术的应用,质量管理体系标准与TQC的关系,项目成本核算制,施工平面图的作用,内部市场,生产要素管理中的风险防范等。

6)project construction cost management项目施工成本管理


