1500字范文 > 皮质盲 Cortical blindness英语短句 例句大全

皮质盲 Cortical blindness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-22 18:16:13


皮质盲 Cortical blindness英语短句 例句大全

皮质盲,Cortical blindness

1)Cortical blindness皮质盲

1.Objective To study the effect of Compound Danshen and Dengzhanhuasu on treating cortical blindness.目的评价复方丹参联合灯盏花素治疗皮质盲的效果。

2)cortical blindness皮质性盲

3)cerebral achromatopsia皮质性色盲


1.In this paper two new species of genusCoridromius Signoret from Southern China are described:Coridromius testaceous sp.皮盲蝽属CoridromiusSignoret世界已有记载共6种。

5)organic blindness器质性盲

6)Subcutaneous Blind Loop皮下盲袢式


1.Clinical study on choledochojejunostomy together with a subcutaneous blind loop of interposed jejunum皮下盲袢式间置空肠胆管空肠吻合术的临床研究

2.Vieussen"s ansa(锁骨下袢) 维厄桑氏袢

3.cyst-jejunum loop anastomosis囊肿空肠肠袢式吻合术

4.Fistulae can form between loops of bowel, bladder, and skin.瘘管可在肠袢间、膀胱和皮肤形成。

5.Objective To discuss the therapeutic effectiveness and value of ligating in input loop of cholangion jejunostomy.目的探讨输入袢结扎胆管空肠袢式吻合术的疗效及价值。

6.The nerves of the infrahyoid neuro-muscular pedicle are mainly derived from the superior root of the ansa cervicalis.舌骨下肌群神经肌蒂的神经主要来自颈袢上根。

7.A Comparative Clinical Research between the Uncut Roux-en-Y Choledochojejunostomy and the Roux-en-Y Choledochojejunostomy;结扎输入段袢式与Roux-en-Y式胆肠吻合术的比较性研究

8.Alimentary Canal Reconstruction by Improving Jejunal Loop ⅡType after Total Gastrectomy in 34 Patients全胃切除后袢式空肠改良Ⅱ式消化道重建术34例分析

9.bottom singling belt conveyer下吸式单板皮带运输机

10.Minimally invasivly protective transverse loop colostomy经上腹正中切口制作横结肠袢式扭转造口临床分析

11.Reinnervation of the Canine Posterior Cricoarytenoid Muscles With Sympathetic Preganglionic Neurons and Ansa Hypoglossi用颈交感干和舌下神经袢再支配狗环杓后肌的研究

12.type genus of the Myxinidae (typical hagfishes).(典型盲鳗)盲鳗科的一个模式属。

13.grovelling, mole-eyed blockhead that I was.下贱的,盲目的大傻瓜。

14.Role of "two-point" stoma and pacing tubes bilateral through afferent loop of patients with Billroth Ⅱ and Braun anastomosis during post operation and chemotherapy输入袢空肠两点造口双向置管在胃癌毕Ⅱ式吻合术后早期及化疗期间肠内营养中的应用

15.The naughty boys mocked the blind man.那些顽皮的男孩子愚弄那位盲人。

16.The Mechanism of Plasticity between Parietal and Occipital Cortex for the Blind;盲人顶-枕皮质可塑性的脑神经机制

17.Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.爱是盲目的,婚姻的眼睛可是雪亮。(,本应盲下去的。

18.In 1994 the number of China"s total illiterates dropped to 150 million, and the illiteracy rate dropped to 17 percent;到1994年,中国的文盲人数已下降到1.5亿,文盲率下降为17%;


cortical blindness皮质性盲

3)cerebral achromatopsia皮质性色盲


1.In this paper two new species of genusCoridromius Signoret from Southern China are described:Coridromius testaceous sp.皮盲蝽属CoridromiusSignoret世界已有记载共6种。

5)organic blindness器质性盲

6)Subcutaneous Blind Loop皮下盲袢式


皮质盲皮质盲cortical blindness大脑枕叶视觉区(17区)病损引起之失明。瞳孔对光反射存在、眼底正常,但无视觉功能,是诊断皮质盲的几个重要条件。强光下患者的眼球突出,不闭目,但眼球运动正常,可伴有或没有偏瘫、感觉障碍、失语和定向力障碍等。发病原因多与中枢感染有关,可自行恢复。
