1500字范文 > 课程评价方法 curriculum evaluation methods英语短句 例句大全

课程评价方法 curriculum evaluation methods英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-17 12:51:19


课程评价方法 curriculum evaluation methods英语短句 例句大全

课程评价方法,curriculum evaluation methods

1)curriculum evaluation methods课程评价方法

1.There are three key aspects in this course: establish diverse concept of curriculum evaluation,utilize diversecurriculum evaluation methods,and combine diverse curriculum evaluation aims.在此过程中,确立多元课程评价观念,运用多元课程评价方法,融合多元课程评价目的是最为关键的三个问题。


1.Discussing Evaluation of IT Curriculum in the Reform of New Curriculum;浅谈新课程理念下高中信息技术课程评价方法

2.An Effective Assessment Method for Preschool Inclusive Programs: Curriculum-based Assessment;学前融合课程评价的有效方法:课程性评估

3.Research on Teacher Evaluation in the New Course Reform;新课程改革中对教师评价方法的研究

4.Application of AHP method on the evaluation of courses teaching quality;AHP方法在课程教学质量评价中的应用

5.Study of the Relation between the Appraisal Method and the Efficient Moral Education Curriculum;评价方法与德育课程实效化关系研究

6.On Methodology Element of Curriculum Evaluation: Action Research;论课程评价的方法论基础:行动研究

7.The comprehensive evaluation of the undergraduate specialty course setup of high altitude military medicine with TOPSIS method;应用TOPSIS法综合评价专业课程设置方案

8.An Inquiry into the Modes of the Achievement Evaluations of the Common Required Course in Handwriting in Colleges and Universities高校公共书法课程成绩评价方式探究

9.Evaluation Method for Course Association Relation Based on Granule Computation基于粒计算的课程关联关系评价方法

10.The Enlightenment of Qualitative Evaluation Methods to Curriculum Evaluation of Bask Education;质性评定方法对我国基础教育课程评价的启示

11.The Goals of New Chemistry Curriculum (Process and Method) and Its Appraisal Implementation Research;化学新课程目标(过程与方法)及其评价实施研究

12.The Technical and Method Study on Educational management:The Assessment of Course Important Level;教育管理技术方法研究——课程重要程度的评价

13.Assessment of General Education in American Universities:A Course-embedded Approach;美国大学通识教育评价的一种方法:课程嵌入式评价法

14.Research on Assessment Method of the Students Schoolwork in the Information Technology Curriculum in High School;高中信息技术课程学生学业评价方法研究

15.A New Perspective on the Assessment of Internet Courses--From the View of Fuzzy Mathematics;基于模糊数学方法综合评价网络课程的新思考

16.Preliminary Study on Evaluation Methods of Mechanical and Electrical Courses in Higher Vocational Education;对高职机电类课程考核评价方法的初步探索

17.Research and Application on the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Grade of Curriculum Design;课程设计成绩模糊综合评价方法研究及应用

18.On high school IT evaluation method of teaching;高中信息技术课程教学评价方法的探讨


local-curriculum evaluation地方课程评价

1.It can be advanced by a newlocal-curriculum evaluation.目前 ,地方课程尚处于弱势状态 ,需要多方面的支持 ,通过具有新的内涵的地方课程评价可以促进其发展 ,评价理念的确立是首要问题。

3)course evaluation课程评价

1.A Course Evaluation Model of Graduate Student Based on ANN基于人工神经网络的研究生课程评价模型

2.Thecourse evaluation of ideological cultivation should obey the Principles of directivity,development,and integration.思想品德课程评价要坚持方向性原则、发展性原则、整体性原则。

3.The reform ofcourse evaluation should be carried out and the practice in which one examination decides everything be altered.课程评价要改革,要改变一考定终身的状况。

4)Curriculum evaluation课程评价

1.On Situation and Reform of Curriculum Evaluation of University Zoological Curriculum;大学《动物学》课程评价现状及改革

2.Method of curriculum evaluation on fuzzy multifactorial evaluation;基于模糊综合评判的课程评价方法

3.Some suggestions on the PE curriculum evaluation in colleges of China;关于我国普通高校体育课程评价的几点建议

5)curriculum assessment课程评价

1.Classroom teaching assessment is an important part ofcurriculum assessment which serves as the key to the new curriculum reform.课程评价是新课程改革的关键,课堂教学评价是课程评价的重要组成部分,是新课程实施的导航器。

2.To solve these problems, curricula of higher vocational education should put emphasis on profession, application, practice and modern characteristics, break subject-like curriculum organization mode, integrate curriculum contents, be centered on abilities and putcurriculum assessment into the system of curriculum construction.针对这些问题,高职教育课程在改革过程中,要突出课程设置的职业性、应用性、实践性、现代性特色,打破学科式的课程组织方式,整合课程内容、凸显能力本位,并将课程评价纳入课程建设体系之中。

6)course evaluation system and methods课程评价体系和考核方法


泵的噪声测量与评价方法(国家标准)本标准中声功率级测定方法等效采用国际标准ISO 3746-1979《声学—噪声源声功率级测定—概测法》。 1、主要内容与适用范围 本标准规定了泵的噪声测量与评价方法。 本标准适用于除潜液泵、往复泵以外的各种型式泵和泵用调速液力偶合器。在应用本标准时应优先选择声功率级方法,在条件不具备时才采用声压级方法。有争议时以声功率级为准。 2、引用标准 GB 3102.7 声学的量和单位 GB 3240 声学测量中的常用频率 GB 3241 声和振动分析用1/1和1/3倍频程滤波器 GB 3768 噪声源声功率级的测定简易法 GB 3785 声级计的电、声性级及测试方法 GB 3974 声学名词术语 JJG 176 声压级校准器试行检定规程 JJG 188 声级计试行检定规程 JJG 277 标准声源检定规程 3、泵的声功率级测定方法 本标准规定的声功率级测定方法与GB 3768规定的方法一致,应用本方法能够较准确地了解泵或泵机组的噪声水平。在需要精确测定泵声源的声功率级时,应考虑原动机(电动机、内燃机等)噪声的影响,必要时应对原动机采取隔声(如隔声罩)等降低影响的措施。 3.1测量误差 测量误差系指由各种因素造成的累积的标准偏差。 按本标准规定测量泵的声功率级的误差为: a.对泵声源,其标准偏差不大于4dB; b.在相同测试环境中对同类型泵进行比较时,其标准偏差不大于3dB。 3.2声学测量环境 理想的声学测量环境应是除一反射面(地面)外无其他反射物体。在反射面上方近似为一自由场。适合本标准的测量环境为宽广的户外或满足要求的房间。测量泵的噪声一般都在试验室(试泵场)进行。 3.2.1对测量环境(试验室、试泵场)的要求 评定试验室是否符合要求的标准为A/S≥1(A为试验室房间的吸声量,S为测量表面的面积)或环境修正值K2≤7。
