1500字范文 > 9B Unit3 Asia导学案3_九年级英语教案

9B Unit3 Asia导学案3_九年级英语教案

时间:2022-11-09 23:53:33


9B Unit3 Asia导学案3_九年级英语教案



9b unit 3 study skills











个性化补充step 1 revisionrevise the language points in last class ‘integrated skills’check the preview work. help them to give the chinese meanings of the key phrases on the paper.let the ss share their own preview work about transitions between ideas, they can exchange their ideas, the more the better. step 2 presentation the teacher shows the ss transitions between ideas on the bb or screen. then give them some minutes to learn these words by themselves, next ask them to discuss with partners, and try to catch the chinese meanings of these words. at last the ss read the three paragraphs by themselves, if they have some questions, they can ask teacher or their classmates for help. step 3 practice 1first, ask the ss to read the passages on page 52, then ask them some questions about it. therefore, they can have some more details.next, the teacher helps the ss find out how it is organized, and ask them to underline the transitions.finally, let the ss talk about how these transitions are used to connect sentences. the teacher can draw a conclusion for them. step 4 practice 2 ask the ss to fill in blanks according to chinese with proper transitions, then the ss can check their answers with help of the teacher, the teacher can explain the usage of transitions.step 5 practice 3give the ss 2 minutes to finish the passage with right transitions, choose the best students to give the others some help. step 6 rewriting help the ss to rewrite the composition film or book, which do you prefer? again, and try to use suitable transitions. the ss check the compositions each other, and invite some of them to report to the class what they learn from the others’ and what they should pay attention to. step 7 writing give the students 4-5 minute to complete the sample composition is daily homework necessary or not ?let the students figure out the mistakes and how to make it better. step 8 a summary analysis the structure of the passage and work out the structure about how to write a better composition.
